The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Secundus/Fable 2

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The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Secundus (1889)
by Aesop, translated by William Caxton, edited by Joseph Jacobs
Fable 2: The Columbes, the Kyte and the Sperehawke

Translated from French by William Caxton and first published in 1484. Perry Index 486.

Aesop3783883The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Secundus — Fable 2: The Columbes, the Kyte and the Sperehawke1889William Caxton

¶ The second fable is of the Columbes or douues of the kyte and of the sperehawke

WHo that putte and submytteth hym self vnder the saue gard or protection of the euylle / thou oughtest to wete & knowe / that whan he asketh & demanded ayde & helpe / he geteth none /  ¶ Wherof Esope reherceth to vs suche a fable / Of the douues whiche demaunded a sperehawke for to be theyr kynge / for to kepe them fro the kyte or mylan / And whanne the sperehawke was maade kynge ouer them / he beganne to deuoure them / the whiche columbes or douues sayd amonge them / that better it were to them to suffre of the kyte than to be vnder the subjection of the sperehawke / & to be martyred as we be / but therof we be wel worthy / For we oure self ben cause of this meschyef / And therfore whanne men done ony thyng / men ought well to loke and consydere thende of hit / For he dothe prudently and wysely whiche taketh good hede to the ende