Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 3.djvu/492

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Immensity, the doctrine of, as taught by the law, 236.

Immorality, produced by idolatry, 299.

Immortality of the soul, the theory of, 18, 258.

Impiety, the origin of, 323.

Incest, taught by the Stoics and Epicureans, 112.

Inequality, the necessity of, among men, 403, 404.

Innocence, a state of, a state of enjoyment, 287.

Innocence, the, of the Christians defended, 119.

Instincts manifested, 364.

Interpretation of Scripture, 453.

Intestines, how they illustrate divine providence, 378.

Israelites, the, in Egypt, 166; their exodus from Egypt, in the wilderness, and at Sinai, 167; the sins of, 169.

James the bishop of Jerusalem, 181, 187; assaulted by the Jews, 188; sends Peter to Cæsarea to meet Simon Magus, 189; teachers coming from Jerusalem must bring testimonials from, 301.

Jehovah, the only God, 221.

Jesus, the true Prophet, 308.

Jewish customs, 417, 418.

Jews, the, the rejection of Christ by, 175; the animosity of, against the Christians, 178; sects of, 178; discussions with the apostles, 179, etc.; Christ the acknowledged God of, 273.

John, the disciples of, 179; the disciples of, refuted, 182.

Judgment to come, 325.

Judging God, ridiculous, 396, 397.

Juno, 439.

Jupiter, his deeds, 59; how many of the name there are, 60; when born, hid by his mother, 438; incests of, 438, 439; goes to war with his father, 439; adulteries of, 439, 440; vile transformations of, 441; sepulchre of, 442; sepulchres of the sons of, 442; allegory of, 447.

King, the, to be honoured, 61.

Kingdom of God, the, and His righteousness, 205; righteousness the way to, 206.

Knowledge, the advantages of, 306; the responsibility which it involves, 306; enhances responsibility, 335; deadens lust, 410; the value of, 419; universal, possessed by none, 435.

Knowledge, the tree of, righteously forbidden by God to man, 90, 91.

Laodiceans, the, a chief man of, offers Peter and his friends hospitality, 381; meeting at the house of the chief man of, 383.

Law, the Christian doctrine of God's, 114, 115; enjoins righteousness, 117.

Learners and cavillers, 254.

Learning, necessary before teaching, 255.

Liberty, no goodness without, 250.

Life, the Christian, 272.

Life, oil from the tree of, 173.

Light, the supreme, Simon Magus' views of, 224.

Logos, the, the Creator, 9, 16.

Love of enemies, 118.

Love, of self the foundation of goodness, 267.

Luna, and Simon Magus, 197, 199.

Lying for religion, a striking illustration of, 464; competition in, 466469.

Magic, the secret of that practised by Simon Magus, 200.

Magic art, the, 390.

Magician, Ham the first, 297.

Magicians of Egypt, 268; miracles of the, 269.

Magusæei, the, 413, 414.

Male and female, the correspondence and relation of, 379.

Man, the fall of, 10, 86; not only a rational animal, but the image of God, 20; the creation of the first, 84; the first placed in Paradise, 84, 85; righteously forbidden to eat of the tree of knowledge, 90; the goodness of God in expelling him from Paradise, 91; the nature of, 92; the earth made for, 331.

Manetho, the inaccuracy of his statements respecting Moses and the Hebrews, 123, 124.

Maro, Peter stops at the house of, 282, 283; appointed by Peter bishop of Tripolis, 337.

Matter, its various forms, 16, 17.
Matthidia, mother of Clement, her disappearance, 342; found at Aradus as a beggar woman, 344; her