
The Riverside song book/Learn to live, and live to learn

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The Riverside song book (1893)
Learn to live, and live to learn by Bayard Taylor
2620241The Riverside song book — Learn to live, and live to learnBayard Taylor

English Air.
\relative c' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 6/8 \key a \major \autoBeamOff e8[dis] e cis'[b] a fis[a] fis e4 r8 fis8 ~ fis fis fis4 fis8 fis[d'] b gis4 r8 e8[dis] e cis'[b] a fis[a] fis e4 r8 \repeat volta 2 { fis8[(d')] \fermata fis, e(cis') \fermata ~ cis b[fis] gis a4 r8 } } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"1. " Learn4 to8 live,4 and8 live4 to8 learn,4 \skip8 Ig8 -- no -- rance like4 a8 fire4 doth8 burn,4 \skip8 Lit4 -- tle8 tasks4 make8 large4 re8 -- turn;4 \skip8 Learn to8 live,4 and8 live4 to8 learn.2 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"2. " In4 thy8 la4 -- bors8 pa4 -- tient8 be,4 \skip8 Af -- ter8 -- ward,4 re8 -- leased4 and8 free,4 \skip8 Na4 -- ture8 will4 be8 bright4 to8 thee4 \skip8 In thy8 la -- bors4 pa4 -- tient8 be.2 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"3. " Toil,4 when8 will4 -- ing,8 grow4 -- eth8 less;4 \skip8 “Al -- ways8 play”4 may8 seem4 to8 bless,4 \skip8 Yet4 the8 end4 is8 wea4 -- ri8 -- ness;4 \skip8 Toil, when8 will -- ing,4 grow4 -- eth8 less.4 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"4. " Live4 to8 learn,4 and8 learn4 to8 live,4 \skip8 On -- ly8 this4 con8 -- tent4 can8 give;4 \skip8 Reck4 -- less8 joys4 are8 fu4 -- gi8 tive!–4 \skip8 Live to8 learn,4 and8 learn4 to live.4 } \new PianoStaff << \new Staff { \time 6/8 \key a \major cis,4 cis8 e d? cis d4 d8 cis4 r8 <a fis'>4 <ais fis'>8 <b fis'>4 <cis e fis>8 d4 fis8 e4(d8) cis4 cis8 e d? cis d4 d8 cis4 r8 \repeat volta 2 { d4. \fermata cis \fermata d4 d8 cis4. } } \new Staff { \time 6/8 \key a \major \clef bass \relative c { <a e' a>4 <a e' a>8 <a e'>4 <a e'>8 <a fis'>4 <a gis'>8 <a a'>4 r8 d4 d8 d4 ais8 b4 d8 e4. <a, e' a>4 <a e' a>8 <a e'>4 <a e'>8 <a fis'>4 <a gis'>8 <a a'>4 r8 \repeat volta 2 { <d a'>4. \fermata <e a> \fermata << { gis8 a b } \\ { e,4 e8 } >> <a, e' a>4. } } } >> >> }