Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/970

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sms. III. C11. 150. 1913. 947 g¤Nd<;rtal;v5esut;P;S:vm$t§e;)i(t·h Street, Euclid Street to Columbia Road, ve ; Northwest. Ontarioiltoad, Columbia Road to 300 feet south of Euclid Street, and rmprove $3,500; Northeast. _ th Street, (lales Place to Rosedale Street and

e Street, Fifteenth to Seventeenth Streets, grade and improve,

Northwest. Fuller Street, Sixteenth to Seventeenth Streets, grade and ixlngrove, $3,800; ~ No zest. Colora;lg>4A;enuefr·omFourteenthtoSixteenthStreets, grade an IIIIPIUVG, ; Northvgest. Kalmiaggruegt, end of macadam to Rock Creek Park, grade an IIHPIDVC ; _ Northwg 0S)l6erinan Avenue, Florida Avenueto Columbia Road, im rove , . Northeast. Franklin Street, Twenty-second Street eastward, grade and ipiprove, $5,§00; Strlggt eas:. ¥3h14rt•%enth Street, Rhode Island Avenue to Franlrlin » gr 61 1 ° Northwest. For priving, with asphalt, Connecticut Avenue north- Xest, be%we§né°.C$v8e0rg Street and the north end of the Connecticut venue ri ·

   Street, Twelfth to Thirteenth Streets, grade,

Northwest. Chesa ake Street, Wisconsin Avenue to River Road, grade and improve, 5,000; Northwest. Illinois Avenue, Kennedy Street to Ingraham Street and Kenr;%dy0(Street, Ninth Street to Georgia Avenue, grade and 1m ro e, , ; g §or`thwest. Street, Jefferson to Longfellow Streets, grade an rove, , ; { Ndxrltgvgiegt. V Street, Flagler Place to First Street, pave (thirty wt). $3. ; ` Igor-thwest. slgigggsenth Street, Park Road to Newton Street, grade an rove ; Eiixivgazf Mhcomb Ssgeer, rusty-than to imsrzyamt sem., im rove, $8, ; fgrN<$rtali1w$ti)i)){*`)mm Connecticut Avenue to Ros Place, grade and lm 7 Y • , ANlo°i-tliwest. Faloran;iatl1•;a(;i5(?enty-third Street to Oonnecticut v , ave y ee , , ; 1‘i1“"§ii,‘$194,25¤. _ _ _ b_The part of Tw;nti§t§S‘:.dmet(;1orttl;west, in tg; of Colman- °“°°' , I ~ lt II 0 lll GX ll 110 0Ilg 8 81.6 Part eslgnated olasquare tvlggity-six hundred and seventeen to the north end of said hn °°‘°‘_ square, shall hereafter be designated Park Road; and the part of ,,?•_,gw:ggg§,j*•¤ said Twentieth Street at Park Road and extending south along square twenty-six undred and four to Adams Mill Road shall hereafter be designated Walbridge Place. _ gzreafteg Sixteen;hhSt;eet_r11orthwest shall be known and desng- phi-El§{f,Q;§e§§;#· " venueo the residents." =¤*=· nBRnri:Sms srnnms, avmmns, aim mms: For current work of ,£°P•*“ °‘ •¤‘¤°¤ repairs of streets, avenues, and all , including remufacing and repairs to asphalt pavements with as same or other not inferior material, and maintenance of motor vehicle for use of Engineer [Sommissioner and his lawstants, and appropgirtron shaillbe available f airmg' th ts o t street ways w en necessary; _ this rzrliiounts tl'fl.lg): I(.l€d shallebe collected from such railroad $°f.;`{‘§{';“‘{§,’Y' companies as provid by section ive of _"An Ant lproviding a permanent form of government for the District of Co umbia," approved