Page:The Temple of Fame - Pope (1715).pdf/59

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BOOKS printed for Bernard Lintott.

A Translation of the Iliad of Homer.Miscellanies.
The first Book of Statius Thebais Translated.
The Fable of Vertumnus and Pomona from the 14th Book of Ovid's Metamorphosis.
To a Young Lady with the Works of Voiture.
On Silence.
To the Author of a Poem Entituled Succession.
An Ode for Musick on St. Cecilia's Day.
Windsor Forrest.
An Essay on Criticism.
All these written by Mr. Pope.

The Tragedies of Jane Shore and the Lady Jane Gray. By N. Rowe Esq Poet Laureat. Callipædia, Or the Art of getting pretty Children. Translated by Mr. Oldisworth

Art of Cookery in Imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry by Dr. King. 2d. Edition.

The Art of Love in Imitation of Ovid De Arte Amandi. By Dr. King.

The Iliad of Homer, translated from the Greek into Blank Verse, by Mr. Ozel, Mr Broom, and Mr. Oldisworth. To which are added, a Preface, the Life of Homer, and Notes by Madam Dacier; illustrated with 26 Cuts copy'd by the best Gravers from the Paris Plates design'd by Coypel, in 5 Vol. 12o. The second Edition. Price 15s.

The Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare of Horace in Latin and English, with a Translation of Dr. Bently's Notes. To which are added, Notes upon Notes: By several Hands. Price 10s.

The Works of Virgil, translated by the Right Honourable the Earl of Lauderdale. Printed in 2 Vol. with a new Elzevir Letter, Price 6s.

Prælectiones Poeticæ in Scholâ naturalis Philosophiæ Oxon. habitæ, Authore Josepho Trapp. A.M. Price 2s. 6d.
N.B. The second Vol. is now Publish'd.

A second Edition of an Historical Account of the Heathen Gods and Heroes; necessary for the understanding of the ancient Poets. Being an Improvement of whatever has been hitherto written by the Greek, Latin, French and English Authors upon that Subject. By Dr. King. For the Use of Westminster and all other Schools. Illustrated with Variety of Copper Plates. Price 2s.
