Page:Vedic Grammar.djvu/238

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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. 'food', várivas 'space', várcas 'vigour', várpas 'figure', vag-ijas (VS. xXXVI. I) 'speech-energy', vásas ‘garment', váhas 'offering', védas 'wealth', vépas 'quivering', vyácas 'expanse', vráyas 'superior power', sárdhas 'troop', sávas 'power', siras 'head', sésas 'offspring', frávas 'renown', sa-jósas, sádas 'seať, sánas¹ (Kh. III. 15¹5) 'gain', sa-práthas, sa-bádhas 'harassed', sáras 'lake', sáhas 'force', saháujas (VS. XXXVI. 1) 'endowed with strength', su-rétas, srótas 'stream', svá-tavas 'inherently strong', háras 'flame', hélas 'passion', hváras 'crookedness'. Ending in -ās² (like m.): asrī-váyās³ (VS. xIv. 18), uru-práthās (VS. xx. 39) 'far-spread', úrna-mradas, gurtá-vacas 'speaking agreeably', devá- vyacas 'affording space for the gods', dvi-bárhās, viśvá-vyacās (AV.), vi- spardhās (VS. xv. 5) 'emulating', vīrá-peśas 'forming the ornament of heroes', vilu-haras, sa-práthās (AV. VS. TS.), sumánās (TS. IV. 5. 1²)4. 228 A. m. jarásam 'old age', tavásam 'strong', 'strength', tyajásam 'offshoot', dámūnasam, párīņasam (160)‘abundance', bhiyásam ‘fear', yaśásam, rakṣásam, vedhásam; a-cetásam, ánaṣṭa-vedasam 'having one's property unimpaired', án- agasam, ánu-gayasam followed by shouts', an-enásam (TS.1.8.5³), an-ehásam, apásam, á-pratidhrṣṭa-śavasam ‘of irresistible power', abhibhūty-ijasam, ará- maṇasam 'obedient', a-rādhásam 'not liberal', a-repásam, arcanánasam 'having a rattling carriage' (N. of a man), a-hanásam, úccais-śravasam (Kh. v. 145) 'neighing aloud' (N. of Indra's horse), upāká-cakṣasam 'seen close at hand', uru-cákṣasam, uru-jráyasam 'extending over a wide space', uru-vyácasam, úrṇa-mradasam (VS. II. 2), urdhvá-nabhasam (VS. vI. 16) 'being above the clouds', kşetra-sádhasam 'who divides the fields', gathá-śravasam 'famous through songs', gayatrá-cchandasam (VS. VIII. 47) 'to whom the Gayatri metre belongs', gayatrá-vepasam 'inspired by songs', gír-vanasam 'delighting in invocations', gir-vahasam 'praised in song', gurtá-śravasam, g-arnasam 'abounding in cattle', gó-dhayasam 'supporting cows', cikitvín-manasam 'atten- tive', citrá-mahasam 'possessing excellent bounty', citrá-radhasam 'granting excellent gifts', jágac-chandasam (VS. VIII. 47) 'to whom the Jagati metre belongs', jātá-vedasam, tuvi-rádhasam ‘granting many gifts', tuvi-svanásam 'loud-sounding', tuvy-ýjasam 'very powerful', tristúp-chandasam (VS. vIII. 47), dānáukasam 'delighting (ókas-) in a sacrificial meal', dyuksá-vacasam 'uttering heavenly words', dvi-bárhasam, dví-śavasam 'having twofold strength', dhrsnu- jasam 'endowed with resistless might', náryāpasam 'doing manly (nárya-) deeds', nr-cákşasam, pankti-rādhasam 'containing fivefold gifts', puru-pésasam 'multiform', puru-bhýjasam, puru-várpasam ‘having many forms', puru-vépasam 'much-exciting', prá-cetasam, prá-tvakşasam 'energetic', bráhma-vähasam 'to whom prayers are offered', bhúri-cakşasam 'much-seeing', bhúri-dhayasam 'nourishing many', máno-javasam (TS. II. 4. 7¹), yajñá-vanasam loving sacri- fice', yajñá-vahasam 'offering worship', risadasam, vája-śravasam 'famous for wealth', vi-cetasam, ví-josasam 'forsaken', ví-dveşasam 'resisting enmity', visvá- dhayasam, visvá-bharasam, visvá-vedasam, visvá-vyacasam, visváyu-posasam 'causing prosperity to all men', visváyu-vepasam 'exciting all men', ví-hayasam, viti-rädhasam 'granting enjoyment, sá-cetasam, sa-jósasam, satyd-girvahasam 'getting true praise', satyá-radhasam (VS. XXII. 11), satyá-savasam 'truly vigorous', ¹ Though sánas does not otherwise occur 4 Cp. LANMAN 560; see also the neuters (sana- m. is found as last member of a in ā-s, LANMAN 445 (mid). compound), the context in Khila III. 15¹5 seems to require an A.: ahám gandhárva- rūpeṇa sána á vartayāmi te. 5 For this form, TS. 11. 3. 112 has errone- ously tuviş-maņásam. 6 Also the transition form vayo-dhásam (VS.) 'bestowing strength'. 7 Probably to be explained as a transition form (p. 225, 3). 2 Cp. LANMAN 560. 3 Of doubtful meaning; the form may possibly be N. pl. of asrivi-. Cp. BR.