The American Practical Navigator/Acronyms
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[edit]A | amplitude; augmentation; away (altitude intercept); Arctic/Antarctic (air mass) |
a | semimajor axis |
a | altitude intercept (Ho~Hc); altitude factor (change of altitude in 1 minute of time from meridian transit); assumed |
ABAND | abandoned |
AC | alternating current; altocumulus |
ACC | Antarctic Circumpolar Current |
add'l | additional |
ADF | automatic direction finder |
ADIZ | air defense identification zone |
AEB | acquisition exclusion boundary |
AERO | aeronautical |
AF | audio frequency |
AFC | automatic frequency control |
AGC | automatic gain control |
AISM | Association Internationale de Signalisation Maritime (International Association of Lighthouse Authorities) |
aL | assumed latitude |
Al., Alt, | alternating (light) |
A.L.R.S. | Admiralty List of Radio Signals. |
am | amber |
AM | amplitude modulation |
AM | ante meridian (before noon) |
Anch | anchorage |
antilog | antilogarithm |
AP | assumed position |
approx. | approximate, approximately |
ARPA | automatic radar plotting aid |
ASAM | anti-ship action message |
ASF | Additional Secondary Phase Factor |
AT | atomic time |
AU | astronomical unit |
AUSREP | Australian Ships Reporting System |
al | assumed longitude |
[edit]B | atmospheric pressure correction (altitude); bearing, bearing angle |
Bdy Mon | boundary monument |
BFO | beat frequency oscillator |
BIH | Bureau Internationale de l’Heure |
BIPM | International Bureau of Weights and Measures |
bk | broken |
bkw | breakwater |
bl | blue |
BM | bench mark |
Bn | beacon |
Bpgc | bearing per gyrocompass |
br | breakers |
Brg. | bearing (as distinguished from bearing angle). |
bu | blue |
[edit]C | Celsius (centigrade) |
C | chronometer time |
C | compass (direction) |
C | correction |
C | course |
C | course angle |
C | can |
C | cylindrical |
C | cove |
CALM | catenary anchor leg mooring |
CB | compass bearing |
CBDR | constant bearing, decreasing range |
CC | compass course |
CC | chronometer correction |
CCIR | International Radio Consultative Committee |
CCU | Consultative Committee for Units of the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM) |
CCZ | Coastal Confluence Zone |
cd | candela, candelas |
CD | chart datum |
CD-ROM | compact disk-read only memory |
CG | Coast Guard |
CE | chronometer error |
CE | compass error |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
cec | centicycle |
cel | centilane |
CEP | circular probable error |
CES | coast earth station |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CGPM | General Conference of Weights and Measures |
CH | compass heading |
CIPM | International Committee of Weights and Measures |
Cl | clearance |
cm | centimeter(s) |
CMG | course made good |
Cn | course (as distinguished from course angle) |
co | coral |
co- | the complement of (90° minus) |
COA | course of advance |
COE | Committee on ECDIS (IHO) |
COG | course over ground |
coL | colatitude |
colog | cologarithm |
corr. | correction |
cos | cosine |
cot | cotangent |
cov | coversine |
CPA | closest point of approach |
CPE | circular probable error |
Cpgc | course per gyrocompass |
cps | cycles per second |
Cpsc | course per standard compass |
Cp stg c | course per steering compass |
CPU | central processing unit |
crs | course |
CRT | cathode-ray tube |
csc | cosecant |
cup | cupola |
Cus Ho | customs house |
CW | continuous wave |
CZn | compass azimuth |
[edit]D | deviation |
D | dip (of horizon) |
D | distance |
D | destroyed |
d | declination (astronomical) |
d | altitude difference |
d | declination change in 1 hour |
dA | difference of longitude (time units) |
DC | direct current |
deg. | degree(s) |
Dec. | declination |
Dec. Inc. | declination increment |
Dep. | departure |
destr | destroyed |
Dev. | deviation |
DG | degaussing |
DGPS | differential global positioning system |
DHQ | mean diurnal high water inequality |
Dia | diaphone |
diff. | difference |
Dist. | distance |
D. Lat. | difference of latitude |
DLo | difference of longitude (arc units) |
DLQ | mean diurnal low water inequality |
dm | decimeters |
DMAHTC | Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center |
DNC | digital navigation chart |
dol | dolphin |
DR | dead reckoning |
DR | dead reckoning position |
DRE | dead reckoning equipment |
DRM | direction of relative movement |
DRT | dead reckoning tracer |
Ds | dip short of horizon |
DSC | digital selective calling |
DSD | double second difference |
DSVL | doppler sonar velocity log |
dur. | duration |
DW | Deep Water Route |
DZ | danger zone |
[edit]E | east |
e | base of Naperian logarithms |
e | origin of own ship’s true vector |
e | eccentricity |
EBL | electronic bearing line |
ECD | envelope to cycle difference |
ECD | envelope to cycle discrepancy |
EC | electronic chart |
ECDB | electronic chart data base |
ECDIS | electronic chart display and information system |
ED | existence doubtful |
EDD | estimated date of departure |
EEZ | exclusive economic zone |
EGC | enhanced group calling |
EHF | extremely high frequency |
E. Int. | equal interval |
E. Int. | isophase |
EM | electromagnetic (underwater log) |
em | other ship’s true vector |
ENC | electronic navigation chart |
ENCDB | electronic navigation chart data base |
EP | estimated position |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon |
EPROM | erasable programmable read only memory |
Eq.T | equation of time |
er | own ship’s true vector |
ET | Ephemeris Time |
ETA | estimated time of arrival |
ETD | estimated time of departure |
Exting | extinguished |
[edit]F | Fahrenheit |
F | fast |
F | longitude factor |
F | phase correction (altitude) |
F | fixed (light) |
f | latitude factor |
f | flattening or ellipticity |
F.Fl. | fixed and flashing |
Fl. | flashing (light) |
Fl. (2) | group flashing (light) |
Fl. (2+1) | composite group flashing (light) |
fm(s) | fathom(s) |
FM | frequency modulation |
Fog Det. | fog detector |
Fog Sig. | fog signal |
ft. | foot, feet |
FTC | fast time constant |
[edit]G | Greenwich |
G | Greenwich meridian (upper branch) |
G | grid (direction) |
G | gravel |
G | green |
g | acceleration due to gravity |
g | Greenwich meridian (lower branch) |
GAT | Greenwich apparent time |
GB | grid bearing |
GC | grid course |
GCLWD | Gulf Coast Low Water Datum |
GDOP | geometric dilution of precision |
GE | gyro error |
GH | grid heading |
GHA | Greenwich hour angle |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System |
GMT | Greenwich mean time |
Gp. Fl. | group flashing |
GP | geographical position |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
Gr. | Greenwich |
GRI | group repetition interval |
GST | Greenwich sidereal time |
GV | grid variation |
GZn | grid azimuth |
[edit]h | altitude (astronomical) |
h | height above sea level |
h | hours |
ha | apparent altitude |
Hc | computed altitude |
Hdg. | heading |
HE | heeling error |
HE | height of eye |
HF | high frequency |
hf | height above sea level in feet |
HHW | higher high water |
HHWI | higher high water interval |
Hk | hulk |
HLW | higher low water |
HLWI | higher low water interval |
hm | height above sea level in meters |
Ho | observed altitude |
Hor | horizontal |
Hor Cl | horizontal clearance |
HP | horizontal parallax |
Hp | precomputed altitude |
Hpgc | heading per gyrocompass |
Hpsc | heading per standard compass |
Hp stg c | heading per steering compass |
hr | rectified (apparent) altitude |
hr. | hour, hrs., hours |
hs | sextant altitude |
HSD | high speed data |
ht | tabulated altitude |
HW | high water |
H.W.F.&C. | high water full and change |
HWI | high water interval |
HWI | mean high water lunitidal interval |
HWQ | tropic high water inequality |
Hz | Hertz |
[edit]I | instrument correction |
i | inclination (of satellite orbit) |
IALA | International Association of Lighthouse Authorities |
IAU | International Astronomical Union |
IC | index correction |
ICW | Intracoastal Waterway |
IGLD | International Great Lakes Datum |
IHB | International Hydrographic Bureau |
IHO | International Hydrographic Organization |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
in. | inch, inches |
INM | International Nautical Mile |
INMARSAT | International Maritime Satellite Organization |
INS | inertial navigation system |
int. | interval |
Int. Qk. | Interrupted quick flashing |
ION | Institute of Navigation |
I.Q. | interrupted quick flashing |
IR | interference rejection |
IRP | image-retaining panel |
ISLW | Indian spring low water |
ISO | International Order of Standardization |
ISO | isophase (light) |
ITU | International Telecommunications Union |
IUGG | International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics |
I.U.Q. | interrupted ultra quick flashing |
I.V.Q. | interrupted very quick flashing |
IWW | Intracoastal Waterway |
J – K – L
[edit]J | irradiation correction (altitude) |
K | Kelvin (temperature) |
kHz | kilohertz |
km | kilometer, kilometers |
kn | knot, knots |
L | latitude |
L | lower limb correction for moon |
l | difference of latitude |
l | logarithm, logarithmic |
LAN | local apparent noon |
LANBY | large automatic navigational buoy |
LASH | lighter aboard ship |
LAT | local apparent time |
lat. | latitude |
LF | low frequency |
L.Fl. | long flashing |
LHA | local hour angle |
LHW | ower high water |
LHWI | lower high water interval |
LL | lower limb |
LLW | lower low water |
LLWD | lower low water datum |
LLWI | lower low water interval |
Lm | middle latitude |
Lm | mean latitude |
LMT | local mean time |
LNB | large navigational buoy |
LNG | liquified natural gas |
LPG | liquified petroleum gas |
Log | logarithm, logarithmic |
Loge | natural logarithm (to the base e) |
Log10 | common logarithm (to the base 10) |
Long. | longitude> |
LOP | line of position |
LST | local sidereal time |
Lt. | light |
Lt Ho | light house |
Lt V | light vessel |
LW | low water |
LWD | low water datum |
LWI | low water interval |
LWI | mean low water lunitidal interval |
LWQ | tropic low water inequality |
[edit]M | celestial body |
M | meridian (upper branch) |
M | magnetic (direction) |
M | meridional parts |
M | nautical mile, miles |
M | other ship |
m | meridian (lower branch) |
m | meridional difference |
m | meter,(s) |
m | U.S. survey mile, miles |
m | end of other ship’s true vector |
m | minutes |
mag. | magnetic |
mag. | magnitude |
MARAD | United States Maritime Administration |
MB | magnetic bearing |
mb | millibar(s) |
MC | magnetic course |
mc | megacycle, megacycles |
mc | megacycles per second |
MC&G | mapping, charting and geodesy |
MCPA | minutes to closest point of approach |
Mer. Pass. | meridian passage |
MF | medium frequency |
MGRS | military grid reference system |
MH | magnetic heading |
MHHW | mean higher high water |
MHHWL | mean higher high water line |
MHW | mean high water |
MHWI | mean high water lunitidal interval |
MHWL | mean high water line |
MHWN | neap high water or high water neaps |
MHWS | mean high water springs |
MHz | megahertz |
mi. | mile, miles |
mid | middle |
min. | minute(s) |
MLLW | mean lower low water |
MLLWL | mean lower low water line |
MLW | mean low water |
MLWI | mean low water lunitidal interval |
MLWL | mean low water line |
MLWN | neap low water or low water neaps |
MLWS | mean low water springs |
mm | millimeters |
Mn | mean range of tide |
mo | month(s) |
MODU | mobile offshore drilling unit |
Mon | monument |
Mo.(U) | Morse Uniform (light) |
mph | miles per hour |
MPP | most probable position |
MRI | mean rise interval |
MRM | miles of relative movement |
ms | millisecond(s) |
MSC | Military Sealift Command |
MSI | maritime safety information |
MSL | mean sea level |
MTI | moving target indication |
MTL | mean tide level |
MWL | mean water level |
MWLL | mean water level line |
MZn | magnetic azimuth |
[edit]N | north |
N | nun |
n | natural (trigonometric function) |
Na | nadir |
NAD | North American Datum |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NAUTO | nautophone |
NAVSAT | Navy Navigation Satellite System |
NAVSSI | navigation sensor system interface |
NBDP | narrow band direct printing |
NBS | National Bureau of Standards |
NCS | network coordination station |
NESS | National Earth Satellite Service |
NGVD | National Geodetic Vertical Datum |
NLT | not less than (used with danger bearing) |
n. mi. | nautical mile(s) |
NM | nautical mile, miles |
NM | notice to mariners |
NMEA | National Marine Electronics Association |
NMT | not more than (used with danger bearing) |
NNSS | Navy Navigation Satellite System |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOS | National Ocean Service |
NRML | new relative movement line |
NtM | notice to mariners |
NWS | National Weather Service |
[edit]Obsc | obscured |
Obs Spot | Observation spot |
Obstr | obstruction |
Oc. | occulting |
Oc.(2) | group occulting |
Oc.(2+1) | composite group occulting |
Occas | occasional |
ODAS | oceanographic data acquisition systems |
Or | orange |
OTC | officer in tactical command |
OTSR | Optimum Track Ship Routing |
[edit]P | atmospheric pressure |
P | parallax |
P | planet |
P | pole |
P | pillar |
p | departure |
p | polar distance |
PA | position approximate |
PC | personal correction |
PC | personal computer |
PD | position doubtful |
PCA | polar cap absorption |
PCD | polar cap disturbance |
PCP | potential point of collisio |
pgc | per gyrocompass |
P in A | parallax in altitude |
PM | pulse modulation |
PM | post meridian (after noon) |
Pn | north pole |
Pn | north celestial pole |
PPC | predicted propagation correction |
PPDB | point positioning data base |
PPI | plan position indicator |
PRF | >pulse repetition frequency |
Priv | private |
Priv | privately |
PROHIB | prohibited |
PRR | pulse repetition rate |
Ps | south pole |
Ps | south celestial pole |
psc | per standard compass |
p stg c | per steering compass |
Pub. | publication |
PV | prime vertical |
Pyl | pylon |
[edit]Q | quick flashing |
Q(3) | group quick flashing (3 flashes) |
Q(6)+L.Fl. | group quick flashing (6 flashes) plus a long flash |
Q | Polaris correction |
QQ' | celestial equator |
[edit]r | end of own ship’s true vector |
R | Rankine (temperature) |
R | refraction |
R | own ship |
R | red |
R | rocky |
R | coast radio station |
RA | right ascension |
RACON | radar transponder beacon |
rad | radian(s) |
RB | relative bearing |
R Bn | radiobeacon |
RCC | Rescue Coordination Center |
RDF | radio direction finder |
RDF | RDF station |
Rep. | reported |
rev. | reversed |
RF (rf) | radio frequency |
R Fix | running fix |
rk | rock, rocky |
RLG | ring laser gyro |
rm | relative DRM-SRM vector |
R Mast | radio mast |
RORO | roll-on/roll-off |
RML | relative movement line |
RMS | root mean square |
RSS | root sum square |
RTCM | Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services |
RZn | relative azimuth |
[edit]s | second(s) |
S | sea-air temperature difference correction |
S | slow |
S | south |
S | set |
S | speed |
S | sand |
SALM | single anchor leg mooring |
SAM | system area monitor |
SAR | search and rescue |
SART | search and rescue radar transponder |
SBM | single buoy mooring |
SD | semidiameter |
SD | sounding doubtful |
sec | secant |
sec. | second, seconds |
semidur. | semiduration |
SENC | system electronic navigation chart |
SES | ship earth station |
SF | Secondary Phase Factor |
SH | ship’s head (heading) |
SHA | sidereal hour angle |
SHF | super high frequency |
SI | International System of Units |
SID | sudden ionospheric disturbance |
sin | sine |
SINS | Ships Inertial Navigation System |
SLD | sea level datum |
SMG | speed made good |
SNR | signal-to-noise ratio |
SOA | speed of advance |
SOG | speed over ground |
SOLAS | Safety of Life at Sea Convention |
SP | spire |
SP | spherical |
SPA | sudden phase anomaly |
SPM | single point mooring |
SRM | speed of relative movement |
SS | signal station |
U.S. Sur M | U.S. Survey mile(s) |
sub, subm | submerged |
[edit]T | air temperature correction (altitude) |
T | table |
T | temperature |
T | time |
T | toward (altitude intercept) |
T | true (direction) |
t | dry-bulb temperature |
t | elapsed time |
t | meridian angle |
t' | wet-bulb temperature |
tab. | table |
TAI | International Atomic Time |
tan | tangent |
TB | true bearing |
TB | turning bearing |
TB | air temperature atmospheric pressure correction (altitude) |
TC | true course |
TCA | time of satellite closest approach |
TCPA | time to closest point of approach |
TcHHW | tropic higher high water |
TcHHWI | tropic higher high water interval |
TcHLW | tropic higher low water |
TcLHW | tropic lower high water |
TcLLW | tropic lower low water |
TcLLWI | tropic lower low water interval |
TD | time difference (Loran C) |
Tel | telephone |
Tel | telegraph |
TG | time difference of groundwaves from master and secondary (slave) stations (Loran) |
TGS | time difference of groundwave from master and skywave from secondary (slave) station (Loran) |
TH | true heading |
TMG | track made good |
TOD | time of day (clock) |
Tk | tank |
TR | track |
Tr | transit |
Tr | tower |
Ts | time difference of skywaves from master and secondary (slave) stations (Loran) |
TSG | time difference of skywave from master and groundwave from secondary (slave) station (Loran) |
TSS | traffic separation scheme |
TZn | true azimuth |
[edit]U | upper limb correction for moon |
UHF | ultra high frequency |
UL | upper limb |
Uncov | uncovers |
UPS | Universal Polar Stereographic |
U.Q. | ultra quick flashing |
USGS | United States Geodetic Survey |
USWMS | Uniform State Waterway Marking System |
UT | Universal Time |
UT0 | Universal Time 0 |
UTl | Universal Time 1 |
UT2 | Universal Time 2 |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator |
[edit]V | variation |
V | vertex |
v | excess of GHA change from adopted value for 1 hour |
var. | variation |
vel | velocity |
Ver | vertical |
VHF | very high frequency |
VHSD | very high speed data |
Vi | violet |
VLCC | very large crude carrier |
VLF | very low frequency |
vol | volcano |
vol | volcanic |
VPF XX | vector product format |
V.Q. | very quick flashing |
V.Q.(3) | group very quick flashing |
VRM | variable range marker |
VTS | vessel traffic service |
[edit]W | west; white |
WARC | World Administrative Radio Council |
WE | watch error |
WGS | World Geodetic System |
Wk | wreck |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WWNWS | World Wide Navigational Warning Service |
WT | watch time |
X – Y – Z
[edit]X | parallactic angle |
XMTR | transmitter |
y. | yellow |
yd(s). | yard(s) |
yr(s). | year(s) |
z | zenith distance |
Z | azimuth angle; zenith |
ZD | zone description |
Z Diff. | azimuth |
Znpgc | azimuth per gyrocompass |