Page:The Art of Bookbinding, Zaehnsdorf, 1890.djvu/229

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Sides, blocking, 151.
—— calf, finishing, 141.
—— calf, extra finishing, 142.
—— calf, polishing, 142.
—— morocco, finishing, 131.
—— siding, 142.
—— tooling, 125.

Sieve, sprinkling, 68.

Signatures, 4.

Silk blocking, 146.
—— covering with, 95.
—— finishing, 146.

Silver mountings, to clean, 172.

Single sheets, pasting, 17.

Size, 74-79, 160.
—— for marbling, 70.

Sizes of books, 4-5.
—— of cord, 22.
—— of mill-boards, 52.

Sizing, 74-159.

Siding sides, 142.

Sliding knife (cut), 60.

Smooth cloth, covering with, 95.

Spanish marble, 72.

Sponges, 119.
—— cleaning, 172.

Spot marble, 72.

Sprinkled edges, 67.
—— marble edges, 67.

Sprinkling brush, 68.
—— calf, 103.
—— calf, fancy, 103.
—— calf, preparing for, 103.
—— colours, 68.
—— sieve, 68.

Stains, blood, removing, 163.
—— damp, 162.
—— effect of wrong bath upon, 158.
—— fat, removing, 164.
—— ink, removing, 164.
—— mud, removing, 162.
—— removing, 158.
—— removing, different, 158.
—— water, how to tell, 161.
—— water, removing, 161.

Stamps, 151.

Standing press, 18.
—— press, American (cut), 19.

Steel-faced backing boards, 50.

Stick, folding, 4.
—— cleaning off, 58, 59.

Stone, beating, 9.

Stove, finishing (cut), 120.

Straight grain leather treatment, 92.

Stuck on head bands, 86.

Substitute for lettering pieces, 136.

Surface paper, 33.

Swelling, 27.

Tail, cutting, 62.

Taste in finishing, 117.

Tennon saw, 21.

Thread, sewing, 27.

Throw up backs, 89.

Throwing out maps (cut), 16.

Thumb marks, removing, 163.

Time, restoring writing faded by, 165.

Title, 128.

Tools, Derome, 115.
—— finishing, 118.
—— for antique finishing, 122.
—— for gold finishing, 122.
—— Grolier, 113.
—— Le Gascon, 114.
—— monastic, 112.
—— to prevent, rusting, 171.
—— Venetian (cuts), 113.

Tooled gilt edges, 82.

Tooling, emblematic, 117.
—— sides, 125.

Top, gilt, 41.

Tree marble, 105.

Trimming, 41.
—— board, 41.
—— French method of, 42.
—— knife, 42.
—— letter on, 43.
—— machine, 44.
—— machine (cut), 42.
—— object of, 42.

Trindles, 62.

Trough, marbling (cut), 70.
—— two sheets on, 29.

Type, 118-128.
—— brass, 129.