Page:Weird Tales Volume 4 Number 3 (1924-11).djvu/5

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(Continued from Preceding Page)

The House of Dust (First Installment) L. A. Borah 65

Two-Part Mystery Serial

Six Bearded Men Elwin J. Owens 88

Bizarre Tale of Conscience

The Green and Gold Bug J. M. Alvey 93

Storiette of Weird Chinese Revenge

The Tortoise-Shell Cat Greye La Spina 96

Witchcraft and Voodoo

The Phantom Rider Otis Adelbert Kline 105

Western Ghost Story

A Soulless Resurrection 111

Tale of Horror

A Suicide Complex Robert Allways 116

Strange Obsession of an Artist

The Purple Light Ralph Parker Anderson 121

Insane Jealousy-and the Death Ray

Weird Crimes: No. 7. The Human Hyena Seabury Quinn 128

True Story of a Parisian Ghoul

The Ghost of Liscard Manor Walter Burns 134

Rational Ghost Yarn

The Pelican Charles L. Frederick 140

An Ill-Omened Bird—Soul Transmigration

The Door Henry S. Whitehead 151

Death—and After

Thus Spake the Prophetess Estil Critchie 154

Haitian Tale—Crimes of Guillaume San

The Tower of Silence Don Willis 158

Fanatic Parsee Priests—Place of the Dead

John Caroll, Legionary of Rome B. Wallis 163

Can a Memory be Inherited?

The Eyrie 179

Talk with the Readers

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