Category:1878 deaths
Pages in category "1878 deaths"
The following 174 pages are in this category, out of 174 total.
- Author:Clara Lucas Balfour
- Author:William Ball (1801-1878)
- Author:William Banting
- Author:Antoine-César Becquerel
- Author:Catharine Esther Beecher
- Author:Thomas Belt
- Author:Samuel Bennett
- Author:Claude Bernard
- Author:George Parker Bidder (1806-1878)
- Author:Henry Ferdinand Blochmann
- Author:Andrew Bloxam
- Author:Julia Rebecca Bockett
- Author:Joseph Bonomi
- Author:Eugène Boré
- Author:Samuel Bowles
- Author:Carl Anton Bretschneider
- Author:Frances Freeling Broderip
- Author:Elbridge Gerry Brooks
- Author:William Cullen Bryant
- Author:John Buchanan (1802-1878)
- Author:John Cameron (1817-1878)
- Author:Jane Montgomery Campbell
- Author:John Campbell (1802-1878)
- Author:John Snyder Carlisle
- Author:Robert Carruthers
- Author:Edward Caswall
- Author:George John Cayley
- Author:Jaroslav Čermák
- Author:William George Clark
- Author:William Branwhite Clarke
- Author:Thomas Thornville Cooper
- Author:Reginald Walter Corlass
- Author:Edward Shepherd Creasy
- Author:George Cruikshank
- Author:George Law Curry
- Author:Edward Cust
- Author:Richard Daintree
- Author:Nicol Alexander Dalzell
- Author:Ambrose Lisle March Phillipps De Lisle
- Author:Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen
- Author:Mary Ann Hammer Dodd
- Author:John Doran
- Author:Barthélemy Charles Joseph Dumortier
- Author:Henry Dunn
- Author:Michel Charles Durieu de Maisonneuve
- Author:Henry Durnford
- Author:Evert Augustus Duyckinck
- Author:Isaac William Ker Handy
- Author:Thomas Duffus Hardy
- Author:Marcus Augustus Stanley Hare
- Author:Robert Harkness (1816-1878)
- Author:William Henry Harrison (c. 1795-1878)
- Author:Charles Frederick Hartt
- Author:Joseph Henry
- Author:William Chapman Hewitson
- Author:John Hewitt
- Author:Charles Hodge
- Author:Peter Holmes
- Author:Henry Huth
- Author:Orson Hyde
- Author:Robert Main
- Author:Samuel Martin
- Author:James Nicolas Sutherland Matheson
- Author:Julius Robert von Mayer
- Author:William Frederick Mayers
- Author:Maria Jane McIntosh
- Author:Ludwig Meyn
- Author:Julius Michael Millingen
- Author:Thomas George Montgomerie
- Author:James Bowling Mozley
- Author:Andrew Dickson Murray
- Author:Peter Hamilton Myers
- Author:Hannah Mary Rathbone
- Author:Charles Anderson Read
- Author:Richard Realf
- Author:Mary Trimble Reiley
- Author:John Larkins Cheese Richardson
- Author:William Ridley
- Author:Elizabeth Harriet Ridout
- Author:Henry Thomas Riley
- Author:John Septimus Roe
- Author:George Dawson Rowley
- Author:Israel Daniel Rupp
- Author:John Russell (1792-1878)
- Author:Mary Howard Schoolcraft
- Author:George Gilbert Scott (1811-1878)
- Author:Pietro Angelo Secchi
- Author:George Augustus Selwyn (1809-1878)
- Author:Moritz August Seubert
- Author:Anna Sewell
- Author:Knowles Shaw
- Author:Adelaide Augusta Willhelmina Sidney
- Author:Edward Thomas Stevens
- Author:William Stirling-Maxwell
- Author:Harriet Stitzel
- Author:William Stokes
- Author:Julia Cecilia Stretton
- Author:Grace Jane Wallace
- Author:John Wood Warter
- Author:Adam White
- Author:William Whiting
- Author:Sarah Helen Whitman
- Author:John Whitmer
- Author:George John Whyte-Melville
- Author:George Williams (1814-1878)
- Author:William Williams (1800-1878)
- Author:August Willich
- Author:Robert Willis (1799-1878)
- Author:Jane Louisa Willyams
- Author:Catherine Winkworth
- Author:Octavius Winslow
- Author:Thomas Vernon Wollaston
- Author:Charles Phillips Wood
- Author:Thomas Barber Wright
- Author:James Wyatt