Septuagint (Brenton 1879)/Osee

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For other versions of this work, see Hosea (Bible).

Chapter 1

1The word of the Lord which came to Osee the son of Beeri, in the days of Ozias, and Joatham, and Achaz, and Ezekias, kings of Juda, and in the days of Jeroboam son of Joas, king of Israel. λόγος κυρίου ος εγενήθη προς Ωσηέ τον του Βεηρί εν ημέραις Οζίου και Ιωάθαμ και Άχαζ και Εζεκίου βασιλέων Ιούδα και εν ημέραις Ιεροβοάμ υιόυ Ιωάς βασιλέως του Ισραήλ
2The beginning of the word of the Lord by Osee. And the Lord said to Osee, Go, take to thyself a wife of fornication, and children of fornication: for the land will surely go a-whoring in departing from the Lord. αρχή λόγου κυρίου εν Ωσηέ και είπε ο κύριος προς Ωσηέ βάδιζε λάβε σεαυτώ γυναίκα πορνείας και τέκνα πορνείας διότι εκπορνεύουσα εκπορνεύσει η γη από όπισθεν του κυρίου
3So he went and took Gomer, daughter of Debelaim; and she conceived, and bore him a son. και επορεύθη και έλαβε την Γομέρ θυγατέρα Δεβηλαίμ και συνέλαβε και έτεκεν αυτώ υιόν
4And the Lord said to him, Call his name Jezrael; for yet a little while, and I will avenge the blood of Jezrael on the house of Juda, and will make to cease the kingdom of the house of Israel. και είπε ο κύριος προς αυτόν κάλεσον το όνομα αυτού Ιεζραέλ διότι έτι μικρόν και εκδικήσω το αίμα του Ιεζραέλ επί τον οίκον Ιούδα και καταπαύσω βασιλείαν οίκου Ισραήλ
5And it shall be, in that day, that I will break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezrael. και έσται εν τη ημέρα εκείνη συντρίψω το τόξον του Ισραήλ εν τη κοιλάδι του Ιεζραέλ
6And she conceived again, and bore a daughter. And he said to him, Call her name, Unpitied: for I will no more have mercy on the house of Israel, but will surely set myself in array against them. και συνέλαβεν έτι και έτεκε θυγατέρα και είπεν αυτώ κάλεσον το όνομα αυτής ουκ ηλεημένη διότι ου προσθήσω έτι ελεήσαι τον οίκον Ισραήλ αλλ΄ αντιτασσόμενος αντιτάξομαι αυτοίς
7But I will have mercy on the house of Juda, and will save them by the Lord their God, and will not save them with bow, nor with sword, nor by war, nor by horses, nor by horsemen. τους δε υιούς Ιούδα ελεήσω και σώσω αυτούς εν κυρίω θεώ αυτών και ου σώσω αυτούς εν τόξω ουδέ εν ρομφαία ουδέ εν πολέμω ουδέ εν ίπποις ουδέ εν ιππεύσι
8And she weaned Unpitied; and she conceived again, and bore a son. και απεγαλάκτισε την ουκ ηλεημένην και συνέλαβεν και έτεκεν υιόν
9And he said, Call his name, Not my people: for ye are not my people, and I am not your God. και είπε κάλεσον το όνομα αυτού ου λαός μου διότι υμείς ου λαός μου και εγώ ουκ ειμί υμών
10Yet the number of the children of Israel was as the sand of the sea, which shall not be measured nor numbered: and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said to them, Ye are not my people, even they shall be called the sons of the living God. και έσται ο αριθμός των υιών Ισραήλ ως η άμμος της θαλάσσης η ουκ εκμετρηθήσεται ουδέ εξαριθμηθήσεται και έσται εν τω τόπω ου ερρέθη αυτοίς ου λαός μου υμείς κληθήσονται υιοί θεού ζώντος
11And the children of Juda shall be gathered, and the children of Israel together, and shall appoint themselves one head, and shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezrael. και συναχθήσονται υιοί Ιούδα και υιοί Ισραήλ επιτοαυτό και θήσονται εαυτοίς αρχήν μίαν και αναβήσονται εκ της γης ότι μεγάλη η ημέρα του Ιεζραέλ

Chapter 2

1Say to your brother, My people, and to your sister, Pitied. είπατε τοις αδελφοίς υμών λαός μου και τη αδελφή υμών ηλεημένη
2Plead with your mother, plead: for she is not my wife, and I am not her husband: and I will remove her fornication out of my presence, and her adultery from between her breasts: κρίθητε προς την μητέρα υμών κρίθητε ότι αυτή ου γυνή μου και εγώ ουκ ανήρ αυτής και εξαρώ την πορνείαν αυτής εκ προσώπου μου και την μοιχείαν αυτής εκ μέσου των μαστών αυτής
3that I may strip her naked, and make her again as she was at the day of her birth: and I will make her desolate, and make her as a dry land, and will kill her with thirst. όπως αν εκδύσω αυτήν γυμνήν και αποκαταστήσω αυτήν καθώς ημέρα γενέσεως αυτής και θήσω αυτήν ως έρημον και τάξω αυτήν ως γην άνυδρον και αποκτενώ αυτήν εν διψει
4And I will not have mercy upon her children; for they are children of fornication. και τα τέκνα αυτής ου ελεήσω ότι τέκνα πορνείας εστίν
5And their mother went a-whoring: she that bore them disgraced them: for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, and my garments, and my linen clothes, my oil and my necessaries. ότι εξεπόρνευσεν η μήτηρ αυτών κατήσχυνεν η τεκούσα αυτά ότι είπε πορεύσομαι οπίσω των εραστών μου των διδόντων μοι τους άρτους μου και το ύδωρ μου και τα ιμάτιά μου και τα οθόνιά μου και το έλαιόν μου και πάντα όσα μοι καθήκει
6Therefore, behold, I hedge up her way with thorns, and I will stop the ways, and she shall not find her path. διά τούτο ιδού εγώ φράσσω την οδόν αυτής εν σκόλοψι και ανοικοδομήσω τας οδούς αυτής και την τρίβον αυτής ου εύρη
7And she shall follow after her lovers, and shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: and she shall say, I will go, and return to my former husband; for it was better with me than now. και καταδιώξεται τους εραστάς αυτής και ου καταλάβη αυτούς και ζητήσει αυτούς και ου εύρη και ερεί πορεύσομαι και επιστρέψω προς τον άνδρα μου τον πρότερον ότι καλός μοι ην τότε η νυν
8And she knew not that I gave her her corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied silver to her: but she made silver and gold images for Baal. και αυτή ουκ έγνω ότι εγώ έδωκα αυτή τον σίτον και τον οίνον και το έλαιον και αργύριον επλήθυνα αυτή αυτή δε αργυρά και χρυσά εποίησε τη Βάαλ
9Therefore I will return, and take away my corn in its season, and my wine in its time; and I will take away my raiment and my linen clothes, so that she shall not cover her nakedness. διά τούτο επιστρέψω και κομιούμαι τον σίτόν μου καθ΄ ώραν αυτού και τον οίνόν μου εν καιρώ αυτού και αφελούμαι τα ιμάτιά μου και τα οθόνιά μου του μη καλύπτειν την ασχημοσύνην αυτής
10And now I will expose her uncleanness before her lovers, and no one shall by any means deliver her out of my hand. και νυν αποκαλύψω την ακαθαρσίαν αυτής ενώπιον των εραστών αυτής και μηδείς εξέληται αυτήν εκ χειρός μου
11And I will take away all her gladness, her feasts, and her festivals at the new moon, and her sabbaths, and all her solemn assemblies. και αποστρέψω πάσας τας ευφροσύνας αυτής εορτάς αυτής και τας νουμηνίας αυτής και τα σάββατα αυτής και πάσας τας πανηγύρεις αυτής
12And I will utterly destroy her vines, and her fig-trees, all things of which she said, These are my hire which my lovers have given me: and I will make them a testimony, and the wild beasts of the field, and the birds of the sky, and the reptiles of the earth shall devour them. και αφανιώ άμπελον αυτής και τας συκάς αυτής όσα είπε μισθώματά μου ταύτα εστιν α έδωκάν μοι οι ερασταί μου και θήσομαι αυτά εις μαρτύριον και καταφάγεται αυτά τα θηρία του αγρού και τα πετεινά του ουρανού και τα ερπετά της γης
13And I will recompense on her the days of Baalim, wherein she sacrificed to them, and put on her ear-rings, and her necklaces, and went after her lovers, and forgot me, saith the Lord. και εκδικήσω επ΄ αυτήν τας ημέρας των Βααλείμ εν αις επέθυεν αυτοίς και περιετίθετο τα ενώτια αυτής και τα καθόρμια αυτής και επορεύετο οπίσω των εραστών αυτής εμού δε επελάθετο λέγει κύριος
14Therefore, behold, I will cause her to err, and will make her as desolate, and will speak comfortably to her. διά τούτο ιδού εγώ πλανώ αυτήν και τάξω αυτήν ως έρημον και λαλήσω επί την καρδίαν αυτής
15And I will giver her possessions from thence, and the valley of Achor to open her understanding: and she shall be afflicted there according to the days of her infancy, and according to the days of her coming up out of the land of Egypt. και δώσω αυτή τα κτήματα αυτής εκείθεν και την κοιλάδα Αχώρ διανοίξαι σύνεσιν αυτής και ταπεινωθήσεται εκεί κατά τας ημέρας της νηπιότητος αυτής και κατά τας ημέρας αναβάσεως αυτής εκ γης Αιγύπτου
16And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord, that she shall call me, My husband, and shall no longer call me Baalim. και έσται εν εκείνη τη ημέρα λέγει κύριος καλέσει με ο ανήρ μου και ου καλέσει με έτι Βααλείμ
17And I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and their names shall be remembered no more at all. και εξαρώ τα ονόματα των Βααλείμ εκ στόματος αυτής και ου μνησθώσιν ουκέτι τα ονόματα αυτών
18And I will make for them in that day a covenant with the wild beasts of the field, and with the birds of the sky, and with the reptiles of the earth: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle from off the earth, and will cause thee to dwell safely. και διαθήσομαι αυτοίς διαθήκην εν τη ημέρα εκείνη μετά των θηρίων του αγρού και μετά των πετεινών του ουρανού και των ερπετών της γης και τόξον και ρομφαίαν και πόλεμον συντρίψω από της γης και κατοικιώ επ΄ ελπίδι
19And I will betroth thee to myself for ever; yea, I will betroth thee to myself in righteousness, and in judgment, and in mercy, and in tender compassions; και μνηστεύσομαί σε εμαυτώ εις τον αιώνα και μνηστεύσομαί σε εμαυτώ εν δικαιοσύνη και εν κρίματι και εν ελέει και εν οικτιρμοίς
20and I will betroth thee to myself in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the Lord. και μνηστεύσομαί σε εμαυτώ εν πίστει και επιγνώση τον κύριον
21And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord, I will hearken to the heaven, and it shall hearken to the earth; και έσται εν εκείνη τη ημέρα λέγει κύριος επακούσομαι τω ουρανώ και ο ουρανός επακούσεται τη γη
22and the earth shall hearken to the corn, and the wine, and the oil; and they shall hearken to Jezrael. και η γη επακούσεται τον σίτον και τον οίνον και το έλαιον και αυτά επακούσεται τω Ιεζραέλ
23And I will sow her to me on the earth; and will love her that was not loved, and will say to that which was not my people, Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art the Lord my God. και σπερώ αυτήν εμαυτώ επί της γης και αγαπήσω την ουκ ηγαπημένην και ερώ τω ου λαώ μου λαός μου ει συ και αυτός ερεί κύριος ο θεός μου ει συ

Chapter 3

1And the Lord said to me, Go yet, and love a woman that loves evil things, an adulteress, even as the Lord loves the children of Israel, and they have respect to strange gods, and love cakes of dried grapes. και είπε κύριος προς με έτι πορεύθητι και αγάπησον γυναίκα αγαπώσαν πονηρά και μοιχαλίν καθώς αγαπά κύριος τους υιούς Ισραήλ και αυτοί αποβλέπουσιν επί τους θεούς τους αλλοτρίους και φιλούσι πέμματα μετά σταφίδος
2So I hired her to myself for fifteen pieces of silver, and a homer of barley, and a flagon of wine. και εμισθωσάμην αυτήν εμαυτώ πεντεκαίδεκα αργυρίου και γόμορ κριθων και νέβελ οίνου
3And I said unto her, Thou shalt wait for me many days; and thou shalt not commit fornication, neither shalt thou be for another man; and I will be for thee. και είπον προς αυτήν ημέρας πολλάς καθήση επ΄ εμοί και ου πορνεύσης ουδέ γένη ανδρί και εγώ επί σοι
4For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an altar, and without a priesthood, and without manifestations. διότι ημέρας πολλάς καθήσονται οι υιοί Ισραήλ ουκ όντος βασιλέως ουδέ όντος άρχοντος ουδέ ούσης θυσίας ουδέ όντος θυσιαστηρίου ουδέ ιερατείας ουδέ δήλων
5And afterward shall the children of Israel return, and shall seek the Lord their God, and David their king; and shall be amazed at the Lord and at his goodness in the latter days. και μετά ταύτα επιστρέψουσιν οι υιοί Ισραήλ και ζητήσουσι κύριον τον θεόν αυτών και Δαυίδ τον βασιλέα αυτών και εκστήσονται επί τω κυρίω και επί τοις αγαθοίς αυτού επ΄ εσχάτων των ημερών

Chapter 4

1Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord has a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. ακούσατε λόγον κυρίου υιοί Ισραήλ ότι κρίσις τω κυρίω προς τους κατοικούντας την γην διότι ουκ έστιν αλήθεια ουδέ έλεος ουδέ επίγνωσις θεού επί της γης
2Cursing, and lying, and murder, and theft, and adultery abound in the land, and they mingle blood with blood. αρά και ψεύδος και φόνος και κλοπή και μοιχεία κέχυται επί της γης και αίματα εφ΄ αίμασι μίσγουσι
3Therefore shall the land mourn, and shall be diminished with all that dwell in it, with the wild beasts of the field, and the reptiles of the earth, and with the birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea shall fail: διά τούτο πενθήσει η γη και σμικρυνθήσεται συν πάσι τοις κατοικούσιν αυτήν συν τοις θηρίοις του αγρού και συν τοις πετεινοίς του ουρανού και οι ιχθύες της θαλάσσης εκλείψουσιν
4that neither any one may plead, nor any one reprove another; but my people are as a priest spoken against. όπως μηθείς μήτε δικάζηται μήτε ελέγχη μηθείς ο δε λαός μου ως ιερεύς αντιλεγόμενος
5Therefore they shall fall by day, and the prophet with thee shall fall: I have compared thy mother unto night. και ασθενήσει ημέρας και ασθενήσει και προφήτης μετά σου νυκτί ωμοίωσα την μητέρα σου
6My people are like as if they had no knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt not minister as priest to me: and as thou has forgotten the law of thy God, I also will forget thy children. ωμοιώθη ο λαός μου ως ουκ έχων γνώσιν ότι επίγνωσιν απώσω συ απώσομαί σε καγώ του μη ιερατεύειν μοι και επελάθου νόμον θεού σου επιλήσομαι τεκνών σου
7According to their multitude, so they sinned against me: I will turn their glory into shame. κατά το πλήθος αυτών ούτως ήμαρτόν μοι την δόξαν αυτών εις ατιμίαν θήσομαι
8They will devour the sins of my people, and will set their hearts on their iniquities. αμαρτίας λαού μου φάγονται και εν ταις αδικίαις αυτών λήψονται τας ψυχάς αυτών
9And the priest shall be as the people: and I will avenge on them their ways, and I will recompense to them their counsels. και έσται καθώς ο λαός ούτως και ο ιερεύς και εκδικήσω επ΄ αυτόν τας οδούς αυτού και τα διαβούλια αυτού ανταποδώσω αυτώ
10And they shall eat, and shall not be satisfied: they have gone a-whoring, and shall by no means prosper: because they have left off to take heed to the Lord. και φάγονται και ου εμπλησθώσιν επόρνευσαν και ου κατευθυνθώσι διότι τον κύριον εγκατέλιπον του φυλάξαι
11The heart of my people has gladly engaged in fornication and wine and strong drink. πορνείαν και οίνον και μέθυσμα εδέξατο καρδία λαού μου
12They asked counsel by means of signs, and they reported answer to them by their staves: they have gone astray in a spirit of whoredom, and gone grievously a-whoring from their God. εν συμβόλοις αυτών επηρώτων και εν ράβδοις αυτών απήγγελλον αυτώ πνεύματι πορνείας επλανήθησαν και εξεπόρνευσαν από του θεού αυτών
13They have sacrificed on the tops of the mountains, and on the hills they have sacrificed under the oak and poplar, and under the shady tree, because the shade was good: therefore your daughters shall go a-whoring, and your daughters-in-law shall commit adultery. επί τας κορυφάς των ορέων εθυσίαζον και επί τους βουνούς έθυον υποκάτω δρυός και λεύκης και δένδρου συσκιάζοντος ότι καλόν σκέπη διά τούτο εκπορνεύσουσιν αι θυγατέρες υμών και αι νύμφαι υμών μοιχεύσουσι
14And I will not visit upon your daughters when they shall commit fornication, nor your daughters-in-law when they shall commit adultery: for they themselves mingled themselves with harlots, and sacrificed with polluted ones, and the people that understood not entangled itself with a harlot. και ου επισκέψωμαι επί τας θυγατέρας υμών όταν πορνεύσωσι και επί τας νύμφας υμών όταν μοιχεύσωσιν ότι αυτοί μετά των πορνών συνεφύροντο και μετά των τετελεσμένων έθυον και ο λαός ου συνιών συνεπλέκετο μετά πόρνης
15But thou, O Israel, be not ignorant, and go ye not, men of Juda, to Galgala; and go not up to the house of On, and swear not by the living Lord. συ δε Ισραήλ μη αγνόει και Ιούδα μη εισπορεύεσθε εις Γάλγαλα και μη αναβαίνετε εις τον οίκον Ων και μη ομνύετε ζη κύριος
16For Israel was maddened like a mad heifer: now the Lord will feed them as a lamb in a wide place. ότι ως δάμαλις παροιστρώσα παροίστρησεν Ισραήλ νυν νεμήσει αυτούς κύριος ως αμνόν εν ευρυχώρω
17Ephraim, joined with idols, has laid stumbling-blocks in his own way. μέτοχος ειδώλων Εφραϊμ έθηκεν αυτώ σκάνδαλα
18He has chosen the Chananites: they have grievously gone a-whoring: they have loved dishonour through her insolence. ηρέτισε Χαναναίους πορνεύοντες εξεπόρνευσαν και ηγάπησαν ατιμίαν εκ φρυάγματος αυτών
19Thou art a blast of wind in her wings, and they shall be ashamed because of their altars. συστροφή πνεύματος συ ει εν πτέρυξιν αυτής και καταισχυνθήσονται εκ των θυσιαστηρίων αυτών

Chapter 5

1Hear these things, ye priests; and attend, O house of Israel; and hearken, O house of the king; for the controversy is with you, because ye have been a snare in Scopia, and as a net spread on Itabyrium, ακούσατε ταύτα οι ιερείς και προσέχετε οίκος Ισραήλ και οίκος του βασιλέως ενωτίζεσθε διότι προς υμάς εστι το κρίμα ότι παγίς εγενήθητε τη σκοπιά και ως δίκτυον εκτεταμένον επί το Ταβώρ
2which they that hunt the prey have fixed: but I will correct you. ο οι αγρεύοντες την θήραν κατέπηξαν εγώ δε παιδευτής υμών
3I know Ephraim, and Israel is not far from me: for now Ephraim has gone grievously a-whoring, Israel is defiled. εγώ έγνων τον Εφραϊμ και Ισραήλ ουκ απέστη απ΄ εμού διότι νυν εξεπόρνευσεν Εφραϊμ εμιάνθη Ισραήλ
4They have not framed their counsels to return to their God, for the spirit of fornication is in them, and they have not known the Lord. ουκ έδωκαν τα διαβούλια αυτών του επιστρέψαι προς τον θεόν αυτών ότι πνεύμα πορνείας έστι εν μέσω αυτών τον δε κύριον ουκ επέγνωσαν
5And the pride of Israel shall be brought low before his face; and Israel and Ephraim shall fall in their iniquities; and Judas also shall fall with them. και ταπεινωθήσεται η ύβρις του Ισραήλ εις πρόσωπον αυτού και Ισραήλ και Εφραϊμ ασθενήσουσιν εν ταις αδικίαις αυτών και ασθενήσει και Ιούδας μετ΄ αυτών
6They shall go with sheep and calves diligently to seek the Lord; but they shall not find him, for he has withdrawn himself from them. μετά προβάτων και μόσχων πορεύσονται του εκζητήσαι τον κύριον και ου εύρωσιν αυτόν εκκέκλικεν απ΄ αυτών
7For they have forsaken the Lord; for strange children have been born to them: now shall the cankerworm devour them and their heritages. ότι τον κύριον εγκατέλιπον ότι τέκνα αλλότρια εγεννήθησαν αυτοίς νυν καταφάγεται αυτούς η ερυσίβη και τους κλήρους αυτών
8Blow ye the trumpet on the hills, sound aloud on the heights: proclaim in the house of On, Benjamin is amazed. σαλπίσατε σάλπιγγι επί τους βουνούς ηχήσατε επί των υψηλών κηρύξατε εν τω οίκω ων εξέστη Βενιαμίν
9Ephraim has come to nought in the days of reproof: in the tribes of Israel I have shown faithful dealings. Εφραϊμ εις αφανισμόν εγένετο εν ημέραις ελέγχου εν ταις φυλαίς του Ισραήλ έδειξα πιστά
10The princes of Juda became as they that removed the bounds: I will pour out upon them my fury as water. εγένοντο οι άρχοντες Ιούδα ως μετατιθέντες όρια επ΄ αυτούς εκχεώ ως ύδωρ το όρμημά μου
11Ephraim altogether prevailed against his adversary, he trod judgment under foot, for he began to go after vanities. κατεδυνάστευσεν Εφραϊμ τον αντίδικον αυτού κατεπάτησε το κρίμα ότι ήρξατο πορεύεσθαι οπίσω των ματαίων
12Therefore I will be as consternation to Ephraim, and as a goad to the house of Juda. και εγώ ως ταραχή τω Εφραϊμ και ως κέντρον τω οίκω Ιούδα
13And Ephraim saw his disease, and Judas his pain; then Ephraim went to the Assyrians, and sent ambassadors to king Jarim: but he could not heal you, and your pain shall in nowise cease from you. και είδεν Εφραϊμ την νόσον αυτού και Ιούδας την οδύνην και επορεύθη Εφραϊμ προς Ασσυρίους και απέστειλε πρέσβεις προς βασιλέα Ιαρείμ και αυτός ουκ ηδυνήθη ρύσασθαι και ου διαπαύση εξ υμών οδύνη
14Wherefore I am as a panther to Ephraim, and as a lion to the house of Juda: and I will tear, and go away; and I will take, and there shall be none to deliver. διότι εγώ ειμι ως πάνθηρ τω Εφραϊμ και ως λέων τω οίκω Ιούδα και εγώ αρπώμαι και πορεύσομαι και λήψομαι και ουκ έσται ο εξαιρούμενος
15I will go and return to my place, until they are brought to nought, and then shall they seek my face. πορεύσομαι και επιστρέψω εις τον τόπον μου έως ου αφανισθώσι και ζητήσουσι το πρόσωπόν μου

Chapter 6

1In their affliction they will seek me early, saying, Let us go, and return to the Lord our God; for he has torn, and will heal us; εν τη θλίψει ορθριούσι προς με λέγοντες πορευθώμεν και επιστρέψωμεν προς κύριον τον θεόν ημών ότι αυτός ήρπακε και ιάσεται ημάς πατάξει και μοτώσει ημάς
2he will smite, and bind us up. υγιάσει ημάς μετά δύο ημέρας εν τη ημέρα τη τρίτη αναστησόμεθα και ζησόμεθα ενώπιον αυτού
3After two days he will heal us: in the third day we shall arise, and live before him, and shall know him: και γνωσόμεθα και διώξωμεν του γνώναι τον κύριον ως όρθρον έτοιμον ευρήσομεν αυτόν και ήξει ημίν ως υετός πρωϊμος και όψιμος τη γη
4let us follow on to know the Lord: we shall find him ready as the morning, and he will come to us as the early and latter rain to the earth. τι σοι ποιήσω Εφραϊμ τι σοι ποιήσω Ιούδα το δε έλεος υμών ως νεφέλη πρωϊνή και ως δρόσος ορθρινή πορευομένη
5What shall I do unto thee, Ephraim? What shall I do to thee, Juda? whereas your mercy is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that goes away. διά τούτο απεθέρισα υμών τους προφήτας απέκτεινα αυτούς εν ρήματι στόματός μου και το κρίμά σου ως φως εξελεύσεται
6Therefore have I mown down your prophets; I have slain them with the word of my mouth: and my judgment shall go forth as the light. διότι έλεος θέλω και ου θυσίαν και επίγνωσιν θεού μάλλον ολοκαυτώματα
7For I will have mercy rather than sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than whole-burnt-offerings. αυτοί δε εισιν ως άνθρωπος παραβαίνων διαθήκην εκεί κατεφρόνησάν μου
8But they are as a man transgressing a covenant: Γαλαάδ πόλις εργαζομένη μάταια ταράσσουσα ύδωρ
9there the city Galaad despised me, working vanity, troubling water. και η ισχύς σου ανδρός πειράτου έκρυψαν ιερείς οδόν εφόνευσαν Σίκιμα ότι ανομίαν εποίησαν εν τω οίκω του Ισραήλ
10And thy strength is that of a robber: the priests have hid the way, they have murdered the people of Sicima; for they have wrought iniquity in the house of Israel. είδον φρικώδη εκεί πορνείαν του Εφραϊμ εμιάνθη Ισραήλ και Ιούδας
11I have seen horrible things there, even the fornication of Ephraim: Israel and Juda are defiled; άρχου τρυγάν σεαυτώ εν τω επιστρέφειν με την αιχμαλωσίαν του λαού μου
12begin together grapes for thyself, when I turn the captivity of my people.

Chapter 7

1When I have healed Israel, then shall the iniquity of Ephraim be revealed, and the wickedness of Samaria; for they have wrought falsehood: and a thief shall come in to him, even a robber spoiling in his way; εν τω ιάσασθαί με τον Ισραήλ και απεκαλύφθη η αδικία Εφραϊμ και η κακία Σαμαρείας ότι ειργάσαντο ψευδή και κλέπτης προς αυτόν εισήλθεν εκδιδύσκων ληστής εν τη οδώ αυτού
2that they may concert together as men singing in their heart: I remember all their wickedness: now have their own counsels compassed them about; they came before my face. όπως συνάδωσιν ως άδοντες τη καρδία αυτών πάσας τας κακίας αυτών εμνήσθην νυν εκύκλωσαν αυτούς τα διαβούλια αυτών απέναντι του προσώπου μου εγένοντο
3They gladdened kings with their wickedness, and princes with their lies. εν ταις κακίαις αυτών εύφραναν βασιλέα και εν τοις ψεύδεσιν αυτών άρχοντας
4They are all adulterers, as an oven glowing with flame for hot-baking, on account of the kneading of the dough, until it is leavened. πάντες μοιχεύοντες ως κλίβανος καιόμενος εις πέψιν κατακαύματος από της φλογός από φυράσεως στέατος έως του ζυμωθήναι αυτό όλον
5In the days of our kings, the princes began to be inflamed with wine: he stretched out his hand with pestilent fellows. ημέραι των βασιλέων ημών ήρξαντο οι άρχοντες θυμούσθαι εξ οίνου εξέτεινε την χείρα αυτού μετά λοιμών
6Wherefore their hearts are inflamed as an oven, while they rage all the night: Ephraim is satisfied with sleep; the morning is come; he is burnt up as a flame of fire. διότι ανεκαύθησαν ως κλίβανος αι καρδίαι αυτών εν τω καταράσσειν αυτούς όλην την νύκτα ύπνου Εφραϊμ ενεπλήσθη πρωϊ ανεκαύθη ως πυρός φλογής
7They are all heated like an oven, and have devoured their judges: all their kings are fallen; there was not among them one that called on me. πάντες εθερμάνθησαν ως κλίβανος και κατέφαγον τους κριτάς αυτών πάντες οι βασιλείς αυτών έπεσον ουκ ην εν αυτοίς ο επικαλούμενος προς με
8Ephraim is mixed among his people; Ephraim became a cake not turned. Εφραϊμ εν τοις λαοίς αυτού συνανεμίγνυτο Εφραϊμ εγένετο εγκρυφίας ου μεταστρεφόμενος
9Strangers devoured his strength, and he knew it not; and grey hairs came upon him, and he knew it not. και έφαγον αλλότριοι την ισχύν αυτού αυτός δε ουκ έγνω και πολιαί εξήνθησαν αυτώ και αυτός ουκ έγνω
10And the pride of Israel shall be brought down before his face: yet they have not returned to the Lord their God, neither have they diligently sought him for all this. και ταπεινωθήσεται η ύβρις Ισραήλ εις πρόσωπον αυτού και ουκ επέστρεψαν προς κύριον τον θεόν αυτών και ουκ εξεζήτησαν αυτόν εν πάσι τούτοις
11And Ephraim was as a silly dove, not having a heart: he called to Egypt, and they went to the Assyrians. και ην Εφραϊμ ως περιστερά άνους ουκ έχουσα καρδίαν Αίγυπτον επεκαλείτο και εις Ασσυρίους επορεύθησαν
12Whenever they shall go, I will cast my net upon them; I will bring them down as the birds of the sky, I will chasten them with the rumor of their coming affliction. καθώς αν πορεύσονται επιβαλώ επ΄ αυτούς το δικτύον μου καθώς τα πετεινά του ουρανού κατάξω αυτούς παιδεύσω αυτούς εν τη ακοή της θλίψεως αυτών
13Woe to them! for they have started aside from me: they are cowards; for they have sinned against me: yet I redeemed them, but they spoke falsehoods against me. ουαί αυτοίς ότι απεπήδησαν απ΄ εμού δείλαιοί εισιν ότι ησέβησαν εις εμέ εγώ δε ελυτρωσάμην αυτούς αυτοί δε κατελάλησαν κατ΄ εμού ψευδή
14And their hearts did not cry to me, but they howled on their beds: they pined for oil and wine. και ουκ εβόησαν προς με αι καρδίαι αυτών αλλ΄ ωλόλυζον εν ταις κοίταις αυτών επί σίτω και οίνω κατετέμνοντο
15They were instructed by me, and I strengthened their arms; and they devised evils against me. επαιδεύθησαν εν εμοί κατίσχυσα τους βραχίονας αυτών και εις εμέ ελογίσαντο πονηρά
16They turned aside to that which is not, they became as a bent bow: their princes shall fall by the sword, by reason of the unbridled state of their tongue: this is their setting at nought in the land of Egypt. απεστράφησαν εις ουδέν εγένοντο ως τόξον εντεταμένον πεσούνται εν ρομφαία οι άρχοντες αυτών διά απαιδευσίαν γλώσσης αυτών ούτος ο φαυλισμός αυτών εν γη Αιγύπτω

Chapter 8

1He shall come into their midst as the land, as an eagle against the house of the Lord, because they have transgressed my covenant, and have sinned against my law. εις κόλπον αυτών ως γη ως αετός επί οίκον κυρίου ανθ΄ παρέβησαν την διαθήκην μου και κατά του νόμου μου ησέβησαν
2They shall soon cry out to me, saying, O God, we know thee. εμέ κεκράξονται ο θεός εγνώκαμεν σε
3For Israel has turned away from good things; they have pursued an enemy. ότι Ισραήλ απερρίψατο αγαθά εχθρόν κατεδίωξαν
4They have made kings for themselves, but not by me: they have ruled, but they did not make it known to me: of their silver and their gold they have made images to themselves, that they might be destroyed. εαυτοίς εβασίλευσαν και ου δι΄ εμού ήρξαν και ουκ εγνώρισάν μοι το αργύριον αυτών και το χρυσίον αυτών εποίησαν εαυτοίς είδωλα όπως εξολοθρευθώσιν
5Cast off thy calf, O Samaria; mine anger is kindled against them: how long will they be unable to purge themselves in Israel? απόρριψαι τον μόσχον σου Σαμάρεια παρωξύνθη ο θυμός μου επ΄ αυτούς έως τίνος ου δύνωνται καθαρισθήναι εν τω Ισραήλ
6Whereas the workman made it, and it is not God; wherefore thy calf, Samaria, was a deceiver: και αυτό τέκτων εποίησε και ου θεός εστι διότι πλανών ην ο μόσχος σου Σαμάρεια
7for they sowed blighted seed, and their destruction shall await them, a sheaf of corn that avails not to make meal; and even if it should produce it, strangers shall devour it. ότι ανεμόφθορα έσπειραν και η καταστροφή αυτών εκδέξεται αυτά δράγμα ουκ έχον ισχύν του ποιήσαι άλευρον εάν δε και ποιήση αλλότριοι καταφάγονται αυτό
8Israel is swallowed up: now is he become among the nations as a worthless vessel. κατεπόθη Ισραήλ νυν εγένετο εν τοις έθνεσιν ως σκεύος άχρηστον
9For they have gone up to the Assyrians: Ephraim has been strengthened against himself; they loved gifts. ότι αυτοί ανέβησαν εις Ασσυρίους ανέθαλε καθ΄ εαυτόν Εφραϊμ δώρα ηγάπησεν
10Therefore shall they be delivered to the nations: now I will receive them, and they shall cease a little to anoint a king and princes. διά τούτο παραδοθήσονται εν τοις έθνεσι νυν εισδέξομαι αυτούς και κοπάσουσι μικρόν του χρίειν βασιλέα και άρχοντας
11Because Ephraim has multiplied altars, his beloved altars are become sins to him. ότι επλήθυνεν Εφραϊμ θυσιαστήρια εις αμαρτίας εγένοντο αυτώ θυσιαστήρια ηγαπημένα
12I will write down a multitude of commands for him; but his statutes are accounted strange things, even the beloved altars. καταγράψω αυτώ πλήθος τα νόμιμα αυτού εις αλλότρια ελογίσθησαν θυσιαστήρια τα ηγαπημένα
13For if they should offer a sacrifice, and eat flesh, the lord will not accept them: now will he remember their iniquities, and will take vengeance on their sins: they have returned to Egypt, and they shall eat unclean things among the Assyrians. διότι εάν θύσωσι θυσίαν και φάγωσι κρέα κύριος ου προσδέξεται αυτά νυν μνησθήσεται αδικίας αυτών και εκδικήσει τας αμαρτίας αυτών αυτοί εις Αίγυπτον απέστρεψαν
14And Israel has forgotten him that made him, and they have built fanes, and Juda has multiplied walled cities: but I will send fire on his cities, and it shall devour their foundations. και επελάθετο Ισραήλ του ποιήσαντος αυτόν και ωκοδόμησαν τεμένη και Ιούδας επλήθυνε πόλεις τετειχισμένας και εξαποστελώ πυρ εις τας πόλεις αυτού και καταφάγεται τα θεμέλια αυτού

Chapter 9

1Rejoice not, O Israel, neither make merry, as other nations: for thou hast gone a-whoring from thy God; thou hast loved gifts upon every threshing-floor. μη χαίρε Ισραήλ μηδέ ευφραίνου καθώς οι λαοί ότι επόρνευσας από κυρίου θεού σου ηγάπησας δόματα επί πάντα άλωνα σίτου
2The threshing-floor and wine-press knew them not, and the wine disappointed them. άλων και ληνός ουκ έγνω αυτούς και ο οίνος εψεύσατο αυτοίς
3They dwelt not in the Lord's land: Ephraim dwelt in Egypt, and they shall eat unclean things among the Assyrians. ου κατώκησαν εν τη γη του κυρίου κατώκησεν Εφραϊμ εις Αίγυπτον και εν Ασσυρίοις ακάθαρτα φάγονται
4They have not offered wine to the Lord, neither have their sacrifices been sweet to him, but as the bread of mourning to them; all that eat them shall be defiled; for their bread for their soul shall not enter into the house of the Lord. ουκ έσπεισαν τω κυρίω οίνον και ουχ ήδυναν αυτώ αι θυσίαι αυτών ως άρτος πένθους αυτοίς πάντες οι εσθίοντες αυτά μιανθήσονται διότι άρτοι αυτών ταις ψυχαίς αυτών ουκ εισελεύσονται εις τον οίκον κυρίου
5What will ye do in the day of the general assembly, and in the day of the feast of the Lord? τι ποιήσετε εν ημέρα πανηγύρεως και εν ημέρα εορτής του κυρίου
6Therefore, behold, they go forth from the trouble of Egypt, and Memphis shall receive them, and Machmas shall bury them: as for their silver, destruction shall inherit it; thorns shall be in their tents. διά τούτο ιδού πορεύονται εκ ταλαιπωρίας Αιγύπτου και εκδέξεται αυτούς Μεμφίς και θάψει αυτούς Μαχμάς το αργύριον αυτών όλεθρος κληρονομήσει αυτό άκανθαι εν τοις σκηνώμασιν αυτών
7The days of vengeance are come, the days of thy recompense are come; and Israel shall be afflicted as the prophet that is mad, as a man deranged: by reason of the multitude of thine iniquities thy madness has abounded. ήκασιν αι ημέραι της εκδικήσεως ήκασιν αι ημέραι της ανταποδόσεώς σου και κακωθήσεται Ισραήλ ώσπερ ο προφήτης ο παρεξεστηκώς άνθρωπος ο πνευματοφόρος υπό του πλήθους των αδικιών σου επληθύνθη μανία σου
8The watchman of Ephraim was with God: the prophet is a crooked snare in all his ways: they have established madness in the house of God. σκοπός Εφραϊμ μετά θεού προφήτης παγίς σκολιά επί πάσας τας οδούς αυτού μανίαν εν οίκω θεού κατέπηξαν
9They have corrupted themselves according to the days of the hill: he will remember their iniquities, he will take vengeance on their sins. εφθάρησαν κατά τας ημέρας του βουνού μνησθήσεται αδικίας αυτών εκδικήσει αμαρτίας αυτών
10I found Israel as grapes in the wilderness, and I saw their fathers as an early watchman in a fig-tree: they went in to Beel-phegor, and were shamefully estranged, and the abominable became as the beloved. ως σταφυλήν εν ερήμω εύρον τον Ισραήλ ως σύκον εν συκή πρώϊμον είδον πατέρας αυτών αυτοί εισήλθον προς τον Βεελφεγώρ και απηλλοτριώθησαν εις αισχύνην και εγένοντο οι εβδελυγμένοι ως οι ηγαπημένοι
11Ephraim has flown away as a bird; their glories from the birth, and the travail, and the conception. Εφραϊμ ως όρνεον εξεπετάσθη η δόξα αυτών εκ τόκων και ωδίνων και εκ συλλήψεων
12For even if they should rear their children, yet shall they be utterly bereaved: wherefore also there is woe to them, though my flesh is of them. διότι εάν και εκθρέψωσι τα τέκνα αυτών ατεκνωθήσονται εξ ανθρώπων διότι και ουαί αυτοίς εστι η σαρξ μου εξ αυτών
13Ephraim, even as I saw, gave their children for a prey; yea, Ephraim was ready to bring out his children to slaughter. Εφραϊμ ον τρόπον είδον εις θήραν παρέστησαν τα τέκνα αυτών του εξαγαγείν εις αποκέντησιν τα τέκνα αυτών
14Give them, O Lord: what wilt thou give them? a miscarrying womb, and dry breasts. δος αυτοίς κύριε τι δώσεις αυτοίς δος αυτοίς μήτραν ατεκνούσαν και μαστούς ξηρούς
15All their wickedness is in Galgal: for there I hated them: because of the wickedness of their practices, I will cast them out of my house, I will not love them any more: all their princes are disobedient. πάσαι αι κακίαι αυτών εν Γαλγάλ ότι εκεί εμίσησα αυτούς διά της κακίας των επιτηδευμάτων αυτών εκ του οίκου μου εκβαλώ αυτούς ου προσθήσω του αγαπήσαι αυτούς πάντες οι άρχοντες αυτών απειθούντες
16Ephraim is sick, he is dried up at his roots, he shall in no wise any more bear fruit: wherefore even if they should beget children, I will kill the desired fruit of their womb. επόνεσεν Εφραϊμ τας ρίζας αυτού εξηράνθη καρπόν ουκ ου ενέγκη διότι εάν γεννήσωσιν αποκτενώ τα επιθυμήματα της κοιλίας αυτών
17God shall reject them, because they have not hearkened to him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations. απώσεται αυτούς ο θεός ότι ουκ εισήκουσαν αυτού και έσονται πλανηταί εν τοις έθνεσιν

Chapter 10

1Israel is a vine with goodly branches, her fruit is abundant: according to the multitude of her fruits she has multiplied her altars; according to the wealth of his land, he has set up pillars. άμπελος ευκληματούσα Ισραήλ ο καρπός αυτής ευθηνών κατά το πλήθος των καρπών αυτής επλήθυνε τα θυσιαστήρια κατά τα αγαθά της γης αυτού ωκοδόμησε στήλας
2They have divided their hearts; now shall they be utterly destroyed: he shall dig down their altars, their pillars shall mourn. εμερίσαν καρδίας αυτών νυν αφανισθήσονται αυτός κατασκάψει τα θυσιαστήρια αυτών ταλαιπωρήσουσιν αι στήλαι αυτών
3Because now they shall say, We have no king, because we feared not the Lord: διότι νυν ερούσιν ουκ έστι βασιλεύς ημίν ότι ουκ εφοβήθημεν τον κύριον ο δε βασιλεύς τι ποιήσει ημίν
4and what should a king do for us, speaking false professions as his words? he will make a covenant: judgment shall spring up as a weed on the soil of the field. λαλών ρήματα προφάσεις ψευδείς διαθήσεται διαθήκην ανατελεί ως άγρωστις κρίμα επί χέρσον αγρού
5The inhabitants of Samaria shall dwell near the calf of the house of On; for the people of it mourned for it: and as they provoked him, they shall rejoice at his glory, because he has departed from them. τω μόσχω του οίκου ων παροικήσουσιν οι κατοικούντες Σαμάρειαν ότι επένθησεν ο λαός αυτού επ΄ αυτόν και καθώς παρεπίκραναν αυτόν επιχαρούνται επί την δόξαν αυτού ότι μετωκίσθη απ΄ αυτού
6And having bound it for the Assyrians, they carried it away as presents to king Jarim: Ephraim shall receive a gift, and Israel shall be ashamed of his counsel. και αυτόν εις Ασσυρίους δήσαντες απήνεγκαν ξένια τω βασιλεί Ιαρίβ εν δόματι Εφραϊμ δέξεται αισχύνην αισχυνθήσεται Ισραήλ εν τη βουλή αυτού
7Samaria has cast off her king as a twig on the surface of the water. απέρριψε Σαμαρεία βασιλέα αυτής ως φρύγανον επί προσώπου ύδατος
8And the altars of On, the sins of Israel, shall be taken away: thorns and thistles shall come up on their altars; and they shall say to the mountains, Cover us; and to the hills, Fall on us. και εξαρθήσονται βωμοί ων αμαρτήματα του Ισραήλ άκανθαι και τρίβολοι αναβήσονται επί τα θυσιαστήρια αυτών και ερούσι τοις όρεσι καλύψατε ημάς και τοις βουνοίς πέσατε εφ΄ ημάς
9From the time the hills existed Israel has sinned: there they stood: war waged against the children of iniquity αφ΄ ου οι βουνοί ήμαρτεν Ισραήλ εκεί έστησαν ου καταλάβη αυτούς εν τω βουνώ πόλεμος επί τα τέκνα αδικίας ήλθε
10to chastise them shall not overtake them on the hill, the nations shall be gathered against them, when they are chastened for their two sins, του παιδεύσαι αυτούς και συναχθήσονται λαοί επ΄ αυτούς εν τω παιδεύεσθαι αυτούς εν ταις δυσίν αδικίαις αυτών
11Ephraim is a heifer taught to love victory, but I will come upon the fairest part of her neck: I will mount Ephraim; I will pass over Juda in silence; Jacob shall prevail against him. Εφραϊμ δάμαλις δεδιδαγμένη αγαπάν νείκος εγώ δε επελεύσομαι επί το κάλλιστον του τραχήλου αυτής επιβιβώ Εφραϊμ παρασιωπήσομαι Ιούδαν ενισχύσει αυτώ Ιακώβ
12Sow to yourselves for righteousness, gather in for the fruit of life: light ye for yourselves the light of knowledge; seek the Lord till the fruits of righteousness come upon you. σπείρατε εαυτοίς εις δικαιοσύνην τρυγήσατε εις καρπόν ζωής φωτίσατε εαυτοίς φως γνώσεως εκζητήσατε τον κύριον έως του ελθείν γενήματα δικαιοσύνης υμίν
13Wherefore have ye passed over ungodliness in silence, and reaped the sins of it? ye have eaten false fruit; for thou has trusted in thy sins, in the abundance of thy power. ινατί παρεσιωπήσατε ασέβειαν και τας αδικίας αυτής ετρυγήσατε εφάγετε καρπόν ψευδή ότι ήλπισας εν τοις άρμασι σου εν πλήθει δυνάμεώς σου
14Therefore shall destruction rise up among thy people, and all thy strong places shall be ruined: as a prince Solomon departed out of the house of Jeroboam, in the days of battle they dashed the mother to the ground upon the children, και εξαναστήσεται απώλεια εν τω λαώ σου και πάντα τα περιτετειχισμένα σου οιχήσεται ως άρχων Σάλμανα εκ του οίκου Ιεροβοάμ εν ημέραις πολέμου μητέρα επί τέκνοις ηδάφισαν
15thus will I do to you, O house of Israel, because of the unrighteousness of your sins. ούτως ποιήσω υμίν οίκος του Ισραήλ από προσώπου κακιών υμών

Chapter 11

1Early in the morning were they cast off, the king of Israel has been cast off: for Israel is a child, and I loved him, and out of Egypt have I called his children. όρθρου απερρίφησαν απερρίφη βασιλεύς Ισραήλ διότι νήπιος Ισραήλ και εγώ ηγάπησα αυτόν και εξ Αιγύπτου μετεκάλεσα τα τέκνα αυτού
2As I called them, so they departed from my presence: they sacrificed to Baalim, and burnt incense to graven images. καθώς μετεκάλεσα αυτούς ούτως απώχοντο εκ προσώπου μου αυτοί τοις Βααλείμ έθυον και τοις γλυπτοίς εθυμίων
3Yet I bound the feet of Ephraim, I took him on my arm; but they knew not that I healed them. και εγώ συνεπόδισα τον Εφραϊμ ανέλαβον αυτόν επί τον βραχίονα μου και ουκ έγνωσαν ότι ίαμαι αυτούς
4When men were destroyed, I drew them with the bands of my love: and I will be to them as a man smiting another on his cheek: and I will have respect to him, I will prevail with him. εν διαφθορά ανθρώπων εξέτεινα αυτούς εν δεσμοίς αγαπήσεώς μου και έσομαι αυτοίς ως ραπίζων άνθρωπος επί τας σιαγόνας αυτού και επιβλέψομαι προς αυτόν δυνήσομαι αυτώ
5Ephraim dwelt in Egypt; and as for the Assyrian, he was his king, because he would not return. κατώκησεν Εφραϊμ εν Αιγύπτω και Ασσούρ αυτός βασιλεύς αυτού ότι ουκ ηθέλησεν επιστρέψαι
6And in his cities he prevailed not with the sword, and he ceased to war with his hands: and they shall eat of the fruit of their own devices: και ησθένησεν εν ρομφαία εν ταις πόλεσιν αυτού και κατέπαυσεν εν ταις χερσίν αυτού και φάγονται εκ των διαβουλιών αυτών
7and his people shall cleave fondly to their habitation; but God shall be angry with his precious things, and shall not at all exalt him. και ο λαός αυτού επικρεμάμενος εκ της κατοικίας αυτού και ο θεός επί τα τίμια αυτού θυμωθήσεται και ου υψώση αυτόν
8How shall I deal with thee, Ephraim? how shall I protect thee, Israel? what shall I do with thee? I will make thee as Adama, and as Seboim; my heart is turned at once, my repentance is powerfully excited. τι σοι ποιήσω Εφραϊμ υπερασπιώ σε Ισραήλ τι σοι ποιήσω ως Αδαμάν θήσομαί σε και ως Σεβοείμ μετεστράφη η καρδία μου εν τω αυτώ συνεταράχθη η μεταμέλειά μου
9I will not act according to the fury of my wrath, I will not abandon Ephraim to be utterly destroyed: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One within thee: and I will not enter into the city. ου ποιήσω κατά την οργήν του θυμού μου ου εγκαταλίπω του εξαλειφθήναι τον Εφραϊμ διότι ο θεός εγώ ειμι και ουκ άνθρωπος εν σοι άγιος και ουκ εισελεύσομαι εις πόλιν
10I will go after the Lord: he shall utter his voice as a lion: for he shall roar, and the children of the waters shall be amazed. οπίσω κυρίου πορεύσομαι ως λέων ερεύξεται ότι αυτός ωρύσεται και εκστήσονται τέκνα υδάτων
11They shall be amazed and fly as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of the Assyrians: and I will restore them to their houses, saith the Lord. εκστήσονται ως όρνεον εξ Αιγύπτου και ως περιστερά εκ γης Ασσυρίων και αποκαταστήσω αυτούς εις τους οίκους αυτών λέγει κύριος
12Ephraim has compassed me with falsehood, and the house of Israel and Juda with ungodliness: but now God knows them, and they shall be called God's holy people. εκύκλωσέ με εν ψεύδει Εφραϊμ και εν ασεβείαις οίκος Ισραήλ και Ιούδα νυν έγνω αυτούς ο θεός και λαός άγιος κεκλήσεται θεού

Chapter 12

1But Ephraim is an evil spirit, he has chased the east wind all the day: he has multiplied empty and vain things, and made a covenant with the Assyrians, and oil has gone in the way of traffic into Egypt. ο δε Εφραϊμ πονηρόν πνεύμα εδίωξε καύσωνα όλην την ημέραν κενά και μάταια επλήθυνε και διαθήκην μετά Ασσυρίων διέθετο και έλαιον εις Αίγυπτον ενεπορεύετο
2And the Lord has a controversy with Juda, in order to punish Jacob: according to his ways and according to his practices will he recompense him. και κρίσις τω κυρίω προς Ιούδαν του εκδικήσαι τον Ιακώβ κατά τας οδούς αυτού και κατά τα επιτηδεύματα αυτού ανταποδώσει αυτώ
3He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and in his labours he had power with God. εν τη κοιλία επτέρνισε τον αδελφόν αυτού και εν κόποις αυτού ενίσχυσε προς θεόν
4And he prevailed with the angel and was strong: they wept, and intreated me: they found me in the house of On, and there a word was spoken to them. και ενίσχυσε μετά αγγέλου και ηδυνάσθη έκλαυσαν και εδεήθησάν μου εν τω οίκω ων ευροσάν με εκεί ελαλήθη προς αυτούς
5But the Lord God Almighty shall be his memorial. ο δε κύριος ο θεός ο παντοκράτωρ έσται μνημόσυνον αυτού
6Thou therefore shalt return to thy God: keep thou mercy and judgment, and draw nigh to thy God continually. και συ εν θεώ σου επιστρέψεις έλεον και κρίμα φυλάσσου και έγγιζε προς τον θεόν σου διαπαντός
7As for Chanaan, in his hand is a balance of unrighteousness: he has loved to tyrannize. Χαναάν εν χειρί αυτού ζυγός αδικίας καταδυναστεύειν ηγάπησε
8And Ephraim said, Nevertheless I am rich, I have found refreshment to myself. None of his labours shall be found available to him, by reason of the sins which he has committed. και είπεν Εφραίμ πλην πεπλούτηκα εύρηκα αναψυχήν εμαυτώ πάντες οι πόνοι αυτού ουχ ευρεθήσονται αυτώ δι΄ αδικίας εν αις ήμαρτεν
9But I the Lord thy God brought thee up out of the land of Egypt: I will yet cause thee to dwell in tabernacles, according to the days of the feast. εγώ δε κύριος ο θεός σου ανήγαγόν σε εκ γης Αιγύπτου έτι κατοικιώ σε εν σκηναίς καθώς εν ημέραι εορτής
10And I will speak to the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and by the means of the prophets I was represented. και λαλήσω προς προφήτας και εγώ οράσεις επλήθυνα και εν χερσί προφητών ωμοιώθην
11If Galaad exists not, then the chiefs in Galaad when they sacrificed were false, and their altars were as heaps on the ground of the field. ει μη Γαλγάλα εστίν άρα και ψευδείς ήσαν εν Γαλγάλ άρχοντες θυσιάζοντες και τα θυσιαστήρια αυτών ως χελώναι επί χέρσον αγρού
12And Jacob retreated into the plain of Syria, and Israel served for a wife, and waited for a wife. και ανεχώρησεν Ιακώβ εις πεδίον Συρίας και εδούλευσεν Ισραήλ εν γυναικί και εν γυναικί εφυλάξατο
13And the Lord brought Israel out of the land of Egypt by a prophet, and by a prophet was he preserve. και εν προφήτη ανήγαγε κύριος τον Ισραήλ εκ γης Αιγύπτου και εν προφήτη διεφυλάχθη
14Ephraim was angry and excited, therefore his blood shall be poured out upon him, and the Lord shall recompense to him his reproach. εθύμωσεν Εφραϊμ και παρώργισε και το αίμα αυτού επ΄ αυτόν εκχυθήσεται και τον ονειδισμόν αυτού ανταποδώσει κύριος αυτώ

Chapter 13

1According to the word of Ephraim he adopted ordinances for himself in Israel; and he established them for Baal, and died. κατά τον λόγον Εφραϊμ δικαιώματα έλαβεν αυτός εν Ισραήλ και έθετο τη Βάαλ και απέθανε
2And now they have sinned increasingly, and have made for themselves a molten image of their silver, according to the fashion of idols, the work of artificers accomplished for them: they say, Sacrifice men, for the calves have come to an end. και νυν προσέθεντο του αμαρτάνειν και εποίησαν εαυτοίς χωνεύματα εκ του αργυρίου αυτών κατ΄ εικόνα ειδώλων έργα τεκτόνων συντετλεσμένα αυτοίς αυτοί λέγουσι θύσατε ανθρώπους μόσχοι γαρ εκλελοίπασι
3Therefore shall they be as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that passes away, as chaff blown away from the threshing-floor, and as a vapor from tears. διά τούτο έσονται ως νεφέλη πρωϊνή και ως δρόσος ορθρινή πορευομένη ως χνους αποφυσώμενος απ΄ άλωνος και ως ατμίς από δακρύων
4But I am the Lord thy God that establishes the heaven, and creates the earth, whose hands have framed the whole host of heaven: but I shewed them not to thee that thou shouldest go after them: and I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no God but me; and there is no Saviour beside me. εγώ δε κύριος ο θεός σου εγώ ανήγαγόν σε εκ γης Αιγύπτου και θεόν πλην εμού ου γνώση και σώζων ουκ έστι πάρεξ εμού
5I tended thee as a shepherd in the wilderness, in an uninhabited land. εγώ εποίμαινόν σε εν τη ερήμω εν γη αοικήτω
6According to their pastures, so they were completely filled; and their hearts were exalted; therefore they forgot me. κατά τας νομάς αυτών και ενεπλήσθησαν εις πλησμονήν και υψώθησαν αι καρδίαι αυτών ένεκα τούτου επελάθοντό μου
7And I will be to them as a panther, and as a leopard. και έσομαι αυτοίς ως πάνθηρ και ως πάρδαλις κατά την οδόν Ασσυρίων
8I will meet them by the way of the Assyrians, as a she-bear excited, and I will rend the caul of their heart, and the lions' whelps of the thicket shall devour them there; the wild beasts of the field shall rend them in pieces. απαντήσομαι αυτοίς ως άρκος η απορουμένη και διαρρήξω συγκλεισμόν καρδίας αυτών και καταφάγονται αυτούς εκεί σκύμνοι δρυμού και θηρία αγρού διασπάσει αυτούς
9O Israel, who will aid thee in thy destruction? τη διαφθορά σου Ισραήλ τις βοηθήσει
10Where is this thy king? let him even save thee in all thy cities: let him judge thee, of whom thou saidst, Give me a king and a prince. που ο βασιλεύς σου ούτος και διασωσάτω σε εν πάσαις ταις πόλεσί σου κρινάτω σε ον είπας δος μοι βασιλέα και άρχοντα
11And I gave thee a king in mine anger, and kept him back in my wrath. και έδωκά σοι βασιλέα εν οργή μου και έσχον εν τω θυμώ μου
12Ephraim has framed a conspiracy of unrighteousness, his sin is hidden. συστροφή αδικίας Εφραϊμ εγκεκρυμμένη αμαρτία αυτού
13Pains as of a woman in travail shall come upon him: he is thy wise son, because he shall not stay in the destruction of thy children. ωδίνες ως τικτούσης ήξουσιν αυτώ ούτος ο υιός σου ο φρόνιμος διότι νυν ου υποστή εν συντριβή τέκνων
14I will deliver them out of the power of Hades, and will redeem them from death: where is thy penalty, O death? O Hades, where is thy sting? comfort is hidden from mine eyes. εκ χειρός άδου ρύσομαι αυτούς εκ θανάτου λυτρώσομαι αυτούς που η δίκη σου θάνατε που το κέντρον σου άδη παράκλησις κέκρυπται από οφθαλμών μου
15Forasmuch as he will cause a division among his brethren, the Lord shall bring upon him an east wind from the desert, and shall dry up his veins and quite drain his fountains: he shall dry up his land, and spoil all his precious vessels. διότι ούτος αναμέσον αδελφών διαστελεί επάξει καύσωνα άνεμον κύριος εκ της ερήμου επ΄ αυτόν και αναξηρανεί τας φλέβας αυτού εξερημώσει τας πηγάς αυτού αυτός καταξηρανεί την γην αυτού και πάντα τα σκεύη τα επιθυμητά αυτού
16 αφανισθήσεται Σαμάρεια ότι αντέστη προς θεόν αυτής εν ρομφαία πεσούνται και τα υποτίτθια αυτών εδαφισθήσεται και αι εν γαστρί έχουσαι αυτών διαρραγήσονται

Chapter 14

1Samaria shall be utterly destroyed: for she has resisted her God; they shall fall by the sword, and their sucklings shall be dashed against the ground, and their women with child ripped up. επιστράφηθι Ισραήλ προς κύριον τον θεόν σου διότι ησθένησας εν ταις αδικίαις σου
2Return, O Israel, to the Lord thy God; for the people have fallen through thine iniquities. λάβετε μεθ΄ εαυτών λόγους και επιστράφητε προς κύριον είπατε αυτώ όπως μη λάβητε αδικίαν και λάβητε αγαθά και ανταποδώσομεν καρπόν χειλέων ημών
3Take with you words, and turn to the Lord your God: speak to him, that ye may not receive the reward of unrighteousness, but that ye may receive good things: and we will render in return the fruit of our lips. Ασσούρ ου σώση ημάς εφ΄ ίππον ουκ αναβησόμεθα ουκέτι ου είπωμεν θεοί ημών τοις έργοις των χειρών ημών ος εν σοι ελεήσει ορφανόν
4Assur shall never save us; we will not mount on horseback; we will no longer say to the works of our hands, Our gods. He who is in thee shall pity the orphan. ιάσομαι τας κατοικίας αυτών αγαπήσω αυτούς ομολόγως ότι απέστρεψεν οργή μου απ΄ αυτών
5I will restore their dwellings, I will love them truly: for he has turned away my wrath from him. και έσομαι ως δρόσος τω Ισραήλ ανθήσει ως κρίνον και βαλεί τας ρίζας αυτού ως ο Λίβανος
6I will be as dew to Israel: he shall bloom as the lily, and cast forth his roots as Libanus. πορεύσονται οι κλάδοι αυτού και έσται ως ελαία κατάκαρπος και η οσφρασία αυτού ως Λιβάνου
7His branches shall spread, and he shall be as a fruitful olive, and his smell shall be as the smell of Libanus. επιστρέψουσι και καθιούνται υπό την σκέπην αυτού ζήσονται και στηριχθήσονται σίτω και εξανθήσουσιν ως άμπελος το μνημόσυνον αυτού ως οίνος Λιβάνου
8They shall return, and dwell under his shadow: they shall live and be satisfied with corn, and he shall flower as a vine: his memorial shall be to Ephraim as the wine of Libanus. τω Εφραϊμ τι αυτώ έτι και ειδώλοις εγώ εταπείνωσα αυτόν και κατισχύσω αυτόν εγώ ως άρκευθος πυκάζουσα εξ εμού ο καρπός εύρηται
9What has he to do any more with idols? I have afflicted him, and I will strengthen him: I am as a leafy juniper tree. From me is thy fruit found. τις σοφός και συνήσει ταύτα συνετός και επιγνώσεται αυτά ότι ευθείαι αι οδοί του κυρίου και δίκαιοι πορεύσονται εν αυταίς οι δε ασεβείς ασθενήσουσιν εν αυταίς
10Who is wise, and will understand these things? or prudent, and will know them? for the ways of the Lord are straight, and the righteous shall walk in them: but the ungodly shall fall therein.