Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/702

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2718 INTERNATIO~AL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28, 1919. Le Conseil d'administration elira un President dans son sein et etablira son reglement. Il se reunira aux epoques qu'il fixera lui-meme. U ne session speciale devra etre tenue chaque fois que douze personnes faisant partie du Conseil auront formule une de- mande ecrite a cet effet. ARTICLE 394. The Governing Body shall, from time to time, elect one of its number to act as its Chairman, shall regulate its own procedure, and shall fix its own times of meeting. A special meeting shall be held if a written request to that effect is made by at least twelve of the representatives on the Governing Body. ARTICLE 394. D!rector to be ap- Un Directeur sera place a la pointoo. There shall be a Director of the International Labour Office, who shall be appointed by the Govern- ing Body, and, subject to the instructions of the Governing Body, shall be responsible for the efficient conduct of the Inter- national Labour Office and for such other duties as may be assigned to him. Office stat!. FUDlltlon~. tete du Burenu international du Travail; il sera dcsigne par Ie Conseil d'administration de qui il recevra ses instructions et vis-a- vis de qui sera rcsponsable de la bonne marche du Bureau ainsi que de l'execution de toute8 fiutres taches qui auront pu lui etre confiees. Le Directeur ou son suppleant assisteront a toutes les seances du Conseil d'administra tion. ARTICLE 395. Le personnel du Bureau inter- national du Travail sera choisi par Ie directeur. Le choix fait devra porter, dans toute 10. mesure compatible avec Ie souci d'obtenir Ie meilleur rendement, sur des personnes de difierentes nationa- lites. Un certain nombre de ces personnes devront etre des femmes. ARTICLE 396. The Director or his deputy shall attend all meetings of the Governing Body. ARTICLE 395. The staff of the International Labour Office shall be appointed by the Director, who shall, so far as is possible with due regard to the efficiency of the work of the Office, select persons of different nationalities. A certain number of these persons shall be women. ARTICLE 396. Les fonctions du Bureau inter- The fhnctions of the Inter- national du Travail comprendront national Labour Office shall in- 10. centralisation et 10. distribution clude the collection and distribu- de toutes informations concernant tion of information on all subjects 10. reglementation internationale relating to the international ad- de In. condition des travo.illeurs et justment of conditions of indus- du regime du travail et, en par- trial life and labour, and particu- ticulier, l'etude des questions qu'il lady the examination of subjects est propose de soumettre aux dis- which it is proposed to bring cussions de 10. Conference en vue before the Conference with a view de 10. conclusion des conventions to the conclusion of international