The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Secundus/Fable 15

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The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Secundus (1889)
by Aesop, translated by William Caxton, edited by Joseph Jacobs
Fable 15: The Jaye and the Pecok
Aesop3784232The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Secundus — Fable 15: The Jaye and the Pecok1889William Caxton

¶ The xv fable is of the Jaye and of the pecok

NOne ought to were and putte on hym the gowne of other / wherof Esope reherceth to vs suche a fable  Of a Jaye full of vayne glory / whiche tooke and putte on hym the fethers of a pecok / and with them he a[d]ourned/ and arayed hym self well / And whanne he was wel dressyd and arayed / by his oultrecuydaunce or ouerwenynge wold haue gone and conuersed amonge the pecoks / and despraysed alle his felawes / And whanne the pecokes knewe that he was not of theyr kynd / they anone plucked of alle his fethers / and smote and bete hym by suche maner / that no fethers abode vpon hym / And he fledde away al naked and bare /

¶ And thenne whanne his felawes sawe hym / they sayd to hym / What gallaunt come hyther / where ben thy fayre fethers / whiche thow haddest but late a gone / Hast thow no shame ne vergoyne to come in oure companye / And thenne alle the byrdes cam vpon hym / and smote & bete hym / sayenge thus to hym / yf thou haddest be content of thyn owne vestymentes thow hadest not come to this vylony / Ther for hit appereth that hit is not good to were another mans gowne / For suche weren fayre gownes and fayr gyrdels of gold that haue theyr teeth cold at home