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re Header



template error: please do not remove empty parameters (see the style guide and template documentation).
by [[Author:{{{author}}}|{{{author}}}]]


User:Jayvdb/Works with subpages


Yep, you can see how DoubleWiki mismatches the headers with the table cells outlined. — Pathoschild 04:00:29, 26 September 2008 (UTC)
If it's bad with a relatively short poem it gets much worse with a long text. In French prose in particular the French text is usually longer than the corresponding English. I suppose it could be helped if the two languages could be scrolled separately. Eclecticology (talk) 17:22, 26 September 2008 (UTC)

Perhaps it might be mixed with this system?- --Zyephyrus (talk) 20:12, 26 September 2008 (UTC)



Do we have an easy way to add braces to a text? In John Hardy there is a reference to "State of West Virginia/vs./John Hardy." in three lines connected to the right by a brace to the single word, "Felony." I have tentatively used pre-formatted text with box-drawing characters, but I don't feel that satisfied with the solution. Eclecticology (talk) 17:29, 26 September 2008 (UTC)

Try <span style="font-size:600%;font-weight:lighter">{</span> or similar (see Page:Scan of "Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 19 (1917-1920)" (English, page 35).png for an example). Note that most browsers do not interpret font-weight correctly.--GrafZahl (talk) 18:21, 26 September 2008 (UTC)
Thanks. It works, more or less, though the brace appears to be shifted down a little. Eclecticology (talk) 21:57, 26 September 2008 (UTC)
You could also try placing the text in a blank/empty two-column table, with three rows in one, and only one row in the other, which might help to align the large brace. Jude (talk) 22:48, 26 September 2008 (UTC)



BRADBERRY, sometimes called BRADBURY, DAVID (1736-1803), nonconformist minister, appears to have been resident in London in 1768, and for a time was minister of the congregation at Glovers' Hall, London, which then belonged to the baptists; but he went from Ramsgate to Manchester, where he succeeded the Rev. Timothy Priestley, brother of Joseph Priestley, 14 Aug. 1785, as the minister of a congregational church in Cannon Street. He was not very successful in his ministry, which was disturbed by controversy, especially with some Scotch members, who were anxious to import the fashion of 'ruling elders,' and who eventually seceded and erected in Mosley Street what was then the largest dissenting chapel in Lancashire (Halley). He resigned his position in 1794 and left the neighbourhood. He is buried in Bunhill Fields, where his gravestone states that he 'died 13 Jan. 1803, aged 67 years; having been a preacher of the gospel forty-two years.'

Bradberry was the author of: 1. 'A Challenge sent by the Lord of Hosts to the Chief of Sinners,' a sermon upon Amos iv. 12, London, printed for the author, 1766. 2. 'Letter Relative to the Test Act,' 1789. 3. 'Tetelestai, the Final Close.' a poem, in six parts, Manchester, 1704. This poem describes the day of judgment from an 'evangelical' standpoint, and is remarkable for its unusual metre. The book is also a literary curiosity from its long and quaint dedication, addressed to the Deity, who is styled, among many other titles, 'His most sublime, most high and mighty, most puissant, most sacred, most faithful, most gracious, most catholic, most serene, most reverend,' and 'Governor-general of the World, Chief Shepherd or Archbishop of Sonls, Chief Justice of Final Appeals, Judge of the Last Assize, Distributor of Rights and Finisher of Fates, Father of Mercies and Friend of Men' (cf. Notes and Queries, 2nd series, vols. ix. x. xi. xii.)

[Manual of the Chorlton Road Congregational Church. 1877; Wilson's Dissenting Churches iii. 220; Halley's Lancashire, its Puritanism, &c.; British Museum General Catalogue; Allibone's Dictionary; Gent. Mag. vol. lxxxviii. pt. ii. p. 516; Jones's Bunhill Memorials. 1849. p. ll]

W. E. A. A.

