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This links to a specific bill via THOMAS.

Bills and Resolutions from the 6th Congress through the 42nd Congress are available separately through the Library of Congress.




  • {{{1}}}: Congress number (93-present). (1-92 will provide the right output, but the link will not work).
(Congress number)
Link Format
93-115 (present) Links to THOMAS bill Formats properly
1-92 No link Formats properly
  • {{{2}}}: Bill type:
(NOT case specific)
template will
convert it to
Bill type Piped result
h, h., h.r., hr hr House Bill H.R.
h.res., h.res, hres hres House Resolution H.Res.
h.j.res, h.jres, h.j.res, hjres., h.j.r., hjr, hj, hjres hjres House Joint Resolution H.J.Res.
h.con.res., h.con.res, h. con. res., h. con. res, hconres., hconres, hcr, h c r, h con res hconres House Concurrent Resolution H.Con.Res.
h.amdt., h.amdt, ha, hamdt hamdt House Amendment H.Amdt.
s., s s Senate Bill S.
s.res., s.res, sr, sres sres Senate Resolution S.Res.
s.j., s.j, sj, sjr, sjres sjres Senate Joint Resolution S.J.Res.
s.con.res., s.con.res, s. con. res., s. con. res, sconres., sconres, scr, s c r, s con res, scon sconres Senate Concurrent Resolution S.Con.Res.
s.amdt., s.amdt, samt, sa, samdt samdt Senate Amendment S.Amdt.
  • {{{3}}}: Bill number (1-?)
  • {{{pipe}}}: Optional field if you'd rather use piped text



The Senate Joint Resolution 52 of the 101st Congress:

{{USBill|101|SJ|52}} returns S.J.Res. 52

The House bill 889 of the 109th Congress:

{{USBill|109|HR|889}} returns H.R. 889

The House Resolution 4954 of the 109th Congress, known as the "SAFE Port Act":

{{USBill|109|HR|4954|pipe=Text of the SAFE Port Act}} returns Text of the SAFE Port Act

Examples of Senate legislation from the Library of Congress:

{{USBill|110|S|254}} returns S. 254
{{USBill|110|SJ|10}} returns S.J.Res. 10
{{USBill|110|SConRes|33}} returns S.Con.Res. 33
{{USBill|110|SRes|69}} returns S.Res. 69
{{USBill|110|SA|43}} returns S.Amdt. 43

Examples of House of Representatives legislation from the Library of Congress:

{{USBill|110|HR|622}} returns H.R. 622
{{USBill|110|HJ|65}} returns H.J.Res. 65
{{USBill|110|HConRes|27}} returns H.Con.Res. 27
{{USBill|110|HRes|655}} returns H.Res. 655
{{USBill|110|HA|234}} returns H.Amdt. 234

See also



View WP version Parameters in (parentheses) are optional.

{{usc-sd}}title(section)(part)(chapter)(subtitle)(subchapter)(posttitle)(endtext)(plainlinks)(pipe)United States Code via Cornell University's Legal Information Institute
{{UnitedStatesCode}}, {{USC}}, {{usc}}titlesection(end of section range)(pipe)USC via Cornell
{{UnitedStatesCode2}}, {{USC2}}, {{usc2}}titlesectiondescriptionUSC via Cornell: description of the section
{{UnitedStatesCodeSec}}, {{USCSec}}titlesection(pipe)USC via Cornell: when citing one of a series of USC sections, where it would be redundant to display the full citation for each section, this template can be used to display only the section number.
{{UnitedStatesCodeSub}}, {{USCSub}}titlesection(levels of "sub")Access to subsection/paragraph/subparagraph/clause/... to allow correct hyperlinking to the anchors embedded in the Cornell pages.
{{USCSub2}}, {{uscsub2}}titlesection(levels of "sub")Combines 'USCSec' and 'USCSub', eliminating redundancy when citing subsections / subparagraphs / &c.
{{usc-clause}}titlesectionclauseUSC via Cornell: allows clauses
{{usc-title-chap}}, {{usctc}}titlechapter(subchapter)(pipe)USC via Cornell: title/chapter links
{{USStat}}, {{usstat}}volumepageStatutes at Large via the Library of Congress, the Government Printing Office, or Google Books
{{USPL}}, {{uspl}}congressordinal lawPublic Law via GPO Access
{{USStatute}}congressordinal law(volume)(page)Combines {{tl|USPL}} and {{tl|USStat}}, then add optional Year (<nowiki>{{{5}}}</nowiki>), Month (<nowiki>{{{6}}}</nowiki>), Day (<nowiki>{{{7}}}</nowiki>)
{{USBill}}congressbill type (S, SJ, HR, HJ)bill number (1–?)(pipe)Congressional bills via THOMAS
{{USHRollCall}}, {{USHVote}}yearvoteHouse Roll call vote via Clerk.House.gov
{{USSRollCall}}, {{USSVote}}congresssessionvoteSenate Roll call vote via Senate.gov
{{USCongRec}}yearsectionpage(date)Congressional Record via GPO Access
{{Federal Register}}, {{USFR}}, {{USFedReg}}volumepageFederal Register via GPO Access
{{Federal reporter}}seriesvolumecase(+ optional parameters)Federal Reporter via Wikisource or OpenJurist
{{CodeFedReg}}, {{USCFR}}volumepartsection(clause)Code of Federal Regulations via GPO Access
{{ExecutiveOrder}}numberExecutive Orders via Wikisource
{{USSG}}chaptersectionU.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines (2009) via the U.S. Sentencing Commission website
{{USSGSub}}chaptersection(up to 3 levels of "sub")U.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines (2009) via the U.S. Sentencing Commission website