Page:Prehistoric Britain.djvu/261

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J. C. Prichard, Natural History of Man (1843); Boucher de Perthes, Antiquités celtiques et antédiluviennes (1847–1864); Sir D. Wilson, Prehistoric Annals of Scotland (1857, 2nd ed. 1863) and Prehistoric Man (1862, 2nd ed. 1876); T. Bateman, Ten Years' Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills (1848–1858); T. H. Huxley, Man's Place in Nature (1863); Sir Charles Lyell, Antiquity of Man (1863, several eds.); E. B. Tylor, Early History of Man (1865), Primitive Culture (1871) and Anthropology (1881); Lord Avebury, Prehistoric Times (1865, 6th ed. in 1900) and Origin of Civilization (1870, 6th ed. in 1902); Lartet and Christy, Reliquiæ Aquitanicæ. (1865–1875); F. Keller, The Lake-dwellings of Switzerland (1866, 2nd ed. 1878); S. Laing and T. H. Huxley, Prehistoric Remains of Caithness (1866); W. Pengelly, Literature of Kent's Cavern (1868); Baron von Sacken, Das Grabfeld von Hallstatt (1868); L. Jewitt, Grave Mounds and their Contents (1870); Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (1871, several eds.); E. Dupont, L' Homme petulant les Âges de la Pierre (2nd ed. 1872); Sir J. Evans, Ancient Stone Implements (1872) and Ancient Bronze Implements of Britain (1881); J. Fergusson, Rude Stone Monuments in all Countries (1872); A. de Quatrefages, Human Species (English ed. 1879); W. Boyd Dawkins, Cave Hunting (1874) and Early Man in Britain (1880); Greenwell and Rolleston, British Barrows (1877); J. Geikie, Prehistoric Europe (1880); G. and Ad. de Mortillet, Le Préhistorique (1883, 3rd ed. in 1900); J. Anderson, Scotland in Pagan Times, (1886); E. Vouga, Les Helvètes a la Tène (1885); V. Gross, La Tène: un oppidum helvète (1886); A. Bertrand, Archéologie celtique et gauloise (1889); E. Cartailhac, La France préhistorique (1889); R. Munro, The Lake-dwellings of Europe (1890) and Prehistoric Scotland (1899); A. Bertrand and S. Reinach, Les Celtes dans les valées du Pô et du Danube (1894); A. H. Keane, Ethnology (2nd ed. 1896) and Man Past and Present (1899), A. C. Haddon, Study of Man (1897); W. Ripley, The Places of Europe (1900); S. Reinach, Époque des alluvions et des cavernes (1899) and Guide illustré du musée de Saint Germain (1908); B. C. A. Windle, Remains of the Prehistoric Age in England (1904); E. Haeckel, Evolution of Man (1906, translated from the 5th ed.); R. Mortimer, Forty Years' Researches