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Title Page ID Namespace Size (bytes) Last change Groups Namespace name
Author:Matsuo Bashō 42439 102 2452 20130128002001 1 Author
Author:Anne Boleyn 85607 102 421 20130128002126 1 Author
Author:Luís de Camões 116837 102 1967 20130128002139 1 Author
Author:Menno Simons 135204 102 2737 20130128002129 1 Author
Author:Hakīm Abol-Qāsem Ferdowsī Tūsī 139945 102 569 20130128002129 1 Author
Author:Sa'di 139950 102 940 20130128002129 1 Author
Author:Charles, Duke of Orléans 166486 102 514 20130128002137 1 Author
Author:John Fletcher 168286 102 5077 20130128002148 1 Author
Author:Ramon Llull 184384 102 1039 20130128002148 1 Author
Author:Giovanni Boccaccio 184560 102 1048 20130128002148 1 Author
Author:Petr Chelčický 186820 102 1465 20130128002148 1 Author
Author:John Lyly 190804 102 784 20130129124115 1 Author
Author:Thomas Becket 190810 102 896 20130128002230 1 Author
Author:Richard Brome 191799 102 1799 20130129124115 1 Author
Author:George Chapman 191895 102 1904 20130128002230 1 Author
Author:Robert Boyle (1627-1691) 195522 102 4803 20130128002230 1 Author
Author:John Florio 205823 102 912 20130130091138 1 Author
Author:Urban VIII 207340 102 437 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Innocent X 207341 102 564 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Alexander VII 207342 102 473 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Clement IX 207343 102 494 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Clement X 207344 102 500 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Innocent XI 207345 102 629 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Innocent IX 207351 102 564 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Clement VIII 207352 102 587 20130131234601 1 Author
Author:Marcellus II 207356 102 870 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Julius III 207357 102 498 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Alexander VI 207358 102 3054 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Julius II 207360 102 491 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Adrian VI 207361 102 439 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Clement VII 207362 102 534 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Sixtus IV 207363 102 394 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Su Shi 240985 102 1096 20130128002132 1 Author
Author:Tokugawa Ieyasu 351397 102 577 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:Marie de France 366885 102 945 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:John XXI 412206 102 498 20130128002108 1 Author
Author:Martin IV 412208 102 508 20130128002108 1 Author
Author:Benedict XI 412211 102 470 20130128002108 1 Author
Author:Clement V 412212 102 472 20130128002108 1 Author
Author:Clement VI 412216 102 498 20130128002108 1 Author
Author:Innocent VI 412217 102 544 20130128002108 1 Author
Author:Innocent V 412229 102 633 20130128002108 1 Author
Author:James Ussher 499668 102 679 20130129124114 1 Author
Author:Uicheon 500788 102 369 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:Clement IV 502474 102 603 20130130091202 1 Author
Author:Innocent II 502486 102 522 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:Alexander II 502493 102 513 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:John XIX 502503 102 497 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:John XVIII 502506 102 515 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:William Camden 562262 102 341 20130128002130 1 Author
Author:Paul Hermann 584194 102 963 20130128002135 1 Author
Author:Andrea Cesalpino 584213 102 1172 20130128002135 1 Author
Author:Anthony Anthony 593432 102 704 20130128002135 1 Author
Author:Michael Drayton 595358 102 571 20130129124114 1 Author
Author:Albrecht Dürer 602786 102 815 20130128002112 1 Author
Author:David Legge Brainard 609259 102 834 20130128002137 1 Author
Author:Francis Godwin 616479 102 1199 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:Cyrano de Bergerac 616490 102 1132 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:Francis Lana 616492 102 676 20130107013321 1 Author
Author:Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq 616494 102 811 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:Alessandro Valignano 641173 102 597 20130128002120 1 Author
Author:Giovanni Bonifacio 641178 102 1008 20130131043452 1 Author
Author:Nicolás Antonio 641190 102 634 20130128002120 1 Author
Author:Sigismund von Herberstein 660762 102 484 20130128002116 1 Author
Author:Nicolaus Copernicus 668776 102 2030 20130128002233 1 Author
Author:Felix V 671247 102 776 20130128002233 1 Author
Author:Pascual de Andagoya 673647 102 364 20130128002020 1 Author
Author:Jean de Joinville 674387 102 522 20130128002020 1 Author
Author:Antoine Girard de Saint-Amant 674624 102 468 20130128002020 1 Author
Author:Wace 675189 102 498 20130129124114 1 Author
Author:Leonhart Fuchs 678379 102 655 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:Hieronymus Bock 678643 102 500 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:Richard Baker 682298 102 1206 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:Charles Butler 682343 102 330 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:Vincent of Beauvais 690503 102 619 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:Giambattista Basile 691986 102 523 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:Sebastiaen Jansen Krol 768194 102 632 20130128002130 1 Author
Author:Samuel Blommaert 768200 102 625 20130128002130 1 Author
Author:Charles I of England 773388 102 634 20130128002130 1 Author
Author:Henry Rosewell 773413 102 811 20130128002130 1 Author
Author:Samuel Luke 773415 102 856 20130128002130 1 Author
Author:William Davenant 773418 102 4618 20130128002130 1 Author
Author:Roger Williams 782588 102 1765 20130128002130 1 Author
Author:Alexander of Hales 783128 102 800 20130129124114 1 Author
Author:Duns Scotus 783130 102 1236 20130128002130 1 Author
Author:Johannes Goropius Becanus 785016 102 606 20130128002130 1 Author
Author:Johann Weyer 785498 102 1116 20130128002119 1 Author
Author:Richard Verstegen 786025 102 531 20130128002119 1 Author
Author:Jean de La Bruyère 793344 102 519 20130128002119 1 Author
Author:Melchisédech Thévenot 816075 102 337 20130128002116 1 Author
Author:Thomas Cogan 821028 102 832 20130128002149 1 Author
Author:Richard Crashaw 823715 102 564 20130128002239 1 Author
Author:Stefan Lazarević 826588 102 423 20130128002201 1 Author
Author:Samuel Rowlands 853294 102 347 20130128002125 1 Author
Author:Gerrit Janszoon Vos 876783 102 632 20130128002129 1 Author
Author:Jovius 876796 102 337 20130128002129 1 Author
Author:David Lyndsay 882205 102 462 20130128002151 1 Author
Author:Johannes Kepler 882739 102 2155 20130129132900 1 Author
Author:Nishiyama Sōin 931466 102 753 20130131232028 1 Author
Author:Thomas Tusser 937201 102 293 20130128002114 1 Author
Author:Richard Fanshawe 944681 102 737 20130128002013 1 Author
Author:Jacques de Vitry 948071 102 463 20130128002108 1 Author
Author:Thomas Sydenham 957021 102 1325 20130128002233 1 Author
Author:Auhad-uddin Ali Anwari 967758 102 354 20130128002233 1 Author
Author:Are Frode 1026873 102 314 20130128002011 1 Author
Author:Henri de Valois 1037452 102 1354 20130128002011 1 Author
Author:Pierre de Lancre 1043831 102 321 20130128002011 1 Author
Author:Jean Bodin 1043832 102 1134 20130131221937 1 Author
Author:Henry More 1043835 102 1540 20130128002011 1 Author
Author:Anne Conway 1152079 102 727 20130128002114 1 Author
Author:Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont 1152095 102 675 20130131234734 1 Author
Author:Pierre de Bourdeille 1154394 102 1015 20130128002114 1 Author
Author:William Roper 1166102 102 336 20130131133420 1 Author
Author:Edward VI of England 1174147 102 596 20130129124121 1 Author
Author:John Speed 1176046 102 818 20130129124121 1 Author
Author:Thomas Vaughan (1621-1666) 1176062 102 844 20130129124121 1 Author
Author:Robert Fludd 1176068 102 891 20130129124121 1 Author
Author:Sultan Bahu 1182904 102 1781 20130128002120 1 Author
Author:Oswald Croll 1184989 102 772 20130128002120 1 Author
Author:John Cleveland 1185574 102 718 20130128002120 1 Author
Author:Edward Hyde 1185667 102 2256 20130129124121 1 Author
Author:John Bond 1185684 102 1314 20130129124121 1 Author
Author:Gerolamo Cardano 1188563 102 2150 20130129194601 1 Author
Author:Julius Caesar Scaliger 1194870 102 1149 20130128002101 1 Author
Author:Charles Lallemant 1194876 102 442 20130128002101 1 Author
Author:Francisco Hernández de Toledo 1194877 102 1313 20130128002101 1 Author
Author:Juan Eusebio Nieremberg 1194880 102 1036 20130128002101 1 Author
Author:Ulisse Aldrovandi 1194884 102 2275 20130128002101 1 Author
Author:Jacques Philippe Cornut 1200478 102 336 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:John Jonston 1201897 102 3054 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:Joseph ben Ephraim Karo 1202892 102 488 20130128002143 1 Author
Author:John Eliot (missionary) 1214000 102 764 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:John Eliot (statesman) 1214002 102 590 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:William Strachey 1214026 102 730 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:Samuel de Champlain 1214111 102 1283 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:Thomas Johnson (botanist) 1214122 102 390 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:John Gerard 1214127 102 441 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:Thomas Hariot 1214150 102 946 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:Henry Lyte 1214151 102 800 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:Rembert Dodoens 1214152 102 1076 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:Bernardino de Sahagún 1215967 102 583 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:Dominique de Gourgue 1216327 102 1085 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:Anneke Jans Bogardus 1216893 102 660 20130126224247 1 Author
Author:Gaspar de Carvajal 1225063 102 658 20130128002146 1 Author
Author:Georg Pictorius 1226033 102 1339 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Olaus Magnus 1226070 102 560 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Lewis Du Moulin 1227741 102 666 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Heo Gyun 1227823 102 517 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Johannes Lange 1228434 102 392 20130107013323 1 Author
Author:Caelius Rhodiginus 1228609 102 324 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Martin Weinrich 1231117 102 646 20130107013323 1 Author
Author:Giovanni Francesco Pico della Mirandola 1231219 102 869 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Yi I 1231934 102 797 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Kim Seok-ju 1234399 102 622 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Thomas Tully 1236172 102 987 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Fazio Cardano 1236173 102 445 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Willebrord Snellius 1236545 102 543 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Marsilio Ficino 1236576 102 627 20130128002234 1 Author
Author:Yun Seondo 1239975 102 864 20130130224231 1 Author
Author:Bernard of Clairvaux 1304393 102 294 20130128002133 1 Author
Author:Wang Yinglin 1339526 102 777 20130116220703 1 Author
Author:Samuel ibn Tibbon 1348018 102 423 20130128002138 1 Author
Author:Corneille Janssens 1360984 102 370 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:François Vatable 1361087 102 325 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda y Ahumada 1364334 102 712 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:Raimond Sébond 1365499 102 446 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:Cesare Baronio 1366443 102 384 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:John Awdely 1366457 102 1046 20130129124121 1 Author
Author:Manuel I of Portugal 1366771 102 388 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:Ambroise Paré 1366959 102 471 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:William Bradford 1373661 102 451 20130128002128 1 Author
Author:William of Normandy 1389454 102 455 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Philemon Holland 1391927 102 977 20130128002100 1 Author
Author:Ignatius of Loyola 1416879 102 438 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Diego Laynez 1416881 102 457 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Daniello Bartoli 1416887 102 406 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Lambert le Bègue 1423122 102 583 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Jacob Cats 1423472 102 511 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Jacob Jordaens 1423477 102 466 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Michiel Adriaensz de Ruyter 1423493 102 859 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Cornelis Maartenszoon Tromp 1423497 102 630 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Frederik Hendrik 1423530 102 502 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:William II (1626-1650) 1423531 102 456 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Christiaan Huygens 1423597 102 868 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Constantijn Huygens 1423660 102 619 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Robert Blake 1423705 102 455 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp 1423706 102 410 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg 1423708 102 452 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Piet Pieterszoon Hein 1423709 102 462 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Laurens Janszoon Coster 1423711 102 675 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Franz Hals 1423713 102 441 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Philip II of Spain 1423718 102 455 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo 1423737 102 503 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Fernando Álvarez de Toledo 1423740 102 651 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Jan Havickszoon Steen 1424217 102 502 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Adriaen (Aerjan) Block 1424920 102 447 20130128002237 1 Author
Author:Francisco de Valdez 1424940 102 434 20130107013321 1 Author
Author:Lodewijk van Boisot 1424946 102 491 20130128002237 1 Author
