Wikisource:WikiProject Validate/Candidates
Candidates to be validated
[edit]The list of candidates may contain up to 4 items. If the list is full, consider helping with validation instead of adding another work.
- Index:Plutarch - Moralia, translator Holland, 1911.djvu
- Voting
- Index:R U R Rossum s Universal Robots.pdf
- Voting
- Index:Proletarian and Petit-Bourgeois (1912?).pdf
- Voting
Groups of related works
[edit]The list of candidates may contain up to 2 items (e.g. several plays by Shakespeare is 1 one item). If the list is full, consider helping with validation instead of adding another work.
- The short stories of L. E. L.. All, excepting the first, are backed to a scan that is either proofread or validated; there are 21 works that are proofread, but not validated.
- …