Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1011

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July 3, 1928. AUCUBt 16, 1928. 2687 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-HUNGARY. pay such indemnity as may in its discretion be considered equitable in the llitht of the evidence pro- duced. "The enforcement of thiS rule sh,..ll Dot prejudice any legal proceedings to which such fraud- ulent evidence may have rendered the cla.ima.nt liable. 10. When an insured article has been lost, rifled, or damag~/ the Administration of ori.,oin sha.u pay indemnity to the rightful claimant as soon as possible and at the latest within a period of one year counting with the day following that on which the application is made, which payment shall be made on account of the Adminis- tration of destination, if that Ad- ministration is responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage, and has been duly notified. ! 1. However, the Administra- tion Gf origin may, in the cases indicated in the foregoing para- graph, exceptionally defer pay- ment of indemnity for a longer period than that stipulated if, at the expiration of tha.t period, it has not been able to determine the disposition made of the article in question or the responsibility incurred. 12. Except in cases where pay- ment is exceptiona.lly deferred as provided in the foregoing \lara- graph, the country of origm is authorized to pay indemnity on behalf of the country of desti- nation if that country has, after being duly informed of the apJ?li- cation for indemnity, let rune months pass without settling the matter. 13. The obligation of paying the indemnity shall rest WIth the country to which the mailing office is subordinate. That coun- try can make a claim on the country responsible, that is to say, against the Administration on the territory or in the service of which the loss, rifling, or damage took place. 14. The country responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage and on whose account payment is made is bound to repay to the country illetekek visszateritese n6lktil-a karterit6s kifize~t megtagadja vagy olyan karteriMst fizessen, amit a szols:Altatott bizonyitekok a.lapjan szerint m~ltan­ yosnak tart. Eme szabAly alka.l- mazasa nem sarja ki, hogy az ilyen csalard bizonyitek6rt a ton enyes elj arast a feleMs felsz6- la.l6 ellen meg ne inditsll.k . 10 Ha va.lame!r aJ'anlott vagy Adminlsti"l!'t!onof~r. " , !gin to pay mdenuuty ellatott cso- within one year. mag elv~z, kifosztjak, vagy meg- serill, a felvev6 igazgatas tartozik a k6.rteritest a jogosult felsz6- la.l6nak a leheM leggyorsabban ~ pedig legkeslibb a felsz6101Ast kovetlS napt61 szll.mitott egy 6v letelte e16tt kifizetni. A fizetes a rendeltetesi igazgatas szamIlI.jara torMnik, ha az elvesz6s6rt, kif08ztasert vagy s6rUles6rt ez az igazgatas felell5s 6s ha lit arr61 kelllien 6rtesitettek. 11. MindazonAlta.l a felvev6 Deterr1ni payments. igazgatAs a megel6zlS pontban emlitett esetekben a. karterites kifizetes6t a. fent meghatarozott idlSponton tul kitolhatja ha eme hatlLridlS letelMvel a kerdeses kiil- dem6ny sorsM vagy az el6l1.ll6 felel&8eget meg nem tudta megAl- lapitani. 12Afl It' t~· P8yment by oountry . e vevu 19:'ia lWII ama of origin If country "I esetek kiv6tel~vel a . or a. fize- destin8tion delays nine , months. t~t a. mege15zlS pont 6rtelm6ben ki lehet tolni, jogosult a rendel- tet6s~!f:zgatAs terMre a karteri- t~t . etni, ha. ez az igazgatas, miutan a. karterit~i ig6nyrlSl sza- bAlyszeriien 6rtesitettek, kilenc h6nap alatt o.z iigyet nem inMzte e1. 13, A karMri tes kifizet6s~nek Country responsible. kotelezettsege azt az' orszagot terheli, amelynek ala tartozik a felvevlS hivo.ta.l . Ennek az orszll.gnak kereseti joga van a felellSs orszll.gga.l szemben, tehat ama igazgatassa.l szemben, emelynek teriileMn vagy szolgAla- taban az elvesz~, kifosztas vagy 8~riil~ torMnt. 14, Az elvesz~6rt, kif08ztas6rt to coun· A. iiI'A..A. t f 11ft. . ~. try which pays. vagy st:r =t:r e e tm 19azgat=, amelynek 8zamIlI.jara a fize~ tortent, koteles a helyette kifi.