Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)/70

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  In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful. Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
070:001 Someone asked about the inevitable retribution. Saala sa-ilun biAAathabin waqiAAin
070:002 For the rejecters, there is nothing that will stop it. Lilkafireena laysa lahu dafiAAun
070:003 From God, Possessor of the ascending portals. Mina Allahi thee almaAAariji
070:004 The Angels and the Spirit ascent to Him in a day which is equivalent to fifty thousand years. TaAAruju almala-ikatu waalrroohu ilayhi fee yawmin kana miqdaruhu khamseena alfa sanatin
070:005 So be patient with a good patience. Faisbir sabran jameelan
070:006 They see it as far away. Innahum yarawnahu baAAeedan
070:007 And We see it as near. Wanarahu qareeban
070:008 On the Day the sky is like molten copper. Yawma takoonu alssamao kaalmuhli
070:009 And the mountains are like wool. Watakoonu aljibalu kaalAAihni
070:010 And no friend will ask about his friend. Wala yas-alu hameemun hameeman
070:011 When they see it, the criminal will wish he can ransom his children against the retribution. Yubassaroonahum yawaddu almujrimu law yaftadee min AAathabi yawmi-ithin bibaneehi
070:012 As well as his mate and his brother. Wasahibatihi waakheehi
070:013 As well as his whole clan that protected him. Wafaseelatihi allatee tu/weehi
070:014 And all who are on Earth, so that he can be saved! Waman fee al-ardi jameeAAan thumma yunjeehi
070:015 No, it is a flame. Kalla innaha latha
070:016 Eager to roast. NazzaAAatan lilshshawa
070:017 It calls on those who turned away. TadAAoo man adbara watawalla
070:018 And who hoarded and counted. WajamaAAa faawAAa
070:019 Indeed, mankind was created anxious. Inna al-insana khuliqa halooAAan
070:020 When adversity touches him he is miserable. Itha massahu alshsharru jazooAAan
070:021 And when good touches him he is stingy. Wa-itha massahu alkhayru manooAAan
070:022 Except for those who reach out. Illa almusalleena
070:023 Who are always maintaining their contact-method. Allatheena hum AAala salatihim da-imoona
070:024 And those who set aside part of their wealth. Waallatheena fee amwalihim haqqun maAAloomun
070:025 For the seeker and the denied. Lilssa-ili waalmahroomi
070:026 And those who believe in the Day of Judgment. Waallatheena yusaddiqoona biyawmi alddeeni
070:027 And those who are fearful of their Lord's retribution. Waallatheena hum min AAathabi rabbihim mushfiqoona
070:028 The retribution of their Lord is not to be taken for granted. Inna AAathaba rabbihim ghayru ma/moonin
070:029 And those who conceal their private parts. Waallatheena hum lifuroojihim hafithoona
070:030 Except around their spouses or those committed to by oath, there is no blame. Illa AAala azwajihim aw ma malakat aymanuhum fa-innahum ghayru maloomeena
070:031 Then, whoever seeks anything beyond this, they are the transgressors. Famani ibtagha waraa thalika faola-ika humu alAAadoona
070:032 And those who are trustworthy and keep their pledges. Waallatheena hum li-amanatihim waAAahdihim raAAoona
070:033 And those who uphold their testimonies. Waallatheena hum bishahadatihim qa-imoona
070:034 And those who are dedicated to their contact-method. Waallatheena hum AAala salatihim yuhafithoona
070:035 They will be honoured in paradises. Ola-ika fee jannatin mukramoona


070:036 So what is wrong with the rejecters staring at you? Famali allatheena kafaroo qibalaka muhtiAAeena
070:037 From the right and the left, in crowds? AAani alyameeni waAAani alshshimali AAizeena
070:038 Does every one of them hope to enter a paradise of bliss? AyatmaAAu kullu imri-in minhum an yudkhala jannata naAAeemin
070:039 No, We have created them from what they know. Kalla inna khalaqnahum mimma yaAAlamoona
070:040 So I swear by the Lord of the east and the west that We are able. Fala oqsimu birabbi almashariqi waalmagharibi inna laqadiroona
070:041 To replace them with better people, We can never be defeated. AAala an nubaddila khayran minhum wama nahnu bimasbooqeena
070:042 So let them talk in vain and play, until they meet their Day which they are promised. Fatharhum yakhoodoo wayalAAaboo hatta yulaqoo yawmahumu allathee yooAAadoona
070:043 When they will come out of the graves in a rush, as if they are racing towards a goal. Yawma yakhrujoona mina al-ajdathi siraAAan kaannahum ila nusubin yoofidoona
070:044 Their eyes are cast down, with shame covering them. This is the Day which they were promised. KhashiAAatan absaruhum tarhaquhum thillatun thalika alyawmu allathee kanoo yooAAadoona