Portal:National Union Catalog

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National Union Catalog

The National Union Catalog (NUC) is a printed catalog of books catalogued by the Library of Congress and other American and Canadian libraries, issued beginning in the 1950s. The National Union Catalog is divided into two series: the Pre-1956 Imprints is a 754-volume set containing all older records in a consolidated alphabetical format, while post-1955 volumes continue to be published serially.

Part of the NUC at the Folder Shakespeare Library. The complete catalog weighs over a tonne and a half.



Pre-1956 Imprints


The Pre-1956 Imprints series, sometimes called the Mansell Catalog after the publisher, consists of 754 volumes containing photostatic copies of catalog cards sourced from libraries around the US. The entries are arranged sequentially by author, or, when there is no author (e.g. The Bible), by title. The catalog contains many works that are not present in any electronic catalog: as of 2003, 27% of entries were not in WorldCat.

Each item has a sequential number, and a prefix that indicates the first letter. For example, NA 0339845 is a work by W. R. Anson. The entries also include a list of holding institutions (itself a useful resource) and numerous cross-reference entries.

  • Volume 1 (Symbols–Abhandlu) (external scan)
  • ...
  • Volume 754 (Supplement: Zyndram–Location Symbols) (external scan)