SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cue. 48, 49. 1912. 7]. CHAP: 48.-An Act To authorise the extension of Lamont Street northwest, in Int 1, ma the District of Columbia. (B- U-l [Public, No. N.] Be itenadedl•y¢[•e8enateandHmssco(Repree¢ntativee¢(¥’the United ’ States of America ‘|»'{l»_007lgT¢88 aes , That under an in accord- ance with the provisions of subchapter one of chapter fifteen of the vgu I hm Code of Law for the District of Columbia, six months after the as sxaaemfh passes: of this Act, the Commisioners of the District of Colmnbia be, '°'· "· ’· and ey are hereby, authorized and directed to institute in the supreme court of the District of Columbia a proceeding in rem to condemn the land that may be necessary to extend Lamont Street northwest squares numbered twenty-six hundred and four and twenty-six undred and Eve, with a width of ninety feet, said extemnon to be a direct prolongation of Lamont Street as now exist- ,,,,,,,,_ ing east of Nineteenth Street: Provided, however, That the entire b£g=;_•¤•¤¤•¤¤ amount found to be due and awarded by the in said proceeding as damages for and in respect of the land to condemned for sai extension, plus the costs and expenses of said proceeding, shall be assessed bHhe jury as benefits. Sec. 2. · at there is hereby appropriated, out of the revenues of ,{,&?""*“°" ‘°' the District of Columbia, an amount sufficient to pa the necessary costs and expenses of the said condemnation proceeding taken Eursuant hereto, and for the payments of the amounts awarded as - *’*Y°°°‘°‘•'“‘*'· ages, to be repaid to the t of Columbia from the amessments forbeneiits and covered into the Treasury to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia. ‘ Approved, March 1, 1912. · CHAP. 49.-An Act Gran the consent of Congrem to the board of coxm ******1 *-***2- commisioners of Lincoln Co State of Montana, to construct, maintain, arid operate three bridges acrom the tenai River in the State of Montana. [Public. Ne N-I Be it muted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States cg America in 0'o·ngreas assembled, That the consent of Congress {§,'§§'],‘*§},'§K.,_ is here y granted to the board of conmty commissioners of Lincoln **°¤*·· my ”*'“*¥°- County, State of Montana, to construct, maintain, and operate three bridge, and approaches thereto, across the Kootenai River, at points . auita le gr; the interests of navigation, located as follows, all in Lmcoln ounty, ontana: · Near the town of Rexford, Montana: From a point on the south R°"°"'· bank of said river in the northwest quarter of section twenty-one, townshiputhirty-six north, range twenty-eight west, Montana mendian, coln County, Montana, to a point on the north bank of said _ river in section twenty-one, township thirty-six north, range twenty- eiggt west, Montana meridian, in the same county; _ qui the town of Libby, Montana: From a pomt on the south bank I‘"""· of said river in the northeast quarter of section three, township thirty north, range thirty-one west, Montana meridian, to a pomt on the north bank of said river in section three, township thirty north, range thirty-one west, Montana meridian, in the same county. N ear the town of Troy, Montana: From a point on the south bank T'°" of sa.1d river in the southeast quarter of section twelve, township thirtg-one north, range thirty-four`west, Montana meridian, to a pomt on the north bank of said river in the northeast quarter of section twelve, township thirty-one north, range thirty-four west,_ Montana meridian, 111 the same county; Provid , That the aforesaid l}¤d® shall be constructed, maintained, and operated in accordance with t vt:. se. lb as provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges upon navigable waters/’ approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. " Szc. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby “"°“°"‘"‘°‘ expressly reserved. Approved,_Ma.rch 4, 1912. p ‘ 87618°—vor. 37-rr 1~—7