Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/834

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III.` (Ju. 144. 1913} 8]] Improv' channel connecting Mobile Bay and Mimissi i Sound ¥°W• A1- Alabama :L'I‘i%?ro)ect adopted hi the river and harbor Acglzipproved uh July twenty- th, nineteen hun and twelve, may, upon recom- ,,,,_°°‘§•,,_°“‘•‘* mendation of the Chief of Engineers and approval of the Secretary P of War, be modified tp include the whole or any part of Grants Pass: Promded,Thatallr1ghtscla1medmandtoGra1its,Passshall be g··•*•••· released and surrendered to the United States, and thatany saving l•a:Ln_ P"' "` or difference m the cost of actual construction that may result from . theuseof any orallofGrantsPassma ,ascompensationforsaid rights be paid to thexrment ownem -o¥the`pass or their Prmmled further, That e total cost of the completion of the pro act o¤•u¤¤•»¤. shall ngt ble; thireby mcieasaddeggiept to the axtenlthzf .820,000, which ` amoun is ere ya ropna :_ farther tnotmorethm nmmensum g20,0g0Ishal1bepai¢)i)1nanycaseforal1r1ghtsciai1uedinandtosaid?'°"°*"" Improving harbor at Biloxi, Mk1ss1p' it For maintenance $5 000. m°’**m‘ Improving harbor at Gulfport, Mbsigsippi: Continuing ’ ve— °""’°'°"“"· ment and for gmamtenance of anchorage basm at and cgiinel therefrom to the anchorage or roadstead at Ship and for the improvement and maintenance of channel at Ship Island Pas, $$7,000, of which amount so much as shall be necessary ma , in the ¤‘¤°¤¤•1>1•¤•- dmcretion of the Secretary of War, be applied to the compilation of the dredging giant hereto ore authorized. Improving orn Island Pass, Formaintenance, $5,000. m°,§_”” '“°‘ ""'· _ Improving harbor at Pascagoula, Mississippi: For maintenance of P•¤¢¤¤•· ¤¤¤· imgrovement of channel at the mouths of Pascagoula and Dglg Rivers, an for continuing improvement and extendiughsaid chann through ,°¥,;:·g•j{{¤ =*·•¤¤•¤ Mississippi Soun an Horn Island Pass to e Gulf of Mexico m accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and eight;-two, S1xty-second Congress, second session, and subject to the con 'tions set forth in said document, $110,000. Improving Big Sunflower River, Mississippi: Continuing iaprove- ,,L'°"""°""**“'· ment in accordance with the report submitted in Rivers and arbors Committee Document Numbered Two, Sixty-second Congress, second session, 8120,000. _ _ _ Improving Pascagoula and Leaf Rivers, Mississippi: For mainte- ,,§*••,§*_§}__‘••°‘"*" nance $14,000. Improving Pearl River, Mississippi: Continuing improvement and '••" *“'·*·“* for maintenance below Rockport, $37,000. _ _ _ _ Improving Wolf and Jordan Rivers, Mississippi: For maintenance, Eff; ,:;*2 ·'°'** $5 000. lm rovin Yazoo River i: For maintenance of im- Y••°°,,, ,*·*'•*,·¥,*¤· proveiiment if mouth of Ylazoo Rive]; and harbor of Vicksburg, V " $10,000. Im rovmg' Yazoo River and tributaries, Misimippi: For mainte- ¤¤¤‘¤¤¤¤¤·- nancgof improvement, including Yazoo, Tal1ahatch1e,_Big Sunflower, and Coldwater Rivers, Tchula Lake, Steele and Washmgton Bayous, Lallie W , andfear $4;,000. _ _ _ LO _ _ d wm emovmg' e water yacm' , ori a, M;ss1ss1' pn, msiana, an Texas: For the removal of the water hyacinth gem the uavggable g_1 l.a¤' waters in the States of Mississippi, Lou1siana,_and Texas, so ar as °"‘· it is or may become_an obstruction to navigation, $15.000- Im roving Ba ous Bartholomew, Macon, D’Arlgonne, and Corncy, mg·_;r<;g u¤•r¤·¤¤·> and libeuf and 'lxmsas Rivers, Louisiana: For maintenance, $16,000. " _ ' Im roving Bogue Falia, Bayou Manchac, and Amite, Chefuncte, ”°¤“°*"“"·°‘°··“· and 'Fickfaw Rivers, Louisiana: For mnintenance,_$7,000. Improving Jchnsons Bayou, Louisiana: For maintenance, $2,500. "‘*"""“‘“°>°°-‘* Improving Bayou Lafourche, Louisiana: For maintenance, $2 ,000. B"°“‘·"‘°"’°’°'·‘* Improving Bayou Queue do Tortus, Louisiana: For maintenance, ,§{,,{:‘,‘L_°"°”° °' $1,000.