Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/86

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Brazil, extradition. Treaty and protocol between the United States and Brazil for the extradition of criminals. Signed respectively at Rio de Janeiro May 14, 1897, and May 28, 1898; ratification with amendments advised by the Senate February 28, 1899; ratified by the President February 13, 1903; ratified by Brazil April 14, 1903; ratification exchanged at Rio de Janeiro April 18, 1903; proclaimed April 30, 1903
Haiti, naturalization. Naturalization treaty between the United States and the Republic of Haiti. Signed at Washington March 22, 1902; ratification advised by the Senate February 1, 1904; ratified by the President March 17, 1904; ratified by Haiti April 24, 1903; ratifications exchanged at Washingtion March 19, 1904; proclaimed March 24, 1904
Spain, friendship and general relations. Treaty between the United States and Spain. Friendship and general relations. Signed at Madrid July 3, 1902; ratification advised by the Senate December 16, 1902; ratified by the President February 6, 1903; ratified by Spain March 30, 1903; ratification exchanged at Madrid April 14, 1903; proclaimed April 20, 1903
Greece, consular. Convention between the United States and Greece defining the rights, privileges, and immunities of consular officers in the two countries. Signed at Athens November 19, 1902, December 2, 1902; ratification with amendment advised by the Senate February 16, 1903; ratified by the President May 20, 1903; ratified by Greece June 25, 1903, July 8, 1903; ratification exchanged at Athens July 9, 1903; proclaimed July 11, 1903
Cuba, commercial. Commercial convention between the United States and Cuba. Signed at Habana December 11, 1902; ratification with amendments advised by the Senate March 19, 1903; ratified by the President March 30, 1903; ratified by Cuba March 30, 1903; ratification exchanged at Washington March 31, 1903; proclaimed December 17, 1903
Cuba, commercial supplementary. Supplementary convention between the United States and Cuba extending the time within which may be exchanged the ratifications of the commercial convention, signed on December 11, 1902. Signed at Washington January 26, 1903; ratification advised by the Senate February 16, 1903; ratified by the President March 30, 1903; ratified by Cuba March 30, 1903; ratifications exchanged at Washington March 31, 1903; proclaimed December 17, 1903
Guatemala, extradition. Treaty between the United States and the Republic of Guatemala for the mutual extradition of fugitives from justice. Signed at Washington February 27, 1903; ratification advised by the Senate March 11, 1903; ratified by the President July 8, 1903; ratified by Guatemala June 12, 1903; ratifications exchanged at Washington July 16, 1903; proclaimed July 17,1903
Haiti, naturalization supplementary. Treaty between the United States and Haiti extending the time within which may be effected the exchange of ratifications of the treaty of naturalization between the two countries signed March 22, 1902. Signed at Washington February 28, 1903; ratification advised by the Senate February 1, 1904; ratified by the President March 17, 1904; ratified by Haiti April 24, 1903; ratifications exchanged at Washington March 19, 1904; proclaimed March 24, 1904
Liberia, money order. Convention for the exchange of money orders between the Republic of Liberia and the United States of America. Signed April 25, 1903, June 9, 1903
Transvaal, money order. Convention between the colony of the Transvaal and the United States of America concerning the exchange of money orders. Signed April 28, 1903, June 13, 1903
Great Britain, Zanzibar light and harbor dues. Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, acting in the name of the Sultan of Zanzibar, amending the treaty of amity and commerce concluded September 21, 1833, between the United States and the Sultan of Muscat, so as to permit the imposition of light and harbor dues on vessels of the United States entering the ports of Zanzibar and Pemba. Signed at Washington June 5, 1903; ratification advised by the Senate November 25, 1903; ratified by the President December 8, 1903; ratified by Great Britain June 30, 1903; ratifications exchanged at Washington December 24, 1903; proclaimed December 24, 1903
