Sacred Books of the East/Volume 3/The Shih/The Major Odes of the Kingdom/Decade 2/Ode 5

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Sacred Books of the East, Vol. III, The Shih King
translated by James Legge
The Major Odes of the Kingdom, Decade ii, Ode 5: The Kiâ Lo, Stanza 1

Jià Lè (假樂) corresponds to "admirable, amiable" in the first line.

3750213Sacred Books of the East, Vol. III, The Shih King — The Major Odes of the Kingdom, Decade ii, Ode 5: The Kiâ Lo, Stanza 1James Legge

Ode 5, Stanza 1. The Kiâ Lo.

In praise of some king, whose virtue secured to him the favour of Heaven.

Perhaps the response of the feasted personators of the ancestors.

Of our admirable, amiable sovereign
Most illustrious is the excellent virtue.
He orders rightly the people, orders rightly the officers,
And receives his dignity from Heaven,
Which protects and helps him, and (confirms) his appointment,
By repeated acts of renewal from heaven.