- Westmoreland, John
- Westrop, Henry
- Weyrauch, August von
- Whistling and Hoffmeister's Handbuch
- Whitaker, John
- White, Matthew
- White, Maude
- White Meadows, Alice
- White, Robert
- Whitfeld, Clarke
- Whiting, George
- Whitmore, Charles
- Whythorne, Thomas
- Widerspänstigen Zähmung, Der
- Widor, Charles
- Wieck, Friedrich
- Wiener, Wilhelm
- Wieniawski, Henri
- Wilbye, John
- Wild, Franz
- Wilder, Jérôme van
- Wilhelm, Carl
- Wilhelmi, Auguste
- Wilhem, Guillaume
- Wilis, The
- Willaert, Adrian
- Williams, Anna
- Williams, George
- Williams, Anne & Martha
- Willing, Christopher
- Willis, Henry
- Willman, Thomas
- Willmann
- Willmers, Heinrich
- Willy, John
- Wilson, John (1594-1673)
- Wilson, John (1801-1849)
- Wilson, Mary Ann
- Wilt, Marie
- Wind-Band
- Windsor
- Wingham, Thomas
- Winn, William
- Winter, Peter
- Wippern, Louise
- Wise, Michael
- Witteczek, Joseph von
- Wixom, Emma
- Woelfl, Joseph
- Wohltemperirte Klavier, Das
- Wolf, The
- Wolff, Auguste
- Wood, Mrs
- Woodyatt, Emily
- Worgan, James
- Working-Out
- Wornum
- Wotton, William
- Wotton, William Bale
- Wranizky, Paul
- Wrestplank
- Wright, Henry
- Wrist Touch
- Wüerst, Richard
- Wüllner, Franz
- Wydow, Robert, from Appendix
- Wylde, Henry
- Wynne, Sarah, from Appendix
- Xylophone, from Appendix
- Yaniewicz
- Yankee Doodle
- Yeomen of the Guard, The, from Appendix
- Yonge, Nicholas
- York Musical Festival
- Yorkshire Feast Song, The
- Young, Thomas
- Yriarte, Tomas
- Zacconi, Ludovico
- Zachau, Friedrich
- Zaide
- Zaire
- Zambona, Stephano
- Zampa
- Zandt, Marie van
- Zanetta
- Zapfenstreich
- Zarlino, Gioseffe
- Zauberflöte, Die
- Zavertal
- Zelmira
- Zelter, Carl
- Zemire et Azor
- Zenobia
- Zeretelew, Elizabeth
- Zerline
- Zerr, Anna