Category:Index pages of works originally in multiple languages
This category is for indexes of scans that have multiple languages set. This is common for parallel texts like the Loeb Classical Library and other foreign-language readers.
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Pages in category "Index pages of works originally in multiple languages"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 353 total.
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- Index:A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect.djvu
- Index:A Chinese chrestomathy in the Canton dialect (IA b22012941).pdf
- Index:A Chinese-English Dictionary Hakka-dialect.pdf
- Index:A comparative grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian family of languages by Caldwell, Robert.djvu
- Index:A Comparative Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India Vol 1.djvu
- Index:A Comparative Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India Vol 2.djvu
- Index:A Comparative Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India Vol 3.djvu
- Index:A Concise Grammar of the Malagasy Language.djvu
- Index:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu
- Index:A Descriptive Vocabulary of the Language in Common Use Amongst the Aborigines of Western Australia.djvu
- Index:A Dialect of Donegal
- Index:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu
- Index:A Dictionary in English and Bengalee - Volume I.djvu
- Index:A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1842, dictionaryofgree00smit 5).djvu
- Index:A dictionary of Islam.djvu
- Index:A Dictionary of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages.djvu
- Index:A dictionary of the Hakka dialect.pdf
- Index:A dictionary of the language of Mota.djvu
- Index:A dictionary of the Malay tongue.pdf
- Index:A dictionary of the Malayan language.djvu
- Index:A dictionary of the Manks language (Cregeen).djvu
- Index:A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine Islands (1903).djvu
- Index:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu
- Index:A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Language of New Zealand.pdf
- Index:A Grammar of Modern Indo-European.pdf
- Index:A Grammar Of The Bengal Language.djvu
- Index:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu
- Index:A Grammar of the Chinese Colloquial Language commonly called the Mandarin Dialect (IA dli.granth.92779).pdf
- Index:A Grammar of the Chinese Language (grammarofchinese00morr 1, Morrison, 1815).pdf
- Index:A grammar of the Japanese spoken language (IA grammarofjapanes00astorich).pdf
- Index:A Grammar of the Mahratta Language. To which are Added Dialogues on Familiar Subjects.djvu
- Index:A Grammar of the Persian Language.djvu
- Index:A Grammar of the Sanskrit Language - Lorenz Franz Kielhorn (1st edition).djvu
- Index:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu
- Index:A Grammar of the Telugu language.djvu
- Index:A Grammar of the Urdū Or Hindūstānī Language in Its Romanized Character.djvu
- Index:A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese (1st ed.).djvu
- Index:A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese (2nd ed.).djvu
- Index:A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese (3rd ed.).djvu
- Index:A handbook of colloquial Japanese (IA hand00bookofcolloqchamrich).pdf
- Index:A handbook of the Canton vernacular of the Chinese language - being a series of introductory lessons, for domestic and business purposes (IA cu31924023550951).pdf
- Index:A handbook of the Cornish language; Chiefly in its latest stages with some account of its history and literature.djvu
- Index:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu
- Index:A Konkani Grammar by Angelus Francis Xavier Maffei.pdf
- Index:A Latin Dictionary (1984).djvu
- Index:A Malayalam and English dictionary 1871.djvu
- Index:A Manchu grammar, with analysed texts.djvu
- Index:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf
- Index:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu
- Index:A practical grammar of the Hebrew language - Felsenthal - 1868.djvu
- Index:A practical introduction to the study of Japanese writing - moji no shirube (IA practicalintrodu00cham).pdf
- Index:A Sanskrit Grammar.pdf
- Index:A simplified grammar of the Danish language.djvu
- Index:A simplified grammar of the Polish language.djvu
- Index:A simplified grammar of the Roumanian language.djvu
- Index:A simplified grammar of the Swedish language.djvu
- Index:A Sketch of Mota Grammar.djvu
- Index:A smaller dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities (IA smallerdictionar00smitiala).pdf
- Index:A Table of the Aryan Languages.djvu
- Index:A Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms.djvu
- Index:A Universal Alphabet, Grammar, and Language (universalalphabe00edmo, George Edmunds, 1856) (IA universalalphabe00edmo).pdf
- Index:A Vocabulary with Colloquial Phrases of the Canton Dialect (IA avocabularywith00bonngoog).pdf
- Index:A Welsh Grammar, Historical and Comparative
- Index:Abridged Grammar of the Blue Language.djvu
- Index:Aids to the Pronunciation of Irish - Christian Brothers.djvu
- Index:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu
- Index:An Ainu-English-Japanese dictionary (including a grammar of the Ainu language).djvu
- Index:An alphabetic dictionary of the Chinese language in the Foochow dialect.djvu
- Index:An Anglo-Chinese vocabulary of the Ningpo dialect.djvu
- Index:An attempt towards an international language.pdf
- Index:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu
- Index:An elementary grammar of the Japanese language.djvu
- Index:An English and Cantonese pocket-dictionary, for the use of those who wish to learn the spoken language of Canton province (IA englishcantonese00chalrich).pdf
- Index:An English and Cantonese Pocket-dictionary- For the Use of Those who Wish to ... (IA anenglishandcan01chalgoog).pdf
- Index:An English and Cantonese Pocket-dictionary- For the Use of Those who Wish to Learn the Spoken ... (IA anenglishandcan00chalgoog).pdf
- Index:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf
- Index:An English-Konkani Dictionary (1893).djvu
- Index:An etymological dictionary of the French language (IA etymologicaldict00bracrich).pdf
- Index:An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language.djvu
- Index:An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland Part I.pdf
- Index:An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland Part II.pdf
- Index:An Icelandic-English Dictionary - Cleasby & Vigfusson - 1874.djvu
- Index:An Introduction to the Grammar of Tibetan Language with the texts of Situhi-Sum-rTags, Dag-je Sal-wai Me-long and Situhi Shal-lun.djvu
- Index:An Irish-English dictionary, being a thesaurus of words, phrases and idioms of the modern Irish language, with explanations in English.djvu
- Index:AnEssayTowardsARealCharacterAndAPhilosophicalLanguage.pdf
- Index:Apte - English-Sanskrit Dictionary.pdf
- Index:Apte English-Sanskrit Dictionary Test.pdf
- Index:Arden - A Progressive Grammar of Common Tamil.djvu
- Index:Argot and slang; a new French and English dictionary of the cant words, quaint expressions, slang terms and flash phrases used in the high and low life of old and new Paris (IA argotslangnewfre00barriala).pdf
- Index:Arthur N. Wollaston - English-Persian Dictionary 1882.djvu
- Index:Atharva-Veda samhita.djvu
- Index:Atlas de Filipinas.djvu
- Index:Ca. 1755 view of Paris, published by Georg Balthasar Probst.jpg
- Index:California Digital Library (IA dictionaryofhokk00medhrich).pdf
- Index:California Digital Library (IA surnamesofchines00jone).pdf
- Index:Cambodian system of writing and beginning reader.pdf
- Index:Cantonese apothegms (IA cantoneseapotheg00stevrich).pdf
- Index:Cantonese made easy - a book of simple sentences in the Cantonese dialect, with free and literal translations, and directions for the rendering of English grammatical forms in Chinese (IA cantonesemadeeas00ballrich).pdf
- Index:Cantonese made easy 1907.pdf
- Index:Chambaud - Fables choisies with English-French dictionary, 1828.djvu
- Index:Chinese Dialogues, Questions, and Familiar Sentences - Medhurst - 1863.pdf
- Index:Chinese Lessons for First Year Students in West China.pdf
- Index:Chinese Life in the Tibetan Foothills.djvu
- Index:Chinese Local Dialects Reduced to Writing- An Outline of the System Adopted for Romanizing the Dialect of Amoy (IA jstor-592283).pdf
- Index:Chinese Speaker (E. Morgan, 1916).djvu
- Index:Chinese spoken language.djvu
- Index:Chinese without a teacher - being a collection of easy and useful sentences.djvu
- Index:Chinese without a teacher giles.djvu
- Index:Chineseenglishdict00doug.pdf
- Index:Comparative grammar of the languages of further India.djvu
- Index:Compendious Syriac Grammar.djvu
- Index:Complete English-Jewish Dictionary, 6th ed. - Harkavy - 1910.djvu
- Index:Comprehensive Volapük Grammar.djvu
- Index:Copyright Ordinance (Cap. 528).pdf
- Index:Corean Primer (1877).djvu
- Index:Cornyn Outline of Burmese Grammar.pdf
- Index:Criminal Code of Canada (June 19, 2017).pdf
- Index:CYing cwá cfan wano tscüto ciúo. A tonic dictionary of the Chinese language in the Canton dialect (IA cyingcwcfanwan00williala).pdf
- Index:Dawson - Australian aborigines (1900).djvu
- Index:Declaration of Change of Titles (General Adaptation) Notice 1997.pdf
- Index:Dialogues, Intended to Facilitate the Acquiring of the Bengali Language.djvu
- Index:Dictionary of Quotations (Classical).djvu
- Index:Dictionary of Quotations (French and Italian).djvu
- Index:Dictionary of Quotations (Italian).djvu
- Index:Dictionary of Quotations (Spanish).djvu
- Index:Dictionary of spoken Russian (1945).djvu
- Index:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu
- Index:Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect.pdf
- Index:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu
- Index:Die Nanking Kuanhua.pdf
- Index:District Councils Ordinance (Cap. 547).pdf
- Index:Domesday Book Illustrated.pdf
- Index:Dos cartas en lengua apalachino y timuguana.djvu
- Index:Dr. Esperanto's International Language. Introduction and complete grammar. Por angloj. Warsaw, 1889.pdf
- Index:Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance 1989 (Cap. 405).pdf
- Index:Easy lessons in Chinese - or, Progressive exercises to facilitate the study of that language ; especially adapted to the Canton dialect (IA easylessonsinchi00willrich).pdf
- Index:Easy sentences in the Hakka dialect.pdf
- Index:Economic Reform Policy by Envoy Dodge (Dodge Line).pdf
- Index:Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554).pdf
- Index:Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553).pdf
- Index:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu
- Index:Elementary Swedish grammar, combined with exercises, reading lessons and conversations (IA grammarswedish00fortrich).pdf
- Index:Eminent Chinese Of The Ch’ing Period - Hummel - 1943 - Vol. 1.pdf
- Index:Eminent Chinese Of The Ch’ing Period - Hummel - 1943 - Vol. 2.pdf
- Index:English and Cantonese dictionary (IA en00glishcantonesechalrich).pdf
- Index:English and Chinese dictionary - with the Punti and Mandarin pronunciation (IA englishchinesedi00lobsrich).pdf
- Index:English and Chinese dictionary of the Amoy dialect (IA cu31924023550878).pdf
- Index:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Shanghai Dialect.pdf
- Index:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu
- Index:English-Chinese-Japanese Lexicon of Bibliographical, Cataloging and Library Terms Pb4XAAAAMAAJ.pdf
- Index:English-Swahili Dictionary.djvu
- Index:Englsih and Bengali Dictionary, for the use of Schools - James Sykes.djvu
- Index:Esperanto (The Universal Language).djvu
- Index:Esperanto Self-Taught.pdf
- Index:Essay Towards a Dictionary, Tibetan and English.djvu
- Index:Essays on the Chinese Language (1889).djvu
- Index:Excellent ancient adages, together with notes on the writings of Chinese romanized in the Hokkien dialect.djvu
- Index:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 1 (Revised).pdf
- Index:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 1.pdf
- Index:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 2.pdf
- Index:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 3.pdf
- Index:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 4.pdf
- Index:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 5.pdf
- Index:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 6.pdf
- Index:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 7.pdf
- Index:First lessons in Chinese (1871).djvu
- Index:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu
- Index:First Lessons in the Tie-chiw Dialect.pdf
- Index:Foreign phrases in daily use. A readers' guide to popular and classic terms in the literature of seven languages with explanations of their meanings (IA foreignphrasesin00newyrich).pdf
- Index:Forma breve de administrar los sacramentos a los Indios, y Españoles que viven entre ellos (1635).djvu
- Index:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu
- Index:Fsi-AmharicBasicCourse-Volume1-StudentText.pdf
- Index:Fsi-AmharicBasicCourse-Volume2-StudentText.pdf
- Index:FSI-ED022176.pdf
- Index:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu
- Index:Gildersleeve and Lodge - Latin Grammar.djvu
- Index:Glossary of the Mohegan-Pequot Language.pdf
- Index:Graimear na Gaedhilge.djvu
- Index:Grammar Of The Bengal Language.djvu
- Index:Grammar of the Bengali Language, literary and colloquial.djvu
- Index:Grammar of the Chinese language (IA grammarofchinese01lobs).pdf
- Index:Grammar of the French language - De Vere - 1867.djvu
- Index:Grammar of the Hindi language 1938.djvu
- Index:Grammar of Urdu or Hindustani.pdf
- Index:Grammatical Notices of the Burmese Language
- Index:Growth of Asamiya Language.pdf
- Index:Gurujadalu.pdf
- Index:Handbook of English-Japanese etymology (IA cu31924077073876).pdf
- Index:Handbook of the Swatow Dialect.pdf
- Index:Handbook of the Swatow vernacular.djvu
- Index:Harvard drs 431040305 拾級大成.pdf
- Index:Harvard drs 431635257 A syllabic dictionary of the Chinese language Front Matter.pdf
- Index:Harvard drs 431635257 A syllabic dictionary of the Chinese language INTRODUCTION., pp. XI-1.pdf