Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/270

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170 FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 114, 115, 116,117. 1816. the twenty-eighth day of April, eighteen hundred and one, by the register aforesaid, for six hundred and twenty-eight acres of land ; and also the final certificate granted to William Bruce, by the register aforesaid, for a section of land, dated about the same time, shall respectively be received by the commissioner of the general land office, as complete evidence of payment for the tracts of land therein specified, and patents shall be issued thereon as in other cases. Armovnn, April 27, 1816. Sryrurz I. """"* AP*iW7r HUG- CHAP. CX1V.-An Act for the relief ay' Joseph S. Newell. Entry may be Be it enacted, ¢§·o., That Joseph S. Newall shall be permitted to with- "l‘hd"*"”» md draw an entry made at the land office at Canton, in the state of Ohio, Hgginu mw from the north-west quarter of section number five, in township number twenty-one, of range number sixteen, in the district of land offered for sale at Canton, and the money paid on the said entry shall be placed to the credit of said Newall on any purchase he may make, or may have made of public lands in said district. Approved, April 27, 1816. STATUTE I. ———-— ·

 Crur. CXV.-—An Act authorizing thefayment of a sam of money to John Roger;

an ot ters. Donation ay Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is 3300- hereby, authorized and required to pay, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three hundred dollars, to John Rogers, William C. Burdick, Joshua Halt, and Jeremiah Chapman, of New London, in the state of Connecticut, which money is paid to them for their valor and good conduct, in capturing a midshipman and two seamen of the British navy, and as compensation for the said risoners. P Approved, April 27, 1816. Srnurn I. April 27, 1816. CHAP. CXVI.-•An ./Hct directing the discharge of Ebenezer Keeler, and John ""“""""""“ Ifrancis, from imprisonment. Ta ba dia, Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That Ebenezer Keeler and John Francis, who charged from are now confined in the jail of Delaware county, in the state of New '"‘P"“°“"‘°“°‘ York, on a judgment obtained against them in favor of the United States, be discharged from their imprisonment : Provided, however, That any estate, real or personal, which the said Ebenezer Keeler or John Francis may have, or hereafter acquire, shall be liable to be taken to satisfy any judgment obtained against them by the United States, in the same manner as if they had not been imprisoned and discharged. Armovnn, April 27, 1816. Srarurn I. °"""` April 27, 1816. CHAP. CXVII.-An Act for the relief of Rufus S. Reed and Daniel Dobbins. Chim to be Be it enacted, Kyo., That the proper accounting officers of the Navy examined and Department be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to audit “°m°‘i· and settle the claim of Rufus S. Reed and Daniel Dobbins for the schooner “Salina," by ascertaining, or causing to be ascertained, the yalue fihereof, in such manner and upon such terms as may be equitale an just. ApP,°p,m,°,,_ Sec. 2._And be it fnrther enacted, That the amount thereof, when so ascertained, shall be paid to the said Rufus S. Reed and Daniel Dobbins, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, April 27, 1816.