Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/198

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE BRACHYCERA STRATIOMYIDJE This family is not at all well represented ; although we have worked the Button bogs thoroughly, and no more suitable place for them exists in the county so far as I know, the following list contains all the species we have observed and probably nearly all likely to occur CLITELLARIN.ffi Oxycera pygmaea, Fall. Observed by Mr. Bradley only STRATIOMYINJE Stratiomys potamida, Mg. This is the only species of the genus we have seen in the midlands, and only two specimens have been taken, both in Blackroot Bog, by myself SARGIN.S Sargus flavipes, Mg. (R. C. B.) ; cuprarius, L. ? (R. C. B.) ; iridatus, Scop, (infuscatus, Mg.), not common (R. C. B. and C. j. W.) Chloromyia formosa, Scop. Button (R. C. B.); Wh'itchurch (J. H. Bloom) Microchrysa polita, L. ; flavicornis, Mg. The commonest species in the family, and polita, L. at least occurs every- where BERING Beris clavipes, L. (R. C. B. and C. J. W.) ; vallata, Forst. (R. C. B.) ; chalybe- ata, Forst., fairly common ; genicu- lata, Curtis (R. C. B.) TABANID.E cras- Hrematopota pluvialis, L., common sicornis, Whlbg (R. C. B.) Therioplectes tropicus, Mg. I have on two occasions captured melanochroic specimens of this genus which may be var. bisignatus, Jaen., of this species. I have however never seen the type, and have often wondered if they were not similar vars. of solstitialis, Mg. solstitialis, Mg. Not very common. Tabanus sudeticus, Zlr. (R. C. B.). Very rare Chrysops csecutiens, L., common ; quad- rata, Mg. (R. C. B.; one J , C. J.W.); relicta, Mg. (R. C. B.) LEPTID^E Leptis scolopacea, L., very common ; tringaria, L. ; lineola, F. Chrysopilus aureus, Mg. (R. C. B.) ; aura- tus, F. ; the latter very common in the bogs at Button ASILIOffi DASYPOGONIN^E Leptogaster cylindrica, Deg. Hay Woods near Kings-wood (R. C. B. and C. J. W.) ; and Wkitchurch (J. H. Bloom) ; not seen at Button Dioctria rufipes, Deg., common ; Baum- haueri, Mg., a few at Button (R. C. B. and C. J. W.) ASILIN./E Machimus atricapillus, Fin. The only true Asilid we have seen is however far from common (a few, R. C. B.) BOMBYLHXE Bombylius major, L. Kingswood (A. H. Martineau) ; no other species seen yet THEREVIOfc Thereva nobilitata, F. SCENOPINID.S Scenopinus fenestralis, (R. C. B.) L. Birmingham EMPID^E HYBOTINJE Hybos grossipes, L. (R. C. B.) ; femoratus Mull (R. C. B.) EMPINJE Rhamphomyia nigripes, F. (R. C. B.) ; sulcata, Fall. (R. C. B.) ; plumipes, Fall. (R. C. B.); geniculata, Mg. (R. C. B.) Empis tessellata, F., very abundant ; livida, L. (R. C. B.) ; opaca, F. (R. C. B.) ; stercorea, L. (R. C. B.) ; trigramma, Mg. (R. C. B.) ; punctata, Mg. (JThitchurch, J. H. Bloom) DIPTERA CYCLORRHAPHA PROBOSCIDEA PLATYPEZID^E Callimyia amcena, Mg., rare (R. C. B.) Platypeza atra Mg. ? (R. C. B.) ; infumata, Hal. (R. C. B.) PIPUNCULID^E Chalarus spurius, Fall. (R. C. B.) Verrallia pilosa, Zett. (R. C. B.) ; villosa v. ROser (R. C. B.) Pipunculus littoralis, Beck (R. C. B.) ; rufipes, Mg. (R. C. B.) ; confusus, 1 60