Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/537

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514 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. 11. cs. asv. 1912. members of the lag¤latum' fu] to elections for Delegate from Alaska to at Ho11s:Bo¥h% l.11%ee. sam- M web Sec. 6. Oonvmrme aim snssxons or r.¤ersr.a·r¤¤.-(That the Leg- “"'°'°""°’°""‘ islatnue of at the capgzol at theenty oflalunggiii Alaska, March m un ` andthir0t:en,andontheli1;tMondagn1lE·l·.Ih,eyerytwoyeam unseen {Enaeaftcr; bggthe sa1diul?l;latt‘1;e not coutinuemgi B$Bl<?; a¥.°°°”u°°” °°°` by a proclamation of the governor, which shall set forth the object thereof and give at least days' written notice to each mernberofsaidmture, andinsu caseshall not continue in session longer than days. The governor of Alaska ishereby authorizedto co1rvenethele€:l•t¤ninextraordinm·yse+ aionforapenodnotexeeedxfifteeui yswhenrequested todo so by theghesident ofjhetllni States, or when any public danger or necessi ma require 1 ‘ ·

 Sec.   Onyiaaznzxnox or rn uem.a·ruu.—'l‘hat when the legislatmeahallconveme nmder thelaw, thesemateandhouse of repretativesshalleachorganizeby theelectionofouieof theirnmnberas

pnaidjngo£cer, whoshall bedesmatedin thecaseof thesenate as ‘P1`$l(l.8Ilt0fl•ll.BB6Dht·0"IDdh1 caseof thehoniseofrepresenta- ’{"’°'°"‘°'“”‘ tives as;ss1eaker of the house representatives," and by the electgonby bodyof thesubordmateofficersglrovidedtorixnsection ¤~¤-.••¤·1¤¤.r·¤•· hundred and sixty-oneocf theUnited tates Revised Statutes eighteen hundred anélmseventy-eight, and each of sudaislitbordmau officem shall receive com tion v1ded’ .’ section: ...1M rmuaz, aw mymon shall_¤ em r wie; easy, nga, 31; compumatxon as not provided in appropriation made by ngress. · '¤¤*·°‘°-·°"•"* Sm. 8. Eiucrme 0LAUEl—·S`U$1Ul.' or ao-1·.—That the enacting clause of all laws Passed by_the legislature shall be "Be it enacted by the Igature o the Territonglof Alaska." No law shall embrace dw} mgm 9 lone subject, which all be exprssed ifs title. ,, _ nc. . _¤e1s1.a·rrvm mwmz-—Lmu·a·r1o¤s.-— lativ M Wm of the ffemtory shall extend to all rightful subjects of egislasisghgmt inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States but no law shall be assed interfering with the disposal oi '*‘*‘“°'* theeoil; no tax shalllbe imposed upon the property oi the United mm hu; _ States- nor shall the lands or other property of nonresidents be m_ W '· g¤ m· than the lands or other property of residents; nor shall th; atu;•; to anyvplorporation, stssociau;_<;.1‘:;l<;:·]si11dividual ve nmrmmi , ‘ hgwrdau 1¤¤•¤.¢¤·· the mltive approval gfn ; nor sgallmthe legislatuvxpeugggg local or_ in any of e cases enumerated u1 the Act of July thnrtieth, eaghteen hundred and eighty-six; nor shall it grant ug!-sx::1”i¥:i>‘?£rv private charters or special privileges, but it may by general act er· ¤...,.r ‘ mit penonsto associate themselves together as co ratepfor manufacturmg, mining, agricultural, and other industrialpomsuits and for the conduct o busmess of insurance, savings banks Banks oi dnscogmt and deposit (but not of imue), loans, trust, and,guaranty associations, for the establishment and conduct of cemeteries and I for construction and operators of w _ roads, vehsels, and njngating ditches, and the colonization and nm rovement f lands m connection therewith, or for colleges seminaiiies church; libraries, or any other benevolent, charitable, or scientific sssociationl wxgaimwme rem- but_tl::i;1t;l;orcg.yp0 in this section shall only ptermit the or: Em) _ reonsorassoeiationswhosechief usinessshall Dlvemailcdma ·m the T to f Alaska; · mam, 3* ..1iZu°..., av..§;°&"°”°ad°h‘"b "?1.E'3.‘.€».";'2’§ Ei? T“¤‘°'7·°¤l¤¤¤th¤•pp|i¤¤¤t*h¤rsg>1i-snshaHl’i’avcresidedintha