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Early Louisiana

1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Louisiana Purchase
1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Monroe (Louisiana)
1922 Encyclopædia Britannica/Louisiana
A Summary View of the Rights of British America
Admission of the State of Louisiana (act)
An act relative to extra sessions of the General Assembly, and defining the duties of the Governor in reference thereto
An Act to enlarge the limits of the State of Louisiana
An Act To regulate the conduct and to maintain the freedom and purity of elections
Application for the Admission of the Territory of Orleans into the Union as a State
Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Louisiana
Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Louisiana
Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Louisiana Purchase
Constitution of the Confederate States of America
Constitution of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America
Constitution of the United States of America
Draft of the Declaration of Independence
Enabling Act (Louisiana)
Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Louisiana
Giving the Assent of the Legislature to an Enlargement of the Limits of the State of Louisiana
James Madison letter to James Robertson
James Madison letter to Nicholas P. Trist
James Madison letter to Robert Walsh
James Madison letter to Thomas Ritchie
James Madison letter to William Rives
James Madison's First Inaugural Address
James Madison's First State of the Union address
James Madison's Fourth State of the Union Address
James Madison's Second Inaugural Address
James Madison's Second State of the Union address
James Madison's Third State of the Union Address
Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
Letter from Thomas Jefferson to George Hay, June 12, 1807
Letter from Thomas Jefferson to George Hay, June 17, 1807
Letter to Alexander von Humboldt - December 6, 1813
Letter to Benjamin Banneker - August 30, 1791
Letter to Benjamin Rush - September 23, 1800
Letter to Henri Grégoire - February 25, 1809
Letter to Henry Dearborn - August 28, 1807
Letter to Isaac McPherson - August 13, 1813
Letter to James Madison - January 12, 1789
Letter to James Madison - January 30, 1787
Letter to James Madison - September 6, 1789
Letter To John Taylor, Monticello, July 21, 1816
Letter to Richard Price - January 8, 1789
Letter to the Danbury Baptists - January 1, 1802
Long v. Ansell
Long v. Ansell/Opinion of the Court
Louisiana Ordinance of Secession
Louisiana Purchase Treaty
Louisiana State Constitution (1974)
Louisiana State Constitution (1974)/Part 2
Louisiana State Constitution (1974)/Part 3
Louisiana State Constitution (1974)/Part 4
Louisiana State Constitution (1974)/Part 5
Louisiana State Constitution (1974)/Part 6
Louisiana State Constitution (1974)/Part 7
Louisiana State Constitution of 1812
Louisiana State Constitution of 1845
Louisiana State Constitution of 1852
Message to Congress of January 18, 1803
Message to the House of December 30, 1802
Message to the Senate and House of January 16, 1804
Message to the Senate and House of October 21, 1803
Message to the Senate of April 8, 1802
Message to the Senate of January 11, 1803
Message to the Senate of October 17, 1803
Proclamation by His Excellency Francis T Nicholls Governor of the State of Louisiana, dated March 7 1878 convening the General Assembly of Louisiana in extra session
Proclamation by His Excellency Ruffin G. Pleasant Governor of the State of Louisiana, dated June 29 1817 convening the General Assembly of Louisiana in extraordinary session
Proclamation by His Excellency, Huey P Long, Governor of the State of Louisiana, dated March 1929, convening the Legislature of Louisiana in extraordinary session
Proclamation by Honorable William J Dodd, Lieutenant Governor and Acting Governor of the State of Louisiana
Proclamation by S. D. McEnery Governor of the State of Louisiana dated December 22, 1881 convening the Legislature of Louisiana in extraordinary session
Relative to the recognition of the Kellogg government
Respecting taking Possession of Part of Louisiana.
The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Louisiana
The Burr Conspiracy
The Declaration of Independence (engrossed version)
The New Student's Reference Work/Louisiana
Thomas Jefferson's Eighth State of the Union Address
Thomas Jefferson's Fifth State of the Union Address
Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address
Thomas Jefferson's First State of the Union Address
Thomas Jefferson's Fourth State of the Union Address
Thomas Jefferson's Second Inaugural Address
Thomas Jefferson's Second State of the Union Address
Thomas Jefferson's Seventh State of the Union Address
Thomas Jefferson's Sixth State of the Union Address
Thomas Jefferson's Third State of the Union Address
To Brother Handsome Lake
To Brother John Baptist de Coigne
To the Brothers of the Choctaw Nation
To the Chiefs of the Cherokee Nation
To the Wolf and People of the Mandan Nation
Treaty of San Ildefonso
U. S. Senate Speeches and Remarks of Carl Schurz/Military Interference in Louisiana
United States Bill of Rights
United States Declaration of Independence
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom