
Cakes, Cookies and Confections

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Cakes, Cookies and Confections (1920)
The California Home Economics Association

Second Edition

483859Cakes, Cookies and Confections1920The California Home Economics Association

Cakes, Cookies
and Confections



Compiled by the
Southern Section



SO insistent has been the demand for more copies of "Cakes, Cookies and Confections," that the committee, supported by the entire California Home Economics Association, Southern Section, has decided to present to you this second edition. The booklet has been revised, and recipes of special merit have been added.


THIS new collection of recipes is added to the thousands of existing cook books, large and small, in the confidence that the plan of organization has struck a new note of simplicity which together with the many unusual recipes, will commend it, either for use in the home or to the teacher. It grew out of the assurance that in the ranks of those two groups, there is a demand for just such a book, organized for ready use and comprehensive understanding.

Each recipe might be stamped "Tested and Guaranteed." Our Association stands back of them. Both the preparation and "taste" have been thoroughly tested by a varied group. They have been prepared by inexperienced pupils, as well as by skillful home cooks and teachers. The sampling has passed the muster of man, woman and child.

This is only a beginning, a sample, as it were. If it fills a want, if it meets with your approval, similar issues on varied subjects of interest to the home will be forthcoming. We shall be grateful if you will let us know your desire in the matter. Send us your suggestions, please.

The Book Committee of the
California Home Economics Association,
Southern Section,
Grand Ave. School, Los Angeles, Cal.

Chapters (not listed in original)