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Pages in category "Authors-Al"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 333 total.
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- Author:Al-Masudi
- Author:Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
- Author:Al-Amin
- Author:Al-Dhahabi
- Author:Al-Hadi
- Author:Al-Hakam II
- Author:Al-Maqrizi
- Author:Izz al-Din al-Mosadeqi
- Author:Al-Mu'tasim
- Author:Al-Muntasir
- Author:Al-Mustansir II
- Author:Al-Mutawakkil
- Author:Al-Nawawi
- Author:Al-Walid I
- Author:Chaloner Grenville Alabaster
- Author:William Alabaster
- Author:Margaret Mary Alacoque
- Author:Alain-Fournier
- Author:Sadiq Mohammad Alam
- Author:Aurangzeb Alamgir
- Author:Gennady Alamia
- Author:John Fortescue Aland
- Author:Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
- Author:Bozorg Alavi
- Author:Effie Adelaide Albanesi
- Author:Ernest Albee
- Author:John Albee
- Author:A. A. Albelli
- Author:Petrus Henricus Albers
- Author:Albert I of Belgium
- Author:Albert the Great
- Author:Carl Bert Albert
- Author:Francis Xavier Edward Albert
- Author:Mary Jemima Albert
- Author:Peter Paul Albert
- Author:Albert, Prince Consort
- Author:Virginia Albert
- Author:Johannes Alberti
- Author:Johannes Baptista von Albertini
- Author:Giuseppe Albertotti
- Author:Barry Todd Albin
- Author:Eleazar Albin
- Author:Bernhard Siegfried Albinus
- Author:Francisco Albo
- Author:Denisse Albornoz
- Author:Gertrude Partington Albright
- Author:Madeleine Albright
- Author:Teotochi Isabella Albrizzi
- Author:Eugenio Albèri
- Author:Alcaeus of Mytilene
- Author:Peter de Alcantara
- Author:Gordon Alchin
- Author:Alcibiades
- Author:Alcinous
- Author:Alciphron
- Author:Alcman
- Author:Alfred William Alcock
- Author:Charles William Alcock
- Author:Deborah Alcock
- Author:Mary Alcock
- Author:Nathaniel Henry Alcock
- Author:Rutherford Alcock
- Author:Amos Bronson Alcott
- Author:Louisa May Alcott
- Author:May Alcott
- Author:William Alcott
- Author:Alcuin
- Author:Cynthia May Westover Alden
- Author:Henry Mills Alden
- Author:Isabella Macdonald Alden
- Author:Raymond Macdonald Alden
- Author:William Livingston Alden
- Author:Joshua Alder
- Author:Edwin Anderson Alderman
- Author:Edwin Alfred Hervey Alderson
- Author:J. P. Alderson
- Author:James Alderson
- Author:Aldfrith
- Author:Aldhelm
- Author:Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin
- Author:Harley S. Aldinger
- Author:Richard Aldington
- Author:Harry Gidney Aldis
- Author:William Steadman Aldis
- Author:Ruggero John Aldisert
- Author:Anne Reeve Aldrich
- Author:Annie Charlotte Catharine Aldrich
- Author:Bess Streeter Aldrich
- Author:Henry Aldrich
- Author:Herbert Lincoln Aldrich
- Author:James Aldrich
- Author:Julia Carter Aldrich
- Author:Mildred Aldrich
- Author:Richard Aldrich
- Author:Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- Author:Janet Aldridge
- Author:Ulisse Aldrovandi
- Author:Arturo Aldunate Phillips
- Author:Antal Aldásy
- Author:Vasile Alecsandri
- Author:Sholem Aleichem
- Author:Nicholas II of Russia
- Author:Jean le Rond d'Alembert
- Author:Alexander Ales
- Author:Mikoláš Aleš
- Author:Alexander I (d. 115)
- Author:Alexander I of Russia
- Author:Alexander II (d. 1073)
- Author:Alexander II of Russia
- Author:Alexander III (c. 1100-1181)
- Author:Alexander IV
- Author:Alexander VI
- Author:Alexander VII
- Author:Alexander VIII
- Author:Alexander III of Macedon
- Author:Alexander of Alexandria
- Author:Alexander of Hales
- Author:Alexander of Jerusalem
- Author:Alexander of Lycopolis
- Author:Alana Alexander
- Author:Archibald Alexander
- Author:Catherine Alexander
- Author:Cecil Frances Alexander
- Author:Charles Alexander
- Author:Charles Dewey Alexander
- Author:Edward Porter Alexander
- Author:Eleanor Jane Alexander
- Author:Elizabeth Alexander Alexander
- Author:Esther Frances Alexander
- Author:George Gardiner Alexander
- Author:George Glover Alexander
- Author:George William Alexander
- Author:Grif Alexander
- Author:Hartley Burr Alexander
- Author:Herbert B. Alexander
- Author:James Alexander
- Author:James Edward Alexander
- Author:James Waddel Alexander
- Author:Joel Alexander
- Author:John Henry Alexander
- Author:Joseph Addison Alexander
- Author:Joseph Gundry Alexander
- Author:Lewis Grandison Alexander
- Author:Patrick Proctor Alexander
- Author:Samuel Davies Alexander
- Author:Thomas Alexander
- Author:Violet Graham Alexander
- Author:Virginia Margaret Alexander
- Author:Vonnie Alexander
- Author:William Alexander (1767-1816)
- Author:William Alexander (1824-1911)
- Author:William Alexander (c. 1567-1640)
- Author:William Alexander (fl. 1843)
- Author:William DeWitt Alexander
- Author:William Frederick Alexander
- Author:William Lindsay Alexander
- Author:Aaron Alexandre
- Author:Noël Alexandre
- Author:Alexander Alexandrov
- Author:Joseph Emanuel Alexander Alexis
- Author:Hector Sinclare Aley
- Author:Robert Judson Aley
- Author:Vittorio Alfieri
- Author:Elizabeth Mary Alford
- Author:Henry Alford
- Author:Alfred the Great
- Author:Lars Alfredsson
- Author:Francesco Algarotti
- Author:Abby Langdon Alger
- Author:Horatio Alger
- Author:John Goldworth Alger
- Author:William Rounseville Alger
- Author:Émile Alglave
- Author:Ali
- Author:Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-'Abidin
- Author:Choudhary Rahmat Ali
- Author:Abdullah Yusuf Ali
- Author:Maulana Muhammad Ali
- Author:Mrs. Meer Hassan Ali
- Author:Moulvi Muhammad Ali
- Author:Russlynn Ali
- Author:Syed Ameer Ali
- Author:Syed Nawab Ali
- Author:Dante Alighieri
- Author:Cyril Argentine Alington
- Author:Antonio Aliotta
- Author:Archibald Alison (1757-1839)
- Author:Archibald Alison (1792-1867)
- Author:Samuel Anthony Alito
- Author:Ilham Aliyev
- Author:Frank Allaben
- Author:Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
- Author:F. B. Allan
- Author:George Allan
- Author:George Albert Thomas Allan
- Author:Robert Allan
- Author:William Allan
- Author:Rowland George Allanson-Winn
- Author:Marie Jules Paul Allard
- Author:Robert Edgar Allardice