Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/871

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848 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Srss. III. Ch. 145: 1913. mm, ° habits, dtimes dlineofmngh tory reemmeemme- omgy :to selectmand designate su1t- “°°° abt fordi!l’e1entportionsof the_country,and1tehallbe unlawful to shoot or by any grseue capture

eshallviol•te•nyof‘rtlnepruvisin¤1s·or _ tionspf

thas wforthe of¤:igntorybnds;l;(sa‘llbe tyogaimisi demeamo d be had not or ¤¤P¤¤0 M more da or both inmtilgdkcretion of the court. rnurnsusnolnsu- ’_[‘h°D° ytx, ’ I afterthepre ° of¤aidI0gl1— 2S“;»¤s‘£“°"““1.em,¤5°.°1itZ`Ql•lZ.u»gg.mepobe_m¤ae eng ,.;..1 mu mow s' perk>dcfthreebr;ontlEl;1n·:h1d}sa1dngnxl»s¤omma£beexsmmed

oni,md adoptiolishallcause tnepmsfgé

,,,",,, tobeengrossedamlsumittedto thePremrientoftl»UnitedStetes mwcnhulkn for approval: however, mm herem contained shall _ bedeemedtcsiectormtegferewrthtlxe lawsof theSta.tesgnd Temjntotrss 50: thejrotsctren of nonm1gr·atI;•:)·{'·t,<:;)a;)ne or NI s andTerritoriesI¤¤nenactinglswsmdregnlatir»nstc°tg¤romoteand ~ msnderdlicienttheregulationsoftlxeDepart¤:ent Agiculture Tlm·eishereby ,o‘u$of anymo:eysm_tl1e°`I1*;•snrry not otlsu·wme' r purpose ecsnpng. these - pmviioms, thesum 810,000. In all, for general $141,000. Total for mean of logical Survey, $170,900. M¤¤¤¤¤ ·¤¤ W DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS AND D . iu1¤h llvien. P- ¤¢¤¤*·*¤*¤*** Saunas, Dmsxex Aocomrrs Drssussmmms: 0neeh'f ¥‘.t‘.‘.:;“.?;" """'* of asvssm me oatmeal.; nur, whotllyll he administrative emmzs the fiscal aifairs of the , $4,000; one assistant chief of division, $2,750; one of 0Ece to&2 and fecal agent, $2,500; 'ct egents, s , · one per-uemg° •uditor,“$;?g50; one auditor, $2 000; one cashier’a¤d glhef clerk {.’.f».°°¤...’ °“° "°£’“22’»a°“5”‘“Zi“‘r°‘°‘$‘i;»§’°°°e...‘ "¥° ‘°°£""‘w.¤,-.‘““‘.§‘¤.§»‘2$i , a , ea ; wo , our·· , class seventeen clerks, class two; nine clerks, fclose one; four clerlsigat $1 212 eazb; five clerks, at $900‘;sch; one custodian of rece an , ,400; one messenger, _ 20; one messenger or messe be , 8600. Tomr Dlvision of Accounts and Disbursements, $104,370. ‘§:"“°“°"' ”"" DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS.

  • ’·*.°‘ °"‘..·‘..°'%*· seam, nmems o Ptmu on ¤ On oem , ho shan be

gy ‘ division, $3,2505 one odiggzl who shall be agsisvtant chief of glrzvagin, 8%,500; one chtlelftclgjlgé $2,000;1two sssisltant editors, at eee ; our ams rs, at ,800 ; ' editor, $1,Q00; one assistant editor, $1,400; oneazsistggz charge of rndezmg, $2,000; one mdexer, 81,400;.bne assistant in ¢=}¤¤‘g¤ of illustrations, $2,100; one draftaman or photographer, $1,600; one draftsman or photographer, $1,500; one draftzunan or hotographor, $1,400; one dmftsmau or photographer, $1,300; six Sraftsmm or photographers, at $1,200 each; one assistant photog-

an];l1er,_ nge assrgznt chaggocof docxgment section, $2,000;

· 806 0 , ; ° °*""·*•'¤'¤·•°°· distribution, $1,500; one forewgrh $1 4?)ltl? cgne wu? , , ol clam three, ught clubs, clam om; fourteen cllshs, at $1,000 each; forty clerks,