Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/385

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TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. 2401 the conference of plenipotentiaries that has drawn up the present Convention, and announced by these governments to all the other contracting governments, likewise through diplomatic channels. § 2. This denunciation shall take effect at the expiration of the period of one year, beginning with the day on which the notification was received by the government of the country in which the last conference of plenipotentiaries was held. This effect shall apply only to the author of the denunciation; the Convention shall remain in force for the other contracting governments. ARTICLE 11 Denunciation oj the Regulations by the Governments § 1. Each government shall have the right to terminate the obliga- tion which it has undertaken to apply one of the sets of Regulations, by notifying its decision to the Bureau of the Union which shall inform thereof the other governments concerned. Such notification shall take effect at the expiration of the period of one year, beginning with the day on which it was received by the Bureau of the Union. This effect shall apply only to the author of the denunciation; the Regula- tions in question shall remain in force for the other governments. § 2. The provision of § 1 above shall not annul the obligation for the contracting governments to enforce at least one of the sets of Regulations, covered by article 2 of this Convention, taking into account the reservation contained in § 2 of the said article. ARTICLE 12 Denunciation oj the Oonvention and oj the Regulations by Oolonie8, Protectorates, Overseas Territories, or Territories under Sovereignty, Authority, or Mandate oj the Oontracting Governments Of Regulations. § 1. The application of the present Convention to a territory, by \}!ti~~O~!~ l~;~(;~: virtue of the provisions of § 1 or of § 2 of article 5, may terminate at lations. any time. § 2. The declarations of denunciation provided for in § 1 above shall be notified and announced according to the conditions stated in § 1 of article 10; they shall take effect according to the provisions of § 2 of the latter article. § 3. The application of one or more of the sets of Regulations to 8 territory, by virtue of the provisions of § 5 of article 5, may terminate at any time. § 4. The declarations of denunciation provided for in § 3 above shall be notified and announced in accordance with the provisions of § 1 of article 11 and shall take effect under the conditions set forth in the said paragraph. ARTICLE 13 Special Arrangement,s The contracting governments reserve the right, for themselves, m~rit~.cial nrrllnl(e- for the private operating agencies recognized by them, and for other operating agencies duly authorizec:l. to that effect, to conclude special