
The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm (Rackham)

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For other English-language translations of this work, see Grimm's Household Tales.
The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm (1909)
by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, translated by Alice Lucas
Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm GrimmAlice Lucas4102522The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm1909Grimm-Rackham-0007.png

The King could not contain himself for joy

The Fairy Tales

The Fairy Taof the

Brothers Grimm
Illustrated by

Arthur Rackham.

Translated by

Mrs. Edgar Lucas

Doubleday, Page & Co.
New York1909


The Golden Bird 1
Hans in Luck 10
Jorinda and Joringel 17
The Bremen Town Musicians 21
Old Sultan 26
The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean 29
Briar Rose 31
The Dog and the Sparrow 36
The Twelve Dancing Princesses 41
The Fisherman and his Wife 47
The Wren and the Bear 57
The Frog Prince 60
The Cat and Mouse in Partnership 64
The Goosegirl 67
The Adventures of Chanticleer and Partlet 74
Rapunzel 80
Fundevogel 84
The Valiant Tailor 88
Hansel and Grethel 98
The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage 108
Mother Hulda 111
Red Riding Hood 116
The Robber Bridegroom 120
Tom Thumb 125
Rumpelstiltskin 133
Clever Grethel 138
The Old Man and his Grandson 141
The Little Peasant 142
Fred and Kate 149
Sweetheart Roland 156
Snowdrop 161
The Pink 171
Clever Elsa 177
The Jew Among the Thorns 182
Ashenputtel 188
The White Snake 197
The Wolf and the Seven Kids 202
The Queen Bee 206
The Elves and the Shoemaker 209
The Wolf and the Man 211
The Turnip 213
Clever Hans 217
The Three Languages 223
The Fox and the Cat 227
The Four Clever Brothers 229
The Lady and the Lion 235
The Fox and the Horse 241
The Blue Light 244
The Raven 250
The Golden Goose 257
The Water of Life 264
The Twelve Huntsmen 271
The King of the Golden Mountain 274
Doctor Know-all 281
The Seven Ravens 284
The Marriage of Mrs. Reynard 288
The Salad 292
The Youth Who Could Not Shudder 300
King Thrushbeard 312
Iron Hans 317


Some years ago a selection of Grimm’s Fairy Tales with one hundred illustrations of mine in black and white was published—in 1900, by Messrs. Freemantle and Co., and afterwards by Messrs. Archibald Constable & Co., Ltd.

At intervals since then I have been at work on the original drawings, partially or entirely re-drawing some of them in colour, adding new ones in colour and in black and white, and generally overhauling them as a set, supplementing and omitting, with a view to the present edition.

Of the forty coloured illustrations, many are elaborations of the earlier black and white drawings or are founded on them. The frontispiece, and those facing pp. 34, 70, 94, 104, 116, 118, and 190 are entirely new, and several of the text illustrations also have not been published before. The remaining illustrations in the text have been reconsidered and worked on again to a greater or less degree.

Hampstead, September 1909.
Arthur Rackham.

List of Illustrations

The Prince carried off the beautiful Maiden on the Golden Horse 7
Just then a butcher came along the road, trundling a young pig in a wheel-barrow 13
At last the old woman came back, and said in a droning voice: ‘Greeting to thee, Zachiel!’ 19
A short time after they came upun a Cat, sitting in the road, with a face as long as a wet week 22
The Ass brayed, the Hound barked, the Cat mewed, and the Cock crowed 24
‘The Thirteenth Fairy’ 32
But round the castle a hedge of briar roses began to grow up. 34
On the road he met a Sparrow 36
On the opposite side of the Lake stood a splendid brightly-lighted Castle 45
There was once a Fisherman, who lived with his Wife in a miserable little hovel close to the sea 47
‘Flounder, Flounder it the sea, Prythee, hearken unto me’ 55
She did not go once but many times, backwards and forwards to the well 85
‘Wait a bit, and I’ll give it you!’ So saying, he struck out at them mercilessly 89
Hansel picked up the glittering white pebbles and filled his pockets with them 100
‘Stupid goose!’ cried the Witch, ‘The opening is big enough; you can see that I could get into it myself’ 106
The Mouse had to carry water, while the Sausage did the cooking 109
The Bird took the wood and flew sadly home with it 110
At last she came to a little house, out of which an old woman was looking 112
So the lazy girl went home, but she was quite covered with pitch 114
They hurried away as quickly as they could 122
Tom Thumb 126
Then all at once the door sprang open, and in stepped a little Mannikin 134
Round the fire an indescribably ridiculous little man was leaping, hopping on one leg, and singing 136
The Bailiff sprang into the water with a great splash, and the whole party plunged in after him 147
Kate ran after him, and chased him a good way over the fields 150
The Maiden fetched the magic wand, and then she took her step-sister’s head, and dropped three drops of blood from it 157
‘Mirror, Mirror op the wall, Who is fairest of us all?’ 162
In the evening the seven Dwarfs came back 164
The scullions brought live coals, which he had to eat till the flames poured out of his mouth 173
When she saw the pick-axe just above her head, Clever Elsa burst into tears 179
The Jew was forced to spring up and begin to dance 184
Dancing as hard as he could 185
The Three Sleeping Princesses 208
So the rich Brother had to put his Brother‘s Turnip into a cart, and have it taken home 214
When he got home he had the rope in his hand, but there was nothing at the end of it 221
On the way he passed a swamp, in which a number of Frogs were croaking 224
The Cat crept stealthily up to the topmost branch 227
They found the Princess still on the rock, but the Dragon was asleep with his head on her lap 233
The poor Horse was very sad, and went into the forest to get a little shelter from the wind and weather 241
Then the Horse sprang up, and dragged the Lion away behind him 243
Before long the Witch came by riding at a furious pace on a tom cat 246
The Golden Castle af Stromberg 253
One day he saw three Robbers fighting 255
There stands an old tree; cut it down, and you will find something at the roots 258
So now there were seven people running behind Simpleton and his Goose 259
And so they followed up hill and down dale after Simpleton and his Goose 260
The King could no longer withhold his daughter 263
When she entered she met a Dwarf 286
The Ravens coming home 287
Does the gentleman wear red breeches, and has he a pointed muzzle? 291
But the Old Woman was a witch 293
He tied them all together and drove them along till came to mill 298
Crowds of black cats and dogs swarmed out of every corner 306
She immediately clutched at his cap to pull it off; but be held it on with both hands 321
He called three times, ‘Iron Hans,’ as loud as be could. 322

List of Coloured Illustrations

The King could not contain himself for joy Frontispiece
Facing page
Away they flew over stock and stone, at such a pace that his hair whistled in the wind 2
By day she made herself into a cat 16
. . . Or a screech owl 18
Once there was a poor old woman who lived in a village 28
The young Prince said, ‘I am not afraid; I am determined to go and look upon the lovely Briar Rose‘ 34
At the third sting the Fox screamed, and down went his tail between his legs 58
So she seized him with two fingers, and carried him upstairs 62
The Cat stole away behind the city walls to the church 66
Alas! dear Falada, there thou hangest 70
Blow, blow, little breeze, And Conrad‘s hat seize 72
Now we will go up the hill and have a good feast before the squirrel carries off all the nuts 74
When he went over the wall he was terrified to see the Witch before him 80
The Witch climbed up 82
Pulling the piece of soft cheese out of his pocket, be squeezed it till the moisture ran out 90
They worked themselves up into such a rage thut they tore up trees by the roots, and hacked at each other till they both fell dead 94
All at once the door opened and an old, old Woman, supporting herself on a crutch, came hobbling out 104
Hansel put out a knuckle-bone, and the old Woman, whose eyes were dim, could not see, and thought it was his finger, and she was much astonished that he did mot get fat 106
When she got to the wood, she met a Wolf 116
‘O Grandmother, what big ears you have got,’ she said 118
At last she reached the cellar, and there she found an old, old woman with a shaking head 122
When Tom had said good-bye to his Father they went away with him 128
Then he ran after him, still holding the carving-knife, and cried, ‘Only one, only one!’ 140
The Old Man had to sit by himself, and ate his food from a wooden bowl 142
The quicker he played, the higher she had to jump 158
The Dwarfs, when they came in the evening, found Snowdrop lying on the ground 168
Ashenputtel goes to the ball 190
The Fishes, in their joy, stretched up their heads above the water, and promised to reward him 198
The Seven Kids and their mother capered and danced round the spring in their joy 204
The Ducks which he had once saved, dived and brought up the key from the depths 208
So the four Brothers took their sticks in their hands, bade their Father good-bye, and passed out of the town gate 228
The King’s only daughter had been carried off by a Dragon 229
She went away accompanied by the Lions 236
Good Dwarf, can you not tell me where my brothers are? 266
The Son made a circle, and his Father and he took their places within it, and the little black Mannikin appeared 274
Once upon a time poor Peasant, named Crabb, was taking a load of wood drawn by two oxen to the town for sale 280
The good little Sister cut of her own tiny finger, fitted it into the lock, and succeeded in opening it 284
But they said one after another: ‘Halloa! whe bas been eating off my plate? Who has been drinking out of my cup?’ 286
Then the Youth took the axe and split the anvil with one blow, catching in the Old Man’s beard at the same time 310
The Beggar took her by the hand and led her away 314

 This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content.


This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1929.

The longest-living author of this work died in 1935, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 88 years or less. This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.

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