Portal:Seeley, Service and Company, Limited

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Seeley, Service and Company, Limited

London publishing house; apparently no longer active.

Published Works

(1849) William Weldon Champneys
(1879) William Jackson Brodribb and Walter Besant
(1884) Edwin Abbott Abbott
(1895) Richard Garnett
  • The New Forest.
(1895) Charles John Cornish
  • The Isle of Wight.
  • Japanese Wood Engravings.
(1895) William Anderson
  • Fair Women in Painting and Poetry. .
(1896) William Sharp (Fiona Macleod)
  • Peter Paul Reubens.
(1898) Robert Alan Mowbray Stevenson
  • Josiah Wedgwood.
(1903) Arthur Herbert Church
  • The Romance of: The Animal World.
(1905) Edmund Selous
  • The Romance of: Insect Life.
  • The Romance of: The Modern Exploration.
(1905) Archibald Williams
  • The Romance of: Modern Invention. (reissue of C. Arthur Pearson 1903 edition)
  • The Romance of: Modern Mechanism.
  • The Romance of: Modern Engineering. (reissue of C. Arthur Pearson 1904 edition)
  • The Romance of: Modern Locomotion. (reissue of C. Arthur Pearson 1904 edition)
  • The Early Work of Raphael.
(1907) Julia Mary Cartwright
  • Antoine Watteau.
(1907) Claude Phillips
  • Things Seen in Japan.
(1907) Clive Holland
  • The Romance of: Modern Electricity.
(1906) Charles Robert Gibson
  • Electricity of To-Day.
  • Scientific Ideas of To-Day.
  • The Romance of Modern Manufacture.
  • Astronomy of To-Day.
(1909) Cecil Goodrich Julius Dolmage
  • Things Seen in China.
(1909) J. R. Chitty
  • The Romance of Modern Chemistry.
(1910) James Charles Philip
  • Physical Chemistry; Its Bearing on Biology and Medicine.
(1912 edition; volume originally published 1910) Charles Émile Roche
  • Things Seen in Egypt.
(1910) Edith Louisa Butcher
  • Things Seen in Spain.
(1911) Catherine Gasquoine Hartley
  • Things Seen in Northern India.
(1912) Theodore Leighton Pennell
  • Things Seen in Venice.
(1912) Lonsdale Ragg and Laura Marie Ragg

Company Name and Addresses as noted in various years

  • Seeleys:
    • 1849: Fleet Street, and Hanover Street
  • Seeley & Company, Limited:
    • 1884: 46, 47 & 48, Essex Street, Strand (late of 54 Fleet Street)
    • 1895: Essex Street, Strand
    • 1910: 38 Great Russell Street.
  • Seeley, Service and Company, Limited:
    • 1912: 38 Great Russell Street.
  • Seeley, Service and Company, Limited
    • 1927: 126 Shaftsbury Avenue