Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/600

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'; S-r..I II.TIIAT'IHtAI.-TEL - .(')MM'NICATI()NS-OCT. 2 . 1947 (Chapter XIV, art. 36 RR) (860-863) CHAPTER XIV Distress, Alarm, Urgency and Safety Signals ARTICLE 36 Emergency (Reserve) Lifeboat, Liferaft and Survival Craft Installations 860 §1. The Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea pre- 50stat. 1121 . scribes which ships must be fitted with an emergency (reserve) installation and which lifeboats, liferafts and other survival craft on ships must be fitted with radio equipment. It pre- scribes also the requirements which must be complied with by such installations. 861 §2. The present Regulations do not define which air- craft must be fitted with emergency (reserve) installations, which liferafts and other survival craft on aircraft must be fitted with radio equipment, or the requirements which must be complied with by these installations. 862 §3. The provisions of the present Regulations must, however, be observed in the use of emergency (reserve) in- stallations and of installations in lifeboats, liferafts and other survival craft of both ships and aircraft. 863 §4. Ships fitted with a transmitting installation of class Al or A2 emission in working order must not use the emer- gency (reserve) installations of class B except for the trans- mission of distress signals and distress traffic. 1897