Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/458

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srxrrsnoosn oosennss. sm 11. ca. ass. mz. 435 ` runuc nnarxrrr Arm ummm-rrosrrrax. smzvrcn. mmm ¤••¤*¤¤•¤·· f llllxpenses of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, as ***¤· P·*°°· o ows: · Fozgay allowance, and commutation of quarters for commissioned P"- °"°· medi officersand pharmacists, $437,780. For six additional assistant surgeons who have had a special train- ,,,E,;§§: °" '“"“'·‘ ing in the diagnosis of insanity and mental defect for duty in connection with the examination of arriving aliens with special reference to the detection of mental defection, $11,760. ger pa;235 assistant surgeons (noncommissioned medical o cers , . F y f all th l ( dan d f h) S or a o o eremployees atten ts, an so ort , 465,805; For grerght, transportation, and traveling expenses, $30,000; ""°'¤‘“· °'°· For fuel, light, and water, $70,000; F““l·°°°· For furniture and repairs to same, $8,000; _ '“'¤*'*“°· Fofi purgveyi:)g) depot, purchase of medical, surgical, and hospital “"”“°* su es, 45, ; _ lien- improvement and repairs of to be occupied bi the P“"°¥‘”* *1**- purveying depot in Washington District of olumbia, includi1§ _ eat- _ mg and lighting and expenses oi removal, shelving, and for ad tional . temporary labor incidental thereto $2,000. ' For mamtaining the Hygienic Laboratozy, $17,000; ‘***°”·°°*¥~ For maintenance of marme hospitals, in uding subsistence, and for ,,,}_*P},§,‘,f';}c§¤°• °* all other n :3;* miscellaneous meggnses, which are not mcluded A¤¢.p.m under specifics: s, $245,000: Pr ° , That there may be admitted Mun. into said hospitals for study, persons with infectious or other diseases r.,,‘$€.T"d'§}°“ °' °"" lsiffectiing the public health, and not to exceed tencases in any one it at one time. Dillon- medical examinations, care of seamen care and treatment of _,?°*"°• °••¤¤*· all other persons entitled to relief, and miscellaneous expenses other than marine hospitals, which are not included under special heads, $126,000. For journals and scientific books, for use of the Public Health and ’°°**· °‘°— Marine-Hospital Bureau; subscriptions for journals for use of the service may be paid for in advance, $500. In all, $1,658,845, which shall include the amount necessary for the {,'{,',§’?,f';,‘§g,;”°¤*· medics}: inspection of alaignls, las required by tgection sevelriteeiri-ocg ths ' Act o ongress approv e mary twentie , nineteen un an seven. · Marine Hospital New Orleans, Louisiana: For mortuary, $600. N"' °"°""· 1* Marine Hospital Sanatorium, Fort Stanton, New Mexico: For uf}? S"““"‘· l'· milk house an cold storage, $4,000. 1 Honolnilu Quarantine Station, Hawaii: For sewerage system and H°“°'“’“· H“"”· atnnes, 35,000. __ * (Quarantine Service: For the maintenance and ordinary expenses, exc usive of gay of oEicsrs and euiployees, of riplprantine stations at Aw. 1>-•'¤- Eastport an ortland Maine; rovidence, ode Island; Perth Amboy, New Jerseg; Belaware Breakwater; Reedy Island; Alexandria Virgina; ape Charles and snlilpplemental station thereto; Cape Fear, ewbern, and Washir§ton orth Carolina; Georgetown, Charleston, Beaufort; and Port oyal, South Carolina; Savannah; South Atlantic; Brunswick; Cumberland Sound; Saint Johns River; Biscayne Bag; Ke West; Boca Grande; Tam a Bay; Port Inglis; Cedar Key; unta a; Saint Geo Sound &ast and West Pass); Saint Joseph; Saint Andrews, anl§°sPensaco Florida; Mobile; New Orleans and supplemental stations thereto; Pascagoula; Gulf; Laredo, Eagle Pass, and El Paso, Texas; San Diieigo, San Pedro and adjoinmgcports, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, onterey, and Port Harfdalif F BraggE k,Cl b°R` Fl or , ornia; ort , ure a o um ia iver, orence,.