Portal:Audio recordings
This is an index of works on Wikisource in spoken form as freely licensed audio files. For guidance and notes on the use and acquisition of audio files, see the technical information subpage.

This is a select list of spoken-word works on the English Wikisource.
[edit]- Achievements of the Democratic Party
- Address to the Boys Progressive League
- Adelaide Crapsey
- An Adjustment of Nature
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (9 subpages with audio)
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (3 subpages with audio)
- Advertising Record
- Advice to Little Girls
- After Twenty Years
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (12 subpages with audio)
- Alix
- Always the Mob
- America Safe!
- America and the War
- America's Accomplishments
- America's Choice and Opportunity
- American Rights
- The American Soldier
- Americanism (Harding)
- Americanism (Roosevelt)
- Americanism (Wood)
- Anne of Avonlea (30 subpages with audio)
- Anne of Green Gables (38 subpages with audio)
- Anne of the Island (41 subpages with audio)
- Anne's House of Dreams (40 subpages with audio)
- Anthem for Doomed Youth
- Around the World in Seventy-Two Days (8 subpages with audio)
- Ashurnatsirpal III
- An Association of Nations
- At Valley Forge
- At the Front
- Autumn Movement
[edit]- Baby Face
- A Baby Tramp
- Band Concert
- The Bells
- Between Rounds
- Bilbea
- The Black Cat
- Blizzard Notes
- Bricklayer Love
- The Brief Début of Tildy
- Bringers
- Buffalo Bill
- By Courier
[edit]- Caboose Thoughts
- The Caliph, Cupid and the Clock
- Call of America
- Carmilla
- Cartoon
- The Case of Lady Sannox
- The Cask of Amontillado
- Chicago Poet
- Chicks
- Child Margaret
- The Children of the Zodiac
- A Christmas Carol/Stave 5
- Citizenship
- Clocks
- The Coming-Out of Maggie
- Communication On The Wireless Negotiations With Béla Kun
- The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda/Volume 1/Addresses at The Parliament of Religions/Response to Welcome
- Confidence in Government
- Constitution of the United States of America
- Cool Tombs
- The Cop and the Anthem
- A Cosmopolite in a Café
- Criminal Enemies of Social Order
- Crimson Rambler
[edit]- Dalyrimple Goes Wrong
- The Danger of Lying in Bed
- Daniel Deronda (69 subpages with audio)
- Democracy's Achievement
- Democratic Achievement
- Democrats in the World War
- The Diamond Necklace
- Drumnotes
- The Duplicity of Hargraves
- Duty of Government
[edit]- Early Moon
- The Emancipation Proclamation
- An Enemy of the People (Ibsen)
- The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (4 subpages with audio)
- Epitaph on the World
- Equal Rights
- Esmé
[edit]- Falltime
- Films
- Fire Dreams
- Fire-Logs
- The First Men in the Moon (9 subpages with audio)
- Flanders
- Flat Lands
- Found
- The Four Brothers
- Frankenstein (6 subpages with audio)
- From the Battlefields of France
- From the Cabby's Seat
- The Furnished Room
[edit]- Garden Wireless
- Gargoyle
- A Ghost Story
- The Gift of the Magi
- Girl in a Cage
- God Sees the Truth, But Waits
- Goldwing Moth
- Goody Two-Shoes (1888)
- Grass
- The Gray Wolf
- The Green Door
- Green Tea
- Greensleeves
[edit]- Handfuls
- Haunts
- Have Me
- The Hebrew Melodies (3 subpages with audio)
- Hemlock and Cedar
- The Highwayman (Noyes)
- Hits and Runs
- His Last Bow (2 subpages with audio)
- Home, Sweet Home
- Horses and Men in Rain
- House
- How the Working People Can Be Saved from the Oppression of the Landowners and Capitalists for Ever
- Humdrum
- Hunters of Kentucky
- The Hunting of the Snark
[edit]- Illinois Farmer
- In Memory Of Comrade Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov
- In Tall Grass
- In the Shadows (Johnson)
- Interior
- Is There a Santa Claus?
- The Island of Doctor Moreau (23 subpages with audio)
[edit]- Jabberers
- Jabberwocky
- Jane Eyre (35 subpages with audio)
- Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
- John Ericsson Day Memorial, 1918
- Joliet
- Joy to the World
- Jude the Obscure (53 subpages with audio)
[edit]- Labor's Service to Freedom
- The Lady or the Tiger?
- Lady Windermere's Fan
- The Last Leaf (Henry)
- Laughing Corn
- Law and Order
- Lawyer
- League of Nations (Harding)
- League of Nations (Lodge)
- The Leather Funnel
- Leather Leggings
- Legends
- The Leopard Man's Story
- Liberty Under the Law
- The Little Match Girl
- Little Women (47 subpages with audio)
- The Loaded Dog
- Loam
- Localities
- Loin Cloth
- Lost on Dress Parade
- The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein
- Loyalty (Colby)
- Loyalty (Gerard)
- Luck, story by Author:Mark Twain
[edit]- The Machine Stops (3 subpages with audio)
- Mammon and the Archer
- Mammy Hums
- Man About Town
- Manitoba Childe Roland
- Marjorie Daw
- Markheim
- The Marvelous Land of Oz (25 subpages with audio)
- The Masque of the Red Death
- Medallion
- Memoir
- Memoir of a Proud Boy
- Memoirs of a Yellow Dog
- The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (6 subpages with audio)
- Messiah
- A Million Young Workmen, 1915
- Moby-Dick (136 subpages with audio)
- A Modest Proposal
- Molly Make-Believe (3 subpages with audio)
- The Monkey's Paw
- Monna Innominata
- Monosyllabic
- Moonset
- My Escape from Slavery
- My Pretty Rose Tree
[edit]- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (14 subpages with audio)
- The Nation in Arms
- Nationalism and Americanism
- The Navy is Ready
- Near Keokuk
- New Feet
- The New York Times (2 subpages with audio)
- The Nice People
- The Night Before Christmas
- The 9:30 Up Train
- Northanger Abbey (31 subpages with audio)
[edit]- O Canada
- O Captain! My Captain!
- O Pioneers! (30 subpages with audio)
- Oh, My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose
- The 'Old, Old Song'
- Old Osawatomie
- Old Timers
- On League of Nations
- One Hundred Million Soldiers
- The Open Window (Saki)
- Out of White Lips
[edit]- Palladiums
- Peace, Progress, and Prosperity
- Perpetual Peace
- Peter and Wendy (1911) (17 subpages with audio)
- Pigs Is Pigs
- The Pit and the Pendulum
- Portrait of a Motor Car
- Potato Blossom Songs and Jigs
- Prairie
- Prairie Waters by Night
- Prayers of Steel
- President Wilson (Cummings)
- President Wilson (Wise)
- Prevention of War
- Pride and Prejudice (61 subpages with audio)
- The Problems of Philosophy
- Psalm of Those Who Go Forth Before Daylight
[edit]- The Raven (Poe)
- Readjustment
- The Red Room
- Remembered Women
- Repetitions
- The Republic Must Awaken
- Revise Taxes
- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- River Roads
- The Romance of a Busy Broker
- Ronald Reagan's Speech at Pointe de Hoc
- Roughing It
[edit]- Safeguard America!
- Save America
- The Scarlet Letter (3 subpages with audio)
- Schalken the Painter
- The Schoolboy
- The Sea Hold
- The Secret Garden (27 subpages with audio)
- A Service of Love
- Shenandoah
- The Signal-Man
- Singing Nigger
- Sisters of the Golden Circle
- Sixteen Months
- The Skylight Room
- Slants at Buffalo, New York
- Smoke (Sandburg)
- The Song my Paddle Sings
- The Souls of Black Folk (16 subpages with audio)
- Southern Pacific
- Speech of Senator Robert Byrd following the Indictment of Michael Vick on Dog-fighting Charges
- Springtime à la Carte
- The Star-Spangled Banner
- Still Life
- The Storm (K. Chopin)
- The Story of an Hour
- Street Window
- Strivings of the Negro People (2 subpages with audio)
- Summer Shirt Sale
- Summons to Duty
- Sunset From Omaha Hotel Window
- Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town (13 subpages with audio)
[edit]- The Tale of Peter Rabbit
- Tales from Shakespeare
- A Tall Man
- Taming the Bicycle
- Tarzan of the Apes (2 subpages with audio)
- The Tell-Tale Heart
- Testament (Sandburg)
- Theodore Roosevelt
- There Is No Rank in Sacrifice
- The Third Liberty Loan
- This Side of Paradise (10 subpages with audio)
- Thistle-Down
- Three Balls
- The Three Hermits
- Three Pieces on the Smoke of Autumn
- To Build a Fire
- Tobermory
- Tobin's Palm
- The Toys of Peace
- Transcript of the 'friendly fire' incident video (28 March 2003)
- The Trouble with Senators Who Oppose the League of Nations
- An Unfinished Story
[edit]- Valley Song
- Victimae Paschali Laudes
- Village in Late Summer
- A Vindication of the Rights of Woman/Chapter X
[edit]- Washerwoman
- What Are We Fighting For?
- Wild Weasel mission 1 October 1967
- Wild Weasel mission 19 April 1967
- Wild Weasel mission 5 November 1967
- Wild Weasel mission transcript part 3
- Wilderness
- The Wind in the Willows (12 subpages with audio)
- Winesburg, Ohio (25 subpages with audio)
- Wives and Daughters (60 subpages with audio)
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (2 subpages with audio)
- The World War