
Littell's Living Age/Volume 182

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766704Littell's Living Age — Volume 1821889

No. 2349. — July 6, 1889.



  1. What the Revolution of 1789 did, by Frederic Harrison, Fortnightly Review
  2. The French Revolution and War, by Wolsely, Fortnightly Review
  3. In a Cleft Stick, Cornhill Magazine
  4. Elizabeth of Valois and the Tragedy of Don Carlos – Part II., by Lamington, Blackwood's Magazine
  5. The Last of the Southeys, Cornhill Magazine
  6. On the Riviera, Blackwood's Magazine
  7. England’s Climatic Phenomena, by Lymington, National Review
  8. Dr. Nansen’s Journey Across Greenland, Nature
  9. Visit to the Sultan, Paris Figaro


To One Dead, by E. Nesbit, Argosy
A "Discarded" Suit, Cornhill Magazine
In Vain!, by Lily Haynes, Academy
An Autumn Lyric, by Lebrecht Dreves, translated by Florence Henniker, Blackwood's Magazine

No. 2350. — July 13, 1889.



  1. The Savage Club, by E. J. Goodman, Contemporary Review
  2. A Queer Patron, by R. Hayward, Belgravia
  3. The Roman Family, by E. Strachan Morgan, National Review
  4. George Crabbe, by George Saintsbury, Macmillan's Magazine
  5. Sardina and its Wild Sheep, by E. N. Buxton, Nineteenth Century
  6. Dr. Johnson and Charles Lamb, by P. W. Roose, Temple Bar
  7. Mount Athos in 1889, by J. P. Mahaffy, Murray's Magazine
  8. Not Quite Lost, Chamber's Magazine


Delos, by Rennell Rodd, Murray's Magazine
The Spectrum, by Cosmo Monkhouse, Academy
"Venite", by Arthur L. Salmon, Good Words
"There was intoxication in the air", Academy

No. 2352. — July 20, 1889.



  1. Dr. Johnson as a Radical, by George Birbeck Hill, Contemporary Review
  2. A Fool's Task, Cornhill Magazine
  3. The Women of Spain, by Emilia Pardo Bazan, Fortnightly Review
  4. The "Rejected Address", by Percy Fitzgerald, Gentleman's Magazine
  5. An Italian Nun of the Seventeenth Century, by Alfred J. Alexander, National Review
  6. Bush Life in New Zealand, by J. Lawson, Gentleman's Magazine
  7. La Lisardiere, Spectator
  8. South-African Cannibals, Cape Times


June, by John Hutton, Sunday Magazine
The Old Love and the New, by A. Lang, Blackwood's Magazine
Song: to the Winds, by Sidney A. Alexander, English Illustrated Magazine


A Speech of Emperor Nero

No. 2353. — July 27, 1889.



  1. Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, Edinburgh Review
  2. A Few More Words on the Hawaiians and Father Damien, by Edward Clifford, Nineteenth Century
  3. Dicky Dawkins: or, The Bookmaker of the Outer Ring, by Jack the Shepherd, Blackwood's Magazine
  4. Holland and her Literature in the Seventeenth Century, by George Edmundson, Macmillan's Magazine
  5. Samuel Rogers, by John Dennis, Leisure Hour
  6. Recent Conversations in a Studio - Part II., by W. W. Story, Blackwood's Magazine
  7. The Wife of Moliere, by Gerald Moriarty, Gentleman's Magazine


The Cyclopean Eye, by H. Savile Clarke, St. James's Gazette
The Patition of the Earth, by Friedrich Schiller, translated by Theodore Martin, Blackwood's Magazine
Buried Treasures, by Marie Hedderwick Browne, Chamber's Journal


Bismarck No. 2.

No. 2354. — August 3, 1889.



  1. Felix Mendelssohn and his Music, London Quarterly Review
  2. The Madness of Father Filipe, by Wilfrank Hubbard, Macmillan's Magazine
  3. The Ruby Mines of Burma, by Robert Gordon, Asiatic Quarterly Review
  4. Sir Charles Danvers - Part III., by Mary Cholmondeley, the author of "The Danvers Jewels", Temple Bar
  5. Dr. Johnson on Modern Poetry, by William Watson, National Review
  6. The Potato's Place in History, Cornhill Magazine
  7. Int he Balkans with Prince Ferdinand, by J. D. Bouchier, Fortnightly Review


When the Children are at Rest, by Sarah Doudney, Sunday Magazine
Summer, All The Year Round
"Forsan et haec Olim Meminisse Juvabit", by John Jervis Beresford, M.A.
Triolets, All The Year Round


Effect of Earthquackes on Animals, Nature
Opium in China

No. 2355. — August 10, 1889.



  1. Edward Fitzgerald, by Edmund Gosse, Fortnightly Review
  2. Sir Charles Danvers - Part IV., by Mary Cholmondeley, the author of "The Danvers Jewels", Temple Bar
  3. The Primitive Home of the Aryans, by A. H. Sayce, Contemporary Review
  4. Mr. Dandelow: a Story Half Told, by Augustus Jessopp, Nineteenth Century
  5. Handel: his Early Years, by L. E., Temple Bar
  6. The Great Indian Desert, by Horace Bell, Asiatic Quarterly Review
  7. George Sand at an English School, by J. G. Alger, National Review
  8. Discovery of an Assyrian Library 3,500 Years Old, by Professor Sayce
  9. Fungi, Month


A Ballad of St. Swithun's Day, by Emily H. Hickley, Leisure Hour
O Wistful Eyes!, All The Year Round
In Secret Places, by Isabella Fyvie Mayo, Good Words


A Rival to Delagoa Bay, Engineering

No. 2356. — August 17, 1889.



  1. The Ethics of Punishment, by W. S. Lilly, Fortnightly Review
  2. Sir Charles Danvers - Part V., by Mary Cholmondeley, the author of "The Danvers Jewels", Temple Bar
  3. Isfan to Bushire, by Colonel Mark Sever Bell, V.C., A.D.C., Royal EngineersBlackwood's Magazine
  4. Giordano Bruno and New Italy, by Karl Blind, Nineteenth Century
  5. Strange Food, Cornhill Magazine
  6. Old Venice, by Carvarnon, Murray's Magazine
  7. The Marriage of the Chinese Emperor, by W. H. Wilkinson, Asiatic Quarterly Review
  8. Pilgrims to Mecca, Cornhill Magazine


Young Windebank, by Margaret L. Woods
July Dawn, Leisure Hour
To the Forgotten Dead, by Margaret L. Woods
To Nina (in June), by B. L. Tollemache, Academy


Hidden Treasure in Allahabad

No. 2357. — August 24, 1889.



  1. William Gifford, by Cyril A. Waters, National Review
  2. How H.M. the Shah Travels in Persia, by J. Theodore Bent, Fortnightly Review
  3. The Hill-Tribes of Chittagong, by C. T. Buckland, Macmillan's Magazine
  4. Mrs. Fenton; a Sketch - Part I., by W. E. Norris, Longman's Magazine
  5. Goethe and the French Revolution, by Edward Bowden, Fortnightly Review
  6. A House Beautiful, by Mary E. Palgrave, Leisure Hour
  7. Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Temple Bar
  8. The National Sport of Virginia, by Horace Hutchinson, Longman's Magazine
  9. Concerning Cobwebs, Swiss Cross
  10. The Low Death-rate in London, Lancet


Meadow-Sweet, by Frances Wynne, Longman's Magazine
A Warning to New Worlds, by May Kendall, Longman's Magazine
"Love and the Maiden", by F. T. Marzials
Sunset, by George Morine


Leprosy and the State, Lancet

No. 2358. — August 31, 1889.



  1. Old Age, Quarterly Review
  2. Old Age, Spectator
  3. Sir Charles Danvers - Part VI., by Mary Cholmondeley, Temple Bar
  4. Phœnician Affinities of Ithaca, by Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Nineteenth Century
  5. A Frenchman's Impressions of London in the Seventeenth Century, by Arthur Irwin Dasent, National Review
  6. The Cruise of the Chrysalis (a Nine-ton Yawl) over the North Sea to Holland, and through Holland, Friesland, and on the Zuyder Zee, by G. Christopher Davies, Blackwood's Magazine
  7. Old College Days in Calcutta, by C. T. Buckland, Longman's Magazine
  8. Land League Ballads, by C. J. Hamilton, National Review
  9. Claret, Universal Review
  10. Sword-fish Fishing, Saturday Review


The Lime-blossom after Rain, by George Holmes, Spectator
The Ringed Dotterel, by E. S., Spectator
In Happy Days, by Sir Edwin Arnold,


Chinese Zoological Myths

No. 2359. — September 7, 1889.



  1. The Papacy: a Revelation and a Prophecy, Contemporary Review
  2. The Papacy, Spectator
  3. Sir Charles Danvers - Part VII., by Mary Cholmondeley, Temple Bar
  4. The French in Germany, by F. Heinr. Geffcken, Nineteenth Century
  5. In Macedonia, by D. G. Hogarth, Macmillan's Magazine
  6. Seen and Lost, by W. H. Hudson, Longman's Magazine
  7. A Modern Novelist, Macmillan's Magazine
  8. Giordano Bruno and New Italy, by Walter Pater, Fortnightly Review


After Victor Hugo, by C. E. Meetkerke, Belgravia
"Spring's messenger we hail", by Michael Field
Les Trois Hussards, by G. Nadaud
Vates, by Charles Sayle, Blackwood's Magazine


London Fogs

No. 2360. — September 14, 1889.



  1. Mr. Wallace on Darwinism, by George J. Romanes, F.R.S., Contemporary Review
  2. Patience, Cornhill Magazine
  3. William Cowper, by J. C. Bailey, Macmillan's Magazine
  4. In Praise of the Carnots, by M., Murray's Magazine
  5. Some Few Thackerayana, by D. D., National Review
  6. Hippolytus Veiled, by Walter Pater, Macmillan's Magazine
  7. The Civil List and Grants to the Royal Family, by Henry Dunckley, Contemporary Review
  8. Orlando Bridgman Hyman, by an old pupil, Macmillan's Magazine


Grudger's Clerk, by Ashton Clair
Dream Visions, by Francis Nicholson
On the Death of a Child, by Felicia Hemans
Song – a Memory, by Alexander Grant, Chamber's Journal
So Long Ago, by C. W. B., Blackwood's Magazine


Lepers in Bombay, British Medical Journal
The Oxyden Rays in the Solar Spectrum, Science and Art

No. 2361. — September 21, 1889.



  1. The Duke of Coburg's Memoirs, Quarterly Review
  2. Naomi, by Sheldon Clarke, Murray's Magazine
  3. The Works of Hendrik Ibsen, by Walter Frewen Lord, Nineteenth Century
  4. Apropos of Samuel Rogers, by G. B., Temple Bar
  5. The French Revolutionary Calender, by Francis Hitchman, National Review
  6. The Art of Conversation, by Ribblesdale, Nineteenth Century
  7. French and English, Blackwood's Magazine


A Poet's Eightieth Birthday, by Alfred Austin, Spectator
A Sibylline Leaf, by Helen Taylor, Children's Hymns
"We have no words with which to tell", by George Douglas, Academy


Musical Overstrain, Lancet
The Adventages of the Conscription in France, by P. G. Hamerton, in "French and English", Macmillan's Magazine

No. 2362. — September 28, 1889.



  1. Matthew Arnold, by Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, New Review
  2. Only a Joke, by Fabian Bland, Longman's Magazine
  3. Roger Bacon, by W. L. Courtney, Fortnightly Review
  4. The Minister of Kindrach - Part I., Murray's Magazine
  5. A Glimpse into a Jesuit Novitiate, by M. H. Dziewicki, Blackwood's Magazine
  6. The Cottager at Home, by Mary Cholmondeley, Murray's Magazine
  7. Emerson in Concord, Saturday Review
  8. The White Comyn: an Old Tragedy, Spectator


Angel Heralds of the Christ, by Felicia Hemans
Twilight, by Mary Groghegan, Chamber's Journal
A Day in June, All The Year Round
The Dial's Shadow, Chamber's Journal
The Hut of the Black Swamp, by Henry Kendall, Leaves from an Australian Forest