The Zoologist/4th series, vol 2 (1898)

A Preface to the yearly volume of 'The Zoologist' pertains to an annual stock-taking, for it must be judged largely by our contributors' additions to zoological knowledge.
The Mammalia have received special attention. The paper by Prof. J.C. Ewart on "Zebra-Horse Hybrids" may prove to be of an epoch-making nature both in Africa and India. The Indian fauna has again asserted its interest, while Mr. Oldfield Thomas has proposed a canon of nomenclature for British mammals. On the species of our own fauna many valuable notes have appeared.
The class Aves still remains the favourite study of very many of our contributors, and our pages have again contained new facts in British Ornithology. Mr. Ernst Hartert has called attention to an "hitherto overlooked British bird" in a Marsh Tit, Parus salicarius, Brehm. The presence of the White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) in Ireland, the Pectoral Sandpiper (Tringa maculata) in Norfolk and Kent, the Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria) in Lincolnshire, the continued visitation of the Melodious Warbler (Hypolais polyglotta) in South Devon, and the nesting of the Nightingale so far west as Wells in Somerset, are among some of the many avian records we have received and published.
Reptilia and Pisces have not been neglected, and we are glad to see the Crustacea more prominent on our literary menu. The Stalk-eyed Crustacea of Great Yarmouth, and the Malacostracous Crustacea of a section of Australia have been detailed; while a note on "The Struggle for Existence among Hermit Crabs" shows the vast interest attaching to observations on the lives of these creatures. The same remark applies to the Arachnida, on which, as found in South Africa, more than one contribution has appeared.
When we turn to the many classes of animals still practically ignored in our pages, we are reminded of the yet unexplored areas in animal bionomics which it is the self-constituted province of 'The Zoologist' to explore. This Journal has always, and will always, seek to understand the economy of animal life, and endeavour to reveal the polity and life-secrets of our fellow-creatures—using that term in its wider and zoological sense. We may on this point quote the words of Emerson:—"I hold an actual knowledge very cheap. Hear the rats in the wall, see the lizard on the fence, the fungus under foot, the lichen on the log. What do I know sympathetically, morally, of either of these worlds of life?"
The Editor, in his annual acknowledgment to his contributors, trusts to their renewed acquaintance during the succeeding year—the fin de siècle—with all best wishes to them, belief in the future of the science we study, and hope in a renewed value and usefulness of our next volume.

Little Gull in Kent, 216
"Horse-match" a name for the Red-backed Shrike, 188; Stoats turning white in winter, 193
Spotted Crake in Furness, 479
Wagtails eating Trout, 82; Hobby nesting in Hants, 83; Scoters in summer, 414; Ivory Gull on the Solway, 414
Occurrence of Natterer's Bat in North Wales, 493
Breeding of the Gannet, 319
Crossbills in Hants, 505
Albinic example of Long-tailed Bat, 261
Stoats turning white in winter, 122
The song of the Chaffinch, 269; The Whinchat in Co. Dublin, 356; The birds of the Riffelalp, 506
Ornithological notes from Sark, 274; Bird notes from the Northern Cairngorms, 362
Popular fallacies concerning the Cuckoo, 85
Conduct of a Rabbit when pursued by a Dog, 413
Pale-coloured Dipper, 23
Common Roller in Sussex, 24; Canada Goose near Dungeness, 216; Woodchat Shrike in Sussex, 267
"Horse-match" a name for the Red-backed Shrike, 266
On Sexual differences in the feathering of the wing of the Sky Lark, 104; On the first primary in certain Passerine birds, 241
On the first primary in certain Passerine birds, 241
Little Bustard in Norfolk, 125; Stoats turning white in winter, 187
Note on the Petrel, Oceanodroma castro (Harcourt), 320
Immigration of the Song Thrush, 264
List of birds observed in the District of Moffat, Dumfriesshire, from October, 1896, to February, 1897, 507
The Sanderling in Australia, 83
The Wretham Meres, 145
Notes from Scarborough, 28; Stoats turning white in winter, 187; Yarrell's Blenny and the Two-Spotted Goby at Scarborough, 191; Badgers near Scarborough, 213; Ornithological notes from Scarborough, 219; Notes on the habits of Python molurus in confinement, 436; Short Sunfish near Scarborough, 439
Brood of young Starlings in mid-November, 24; Brent Goose in Warwickshire, 24; Ferruginous Duck in Ireland, 25; Corncrake in December, 25; Stoats turning white in winter, 213; Meadow Pipits perching on trees, 214
The insect visitors of flowers in New Mexico, 78, 311
On the reported summer appearance of two species of birds in Lapland, 25
Hawfinch near Reigate Railway Station, 188
Brambling in Hants, 123; Roughlegged Buzzard near Ringwood, 124; Nesting of the Hobby in Hants, 125; Stoats turning white in winter, 261; Otters in South-western Hampshire, 262; Crossbills in South-western Hampshire in 1898, 482
Food of the Barn Owl, 215; Disappearance of the Lapwing in North Lincolnshire, 272; Migration at the Spurn Lighthouse in 1897–98, 345; Occurrence of the Fork-tailed Petrel on the Yorkshire coast, 362
Adder swallowing its young, 485
Rooks feeding on Elvers, 270
Scaup in Bedfordshire, 319; Alleged Kentish Plover in Bedfordshire, 320; Birds of Hertfordshire, 506
Popular ornithological fallacies, 27; Cuckoos sucking eggs, 87; Breeding sites of Chaffinch and Willow Warbler, 214; The protection of wild birds and their eggs, 322; Spotless eggs of the Spotted Flycatcher, 359; The so-called St. Kilda Wren, 413; A Cuckoo's economy in question, 430; Dr. Saxby and the breeding of the Turnstone, 435; Irregular nesting sites, 480
Varying fecundity in birds, 495
Notes on the Nestor notabilis, or Kea Parrot, of New Zealand, 217; Zoological rambles in the Transvaal, 249; Cicada attacked by Mantis, 275; Southerly extension of the East African butterfly fauna, 276; Toad attacked by a Frog, 323; Biological suggestions—assimilative colouration, 377, 451; "The Leathery Turtle" (Dermochelys coriacea), 500; Involuntary migration, 508
Rare Partridges in Leadenhall Market, 215
Mode of progression among Millipedes, 365
Date of arrival of House Martin, 433
On the nesting of the Spotted Flycatcher, 358
On Zebra-Horse hybrids, 49
Winter notes from Haddiscoe, 26
Tree Pipit in January, 122; Rooks and buttercup bulbs, 124; On the date of arrival of the House Martin, 267; The Marsh Warbler in Oxfordshire, 356
Asagena phalerata at Grasmere, 440; Epeira diadema courtship, 440
Notes on British Annelids, 119
Some notes on the Nestor notabilis, or Kea Parrot, of New Zealand, 216
Early nesting of the House Sparrow, 123
Rough nesting notes from Yorkshire, 349; Large Bank Vole in Kent, 477; Economy of the Cuckoo, 478; Late nesting of the Corn Bunting, 485; Food of the Redwing, 504; Phasianus colchicus in Yorkshire, 505
Ornithological notes from Norfolk for 1897, 106
Water Pipit in Carnarvonshire, 187; Meadow Pipit perching on trees, 266; Barred Warbler in Lincolnshire, 504
Jumping beans, 441
A hitherto overlooked British bird, 116
Nesting habits of the Moorhen, 505
Nesting of the Hobby in Hants, 24; Nesting of the Greater Spotted Woodpecker near Bath, 318; Birds singing during thunderstorm, 322; Preservation of zoological specimens, 366; Late stay of Swift, 436
The Mammalia of Hampshire, 429
Birds which nest in London, 273
Birds which nest in London, 189
Late stay of Swift, 485
Nightingale nesting at Wells, Somerset, 317; Nesting of the Greater Spotted Woodpecker at Wells, Somerset, 319; Swallow versus Flycatcher's peculiar nesting site, 429; Notes on the nesting of the Nuthatch, 480
Hybrid Finches at the Crystal Palace Show, 188; Birds which nest in London, 272
Varieties of the Red Grouse, 125; William Turner, the father of British Zoology, 337; Mallard and Pintail interbreeding in captivity, 361; Sea Lamprey in Cumberland, 365
Spider versus Wasp, 29; Notes on the South African Social Spiders, 417
Melodious Warblers in South-east Devon, 265
Moths and their classification, 289
Variety of the Common Guillemot, 25
Pectoral Sandpiper in Norfolk, 25; Parasites in birds, 415
Daubenton's Bat in the Conway Valley, 317, 368
Notes on the Chaffinch, 270; Birds in London, 273
Malformed Codfish, 130; Some notes on the Stalk-eyed Crustacea of Great Yarmouth, 178; Notes from Great Yarmouth, 219, 364, 508; Meristic variation in the Edible Crab, 220; The Mammalia of Great Yarmouth and its immediate neighbourhood, 299; Porpoises at Great Yarmouth, 504
At what hour of the day do birds mostly lay their eggs? 84; Breeding range of the Scaup-Duck, 361
Scoters in Hants and Isle of Wight, 505
On the reported summer appearance of two species of birds in Lapland, 84; Ornithological notes from Corsica—correction, 275
Stridulation in some African Spiders, 14
Indian Wild Cattle—the Tsine and the Gaur (miscalled Bison), 1; The Indian Hispid Hare (Lepus hispidus), 22; A Chat about Indian wild beasts, 154
Eggs of the Roseate Tern, 83
When does the House Martin arrive? 317
Notes from the Isle of Man (1897), 321
Abundance of Crossbills in the Severn Valley, 124
Birdsnesting in August, 415
Experiments on the colours of the Nonpareil Finch, 23; Existing specimens of Equus quagga, 213; Notes on Batrachians—Frog attacking Toad, 365; Abnormal eyes of Hyla arborea and Bombinator igneus, 486
Ornithological notes at Alum Bay, Isle of Wight, 218
Kites in Wales, 271
Chickens reared by Partridges, 189; Notes on the Bank Vole, 503
Coition of birds in the air, 415
The struggle for existence among Hermit Crabs, 131; Abnormal scalariformity in shells, 191
The Kingfisher in Surrey, 82; The so-called St. Kilda Wren, 482
Ornithological notes from Mid-Wales, 198
The Cirl Bunting in Wales, 505
The Birds of the Riffelalp, Canton Valais, Switzerland, 474
Fishes of Great Yarmouth, 88
Ornithological notes from Mid-Hants (1897), 126
Sagacity among birds, 217
Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery (1897), 69; Centrolophus pomphilus on Norfolk coast, 364
Notes on the habits of some of the Australian Malacostracous Crustacea, 202
Zoological Nomenclature, remarks on the proposed international code, 423
Cirl Bunting in Breconshire, 478
Montagu's Harrier breeding in Ireland—correction, 24; The Insectivora and Rodentia of Northumberland, 264
The technical names of British Mammals, 97; The scientific names of the Badger and the Common Vole, 263
Pectoral Sandpiper in Kent, 480
Polecat in Suffolk, 22, 122, 503; Bank Vole in Suffolk, 122; Economy of the Cuckoo, 477; Owls and Kestrels, 505
White Wagtail in Ireland, 245; Iceland Gull in Co. Sligo in summer, 320
Varieties of Green Plover, &c, 482; Scoters in Notts, 482; Heron nest of wire, 484; Great Skua in Notts, 485
Cuckoo questions, 270; Appearance of migrants in Aberdeenshire in 1898, 275; Cuckoos recently observed in Aberdeenshire, 359; Cuckoos in 1898, 431
Birds which nest in London, 216
The Voice-registers of birds, 11; Notes on the breeding of the Chaffinch, 195; The autumn song of birds, 410
Abraxas grossulariata, 380
Acacia giraffæ, 461
Accentor alpinus, 475; modularis, 190, 507
Accipiter nisus, 508
Acidalidæ, 290
Acipenser sturio, 144
Acræa violæ, 283
Acredula rosea, 507
Acridium cœrulescens, 458; germanicum, 457, 458; purpuriferum, 419
Acrocephalus palustris, 356; phragmitis, 190, 272; streperus, 190
Adder swallowing its young, 485
Aegeriadæ, 293
Ægialitis cantiana, 320; hiaticula, 364
Agonus cataphractus, 28
Agrotis lucernea, 456
Alauda arborea, 275; arvensis, 104, 273, 508
Alcedo ispida, 82, 508
Alcelaphus cokei, 460
Alligator in Florida, 286
Alope palpalis, 211
Alopecias vulpes, 508
Alpheus edwardsii, 210
Amauris dominicanus, 254
Ampelis garrulus, 219
Amphidasys betularia, 456
Anas boscas, 190, 361, 364, 508
Animals, noxious, of New South Wales, 140; Wild, price of, 234
'Annals and Magazine of Natural History,' new Editor, 39
Annelids, British, notes on, 119
Annomanes regulus, 458
Anser erythropus, 26, 91; ruficollis, 91; segetum, 91
Antarctic Expedition, British, 492
Anthodiæta collaris, nest, 418
Anthus pratensis, 214, 266, 430; spinoletta, 475; spipoletta, 187; trivialis, 122
Aquaria and Vivaria, 40
Aquaria at Odessa, 41
Ardea cinerea, 508
Argiope, 30
Asagena phalerata at Grasmere, 440
Asia, Central, scientific expedition to, 235
Assimilative colouration, 377, 453
Astacopsis serratus, 209
Astacidæ, 236
Asturinula monogrammica, 257
Auk, Great, census of remains, to Aug. 1898, 518
Australia, Sanderling in, 83; Western, journey across the great deserts, 94; Malacostracous Crustacea, 202
Avicola agrestis, 264; amphibius, 264; glareolus, 264
Aviculariidæ, 14
Badger, scientific name, 263
Badgers near Scarborough, 213
Balæna biscayensis, 308
Balænoptera musculus, 308; rostrata, 309
Barbastella barbastellus, 100
Bat, Daubenton's, in Conway Valley, 317, 368; Long-eared, albinic, 261; Natterer's, in North Wales (Plate IV.), 493
Batrachians, notes on, 365
Beans, jumping, 441
Beasts, Indian Wild, 154
Belone vulgaris, 28
Bernicla brenta, 24, 25, 84; canadensis, 216
Bidens cernua, 406
Biological suggestions—assimilative colouration, 377, 453
Bird, British, hitherto overlooked, 116; notes from Cairngorms, 362
Birds, voice-registers of, 11; of Devonshire, 39; sale of, belonging to the late Mr. R. Ashby, 45; usual time of egg-laying? 84; of London, 91, 189, 216, 272, 273; British, Catalogue of Connop collection, 96; osteology of, 138; sagacity among, 217; Passerine, first primary in certain, 241; destruction of, and destructive insects, in France, 285; singing during thunderstorm, 322; Wild, and their eggs, protection of, 322, 449; of Bowdoin Bay, 374; autumn song, 410; coition in the air, 415; parasites in, 415; of Riffelalp, Valais, Switzerland, 474, 506; of Hertfordshire, 506; of Moffat, Dumfriesshire, 507
Birds' feathers, trade in, 233
Birdsnesting in August, 415
Blenny, Yarrell's, at Scarborough, 191
Boa Constrictors of British Guiana, 232
Books Noticed:—
- With Nature and a Camera, by Richard Kearton and Cherry Kearton, 32
- Observations on the Colouration of Insects, by Brunner von Wattenwyl, 34
- The life of Sir Stamford Raffles, by Demetrius Charles Boulger, 35
- All about Animals, 37
- Wild Traits in Tame Animals, being some Familiar Studies in Evolution, by Louis Robinson, 89
- A Text-Book of Zoology, by T. Jeffery Parker and William A. Haswell, 132
- A History of Fowling, being an Account of the many curious devices by which Wild Birds are or have been captured in different parts of the World, by Rev. H.A. Macpherson, 134
- Elephant-Hunting in East Equatorial Africa, by Arthur H. Neumann, 137
- Audubon and his Journals, by Maria B. Audubon, with zoological and other Notes by Elliott Coues, 221
- Life and Letters of Alexander Goodman More, with selections from his Zoological and Botanical Writings, edited by B. Moffat, with a Preface by Francis M. More, 223
- A Sketch of the Natural History (Vertebrates) of the British Islands, by F.G. Aflalo, 225
- The Mammals, Reptiles, and Fishes of Essex, by Henry Laver, 227
- Hints on the Management of Hawks, to which is added Practical Falconry, by James Edmund Harting, 228
- Essays on Museums and other subjects connected with Natural History, by Sir William H. Flower, 277
- A Student's Text-Book of Zoology, by Adam Sedgwick, 279
- Birds in London, by W.H. Hudson, 281
- The Angora Goat, and a Paper on the Ostrich, by S.C. Cronwright Schreiner, 324
- Elementary Practical Zoology, by Frank E. Beddard, 326
- Ackworth Birds, being a List of Birds of the District of Ackworth, Yorkshire, by Major Walter B. Arundel, 327
- A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to the Lake District, 328
- The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma—Birds, by W.T. Blanford, 369
- Bird Neighbours, by Neltje Blanchan, 370
- The Birds of Montreal, 372
- A Classification of Vertebrata, Recent and Extinct, by Hans Gadow, 443
- The Trout, by the Marquess of Granby, Col. F.H. Custance, and Alexander Innes Shand, 444
- The Structure and Classification of Birds, by Frank E. Beddard, 510
- Text-Book of Zoology, by H.G. Wells and A.M. Davies, 511
- The Wonderful Trout, by J.A. Harvie-Brown, 513
- Faune de France, contenant la description des espèces indigènes disposées en tableaux analytiques et illustrée de figures représentant les types caractéristiques des genres, par A. Acloque, 514
Bombinator igneus, abnormal eyes of, 486
Bos gaurus, 1, 2; sondaicus, 1
Brambling in Hants, 123
Branchiura sowerbii, 120
Breeding of Garganey in Hants, 126; sites of Chiffchaff, 214, 270,—Willow Warbler, 214; of Dragonet, 231; of Gannet, 319; range of Scaup-Duck, 361; of Turnstone, Dr. Saxby on, 435
Brood of young Starlings in mid-November, 24
"Brusher Mills," snake-charmer, 492
Bubalis caama,461; lichtensteini, 461
Buceros bicornis, 379
Buchanga assimilis, 256
Buckland, Frank, collection, 520
Buffalo, the last, in Manitoba, 373
Bufo vulgaris, 323, 365
Bunting, Cirl, in Breconshire, 748,—in Wales, 505; Corn, late nesting, 485
Bustard, Little, in Norfolk, 125
Buteo lagopus, 124
Buzzard as foster-parent, 491; Roughlegged, near Ringwood, 124
Caccabis magna, 215
Cælopa frigida, 457
Cairngorms, Northern, bird notes from, 362
Calidris arenaria, 83
Callianassa sp.?, 208
Callionymus lyra, 231
Caltha minor, 406; palustris, 406
Cambarus diogenes, 237
Cancer pagurus, 181, 220
Canis ægypticus, 470; latrans, 470; mesomelas, 470
Capreolus capreolus, 101
Caradrinina, 297
Carassius auratus, 140
Carcharias glaucus, 508
Carcinus mænas, 182
Carduelis elegans, 507
Carelophus ascanii, 191
Cariacus, 407
Catalogue of Birds, British Museum, completion of, 516
Cattle, Indian Wild, 1
Centipede, South European, at Colchester, 489
Centrolophus pomphilus on Norfolk coast, 364
Centropus senegalensis, 258
Ceratothoa trigonocephola, 211
Certhia familiaris, 507
Cervulus, 407
Cervus, 407; dama, 101; elaphus, 101,—gigantic antlers, 229
Ceryle rudis, 258
Chasmagnathus lævis, 206
Chætogaster limnæi, 192
Chaffinch, notes on breeding of, 195, 270; song, 195, 270, 269
Charadrius pluvialis, 508
Charaxes varanes, 254
Charybdis cruciatus, 204
Chelidon urbica, 190, 267, 317, 321, 433
Cheraps bicarinatus, 236
Chicken reared by Partridges, 189
Chiffchaff, breeding sites, 214
Chlamydoselachus anguineus, 41
Christmas Island, zoological exploration, 519
Chrysomitris citrinella, 275, 506; spinus, 507
Cicada attacked by Mantis, 275
Cinclus aquaticus, 23, 507
Cinnyris chalybæus, nest, 418; gutturalis, nest, 418
Circus cinerescens, 24
Classification of Moths, 289
Coccinella bipunctata, 468; decempunctata (variabilis), 468; septempunctata, 468
Coccothraustes coccothraustes, 188
Coccystes jacobinus, 258; serratus, 258
Codfish, malformed, 130,—figured, 130
Coition of birds in the air, 415
Collett, Prof., on a remarkable Shark, 441
Colouration, assimilative, 377, 453
Colours of Nonpareil Finch, experiments on, 23
Columba palumbus, 190, 275, 508
Coracias garrulus, 24
Coregonus, 463
Corncrake in December, 25
Corsica, ornithological notes from, 275
Corvus corone, 190, 508; frugilegus, 124, 190, 508; monecula, 190, 508
Corystes cassivelaunus, 183
Cotile rupestris, 275
Cotinga cayana, 392; cærulea, 392
Cottus groenlandicus, 220
County Records:—
- Bedfordshire—Scaup Duck, 319; Kentish Plover, 320
- Cambridgeshire—Birdsnesting in August, 415
- Cumberland—Mallard and Pintail interbreeding in captivity, 361; Sea Lamprey, 365
- Derbyshire—Dipper, 23
- Devonshire—Birds of, 39; Melodious Warbler, 265; Gannet, 319; House Martin, 433
- Dorsetshire—Song Thrush, 264
- Gloucestershire—Coition of birds in the air, 415
- Hampshire—Hobby, 24, 83, 125; Brambling, 123; Rough-legged Buzzard, 124; ornithological notes, 126, 218; Long-eared Bat, 261; Stoats, 261; Otters, 262; Mammalia, 429; Crossbill, 482, 505; Swift, 485; Scoter, 505
- Hertfordshire—Birds of, 506
- Kent— Little Gull, 216; Bank Vole, 477; Pectoral Sandpiper, 480
- Lancashire—Frog attacking Toad, 365; Epeira diadema, 440; Spotted Crake, 479
- Leicestershire—; Spotted Flycatcher, 359; irregular nesting sites, 480
- Lincolnshire—Barn Owl, 215; Lapwing, 272; Barred Warbler, 504
- Middlesex—Birds of London, 189, 216, 272, 273; Chaffinch, 270; parasites in birds, 415
- Norfolk—Pectoral Sandpiper, 25; notes from Haddiscoe, 26; Fishes of Great Yarmouth, 88; notes, 106; Little Bustard, 125; malformed Codfish, 130; Wretham Meres, 145; Stalk-eyed Crustacea of Great Yarmouth, 178; notes from Great Yarmouth, 219, 364, 508; Edible Crab, 220; Mammalia of Great Yarmouth, 299; Centrolophus pomphilus, 364; Porpoises at Great Yarmouth, 504
- Northumberland—Insectivora and Rodentia, 264
- Nottingham—Varieties of Plover, Starling, and House Sparrow, 482; Scoters, 482; Heron, 484; Great Skua, 485
- Oxfordshire—Tree Pipit, 122; Rooks, 124; Stoats, 193; House Martin, 267; Marsh Warbler, 356
- Somersetshire—House Sparrow, 123; Nightingale, 317; Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 318, 319; Birds singing during thunderstorm, 322; House Martin, 415; Swallow v. Flycatcher's peculiar nesting site, 429; Swift, 436; Nuthatch, 480
- Suffolk—Polecat, 22, 122, 503; Black Water Vole, 122; Stoats, 187; Chickens reared by Partridge, 189; Cuckoo, 477; Bank Vole, 503; Owls and Kestrels, 505
- Surrey—Kingfisher, 82; Hawfinch, 188; hybrid Finches, 188
- Sussex—Common Roller, 24; Hermit Crabs, 131; Canada Goose, 216; abnormal scalariformity in shells, 191; Woodchat Shrike, 267; conduct of Rabbit when pursued by Dog, 413
- Warwickshire—Starlings, 24; Brent Goose, 24; Meadow Pipit, 214
- Westmorland—Asagena phalærata, 440
- Worcestershire—Spotted Flycatcher, 358
- Yorkshire—Common Guillemot, 25; notes from Scarborough, 28, 219; Roseate Tern, 83; Scarborough Field Naturalists' Society, 140; Stoats, 187; Yarrell's Blenny, 191; Two-spotted Goby, 191; Badger, 213; Migration at Spurn Lighthouse, 345; Nesting notes, 349; Fork-tailed Petrel, 362; Python molurus, 436; Short Sunfish, 439; Cuckoo, 478; Corn Bunting, 485; Redwing, 504; Phasianus colchicus, 505; Moorhen, 506
Crab Edible, meristic variation in, 220; Hermit, struggle for existence among, 131
Crake, Spotted, in Furness, 479
Crangon fasciatus, 185; trispinosus, 185; vulgaris, 184,—varietal colouration, figured, 184
Crateropus bicolor, 256
Crenis rosa, 276
Crex pratensis, 25
Crinum, 255; ammocharoides, 255
Crossbill, in Severn Valley, 124; in Hants, 482, 505
Crossopus fodiens, 303
Crustacea, Stalk-eyed, of Great Yarmouth, 178; Australian Malacostracous, habits of some, 202
Cuckoo, popular fallacies concerning, 85; sucking eggs, 87; questions, 270; in Aberdeen, 359; economy, 430, 477, 478; in 1898, 431
Cuculus canorus, 85, 87, 110, 111, 190, 270, 359, 430, 431, 477, 478; clamosus, 258
Cyanospiza ciris, 23
Cyclograpsus lavauxi, 206
Cymochorea leucorrhoa, 362
Cymodocea pubescens, 211
Cynœlurus jubatus, 163, 462
Cypselus apus, 485
Cystophora cristata, 100
Dafila acuta, 361
Danainæ, 283
Darwin, Charles, home of, 235
Daulias luscinia, 317
Delias eucharis, 283
Delphinus albirostris, 310; delphis, 310
Dendrocopus major, 318, 319
Dermochelys coriacea, 500
Diplognatna hebræa, 256
Dipper, pale-coloured, 23
Disa erubescens, 380
Dragonet, breeding of, 231
Dryopithecus, 404
Duck, Ferruginous, in Ireland, 25; Scaup, in Bedfordshire, 319, 361
Eel in stomach of Cachalot, 489
Eggs of Roseate Tern, 83; of birds, at what hour usually laid?, 84; of wild birds, protection of, 322; spotless, of Spotted Flycatcher, 359
Elanus cæruleus, 257, 259
Elephant, merciful execution of, 287; proposed preservation of, in Central Africa, 517
Elephas indicus, 166
Emberiza cirlus, 478; citrinella, 508; schœniclus, 508
Enchytræids, British, 121
Enchytræus parvulus, 121
Entermorphas, 396
Epeira diadema courtship, 440
Epunda lichenea, 456
Equus burchelli var. chapmani, 49; quagga, existing specimens, 213; zebra, 213
Erinaceus europæus, 100, 302
Erithacus rubecula, 190
Eubolia bipunctaria, 455
Eupagurus sinuatus, 207
Eurynome aspera, 181
Evotomys glareolus, 101
Expedition to Patchora River and Siberia, 43
Eyes, abnormal, of Hyla arborea and Bombinator igneus, 486
Falco subbuteo, 24, 83, 125; tinnunculus, 508
Fallacies, popular ornithological, 27; concerning Cuckoo, 85
Fauna, East African Butterfly, southerly extension, 276
Faunal areas, minor, 96
Fecundity, varying, in birds, 495
Feeding of Rooks on Elvers, 270
Felis catus, 100; pardus, 160; tigris, 154
Finch, Citril, in Corsica, 275; Nonpareil, experiments in colours of, 23
Finches, hybrid, at Crystal Palace Show, 188
Fish culture, 93; strange error regarding, 48; acclimatization in South Africa, 143
Fishery, Seal and Whale, 69
Fishes, of Great Yarmouth, 88; memory in, 92; in vicinity of New York, 140; of Trent, as recorded in 1622, 141; structure and morphology, 230; Sea, resources of the sea, 376
Floridæ, 396
Flycatcher, Spotted, nesting of, 358; spotless eggs, 359
Flycatcher v. Swallow's peculiar nesting site, 429
Food of Barn Owl, 215; of Redwing, 504
Fratercula arctica, 321
Fridericia striata, 121
Fregilus graculus, 321
Fringilla cœlebs, 190, 195, 269, 270, 507; montifringilla, 123
Frog attacking Toad, 323, 365
Fulica atra, 508
Fuligula marila, 319, 361, 362; nyroca, 25
Gadus morrhua, 130
Galathea squamifera, 183
Gallinago cœlestis, 127, 508
Gallinula chloropus, 190, 506, 508
Gannet, breeding of, 319
Garganey breeding in Hants, 126
Gasteracantha, 30
Gaur, miscalled Bison, 2
Geese on fresco, Ghizeh Museum, 91
'Geological Magazine,' longevity, 230
Glyceria fluitans, 406
Gnophos obscuraria, 456
Gobius ruthensparri, 191
Goby, Two-spotted, at Scarborough, 191
Godartia wakefieldii, 276
Goose, Brent, in Warwickshire, 24; Canada, near Dungeness, 216
Grapsus variegatus, 205
Grouse, Red, varieties, 125
Guillemot, Common, variety, 25
Gull, Iceland, in Co. Sligo in summer, 320; Ivory, on Solway, 414; Little, in Kent, 216
Habits, of Rattlesnakes, 93; of some Australian Malacostracous Crustacea, 202; of Python molurus in confinement, 436; nesting habits of Moorhen, 506
Haddiscoe, winter notes from, 26
Hæmatopus ostralegus, 363
Halcyon albiventris, 258; cyanoleuca, 258
Halichærus gryphus, 308
Halimus tumidus, 202
Hants, Mid-, ornithological notes from, 126
Hare, Brown, in Ireland, 239; Indian Hispid, 22
Harpactira, 16; chrysogaster, stridulating organ, figured, 17; gigas, 251; tigrina, 17
Harrier, Montagu's, alleged breeding in Ireland, an error, 24
Hawfinch near Reigate railway station, 188
Helæcius cordiformis, 205
Helix cantiana, 463; cartusiana, 463
Helotarsus ecaudatus, 258
Hemitubifex benedii, 120
Hepialidæ, 291
Heron nest of wire, 484
Hesperiadæ, 295
Hippoglossoides limandoides, 220
Hippolyte cranchii, 185; varians, 185
Hirundo rustica, 190, 321, 429, 507
Hobby nesting in Hants, 24, 83, 125
Homarus vulgaris, 183
Hoplostomus fuliginosus, 419
Horn of Rhinoceros, artificial removal of, 142
"Horse-match" a name for the Red-backed Shrike, 188, 266
Hyas araneus, 181; coarctatus, 181
Hybrid, supposed, between Fieldfare and Redwing, 95; Finches at Crystal Palace Show, 188; between Linnet and Greenfinch, 109; between White-eyed Duck and Pochard, 108; Zebra-Horse, 49
Hydrochelidon leucoptera, 129
Hyena arvennensis, 465; brunnea, 465; crocuta, 465; exima, 465; spelæa, 465; striata, 465
Hyla arborea, abnormal eyes, 486
Hymenosoma varium, 207
Hyodrilus, 120
Hyperoodon rostratum, 309
Hypolais icterina, 266; polyglotta, 266
Hypolimnas misippus, 283
Hysterocrates, 18
Hystrix afra-australis, 250
Ibacus peronii, 208
Idotea annulata, 455
Immigration of Song Thrush, 264
Insect pests of British Columbia, 46; strength, 92; visitors of flowers in New Mexico, 78, 311
Insectivora of Northumberland, 264
Insects, destructive, in France, 285
Interbreeding of Pintail and Mallard in captivity, 361
International code of zoological nomenclature, 423
Ireland.—Montagu's Harrier, 24 Ferruginous Duck, 25; White Wagtail, 245; Chaffinch, 269; Rooks, 270; Iceland Gull in Co Sligo, 320; Whinchat in Co. Dublin, 356
Isle of Wight, ornithological notes, 218
Ityræa nigrocincta, 256
Java, scientific expedition to, 451
Julus pulchellus, 121
Kestrel, abnormal nesting sites, 110
Kestrels and Owls, plea for, 449, 505
"Killers" in New South Wales, &c, 447
Kingfisher in Surrey, 82
Kites in Wales, 199, 271
Labrus auritus, 454
Lacnanthes, 381
Lagopus mutus, 364; scoticus, 125, 508
Lakeland, Guide to, 40
Lamna cornubica, 509
Lamprey, Sea, in Cumberland, 365
Laniarius atrococcineus, 258
Lanius collurio, 188, 266; pomeranus, 267
Lapland, reported summer appearance of Bernicla brenta and Phalaropus fulicarius, 25, 84
Lapwing, disappearance, in North Lincolnshire, 272
Larentidæ, 290
Lark, Sky, sexual differences in wing-feathering, 104
Larus argentatus, 508; canus, 126, 127, 508; fuscus, 508; leucopterus, 320; minutus, 216; ridibundus, 321, 363
Lasiocampina, 296
Leander intermedius, 210
Lepidosteus sp., 379
Leptodius exaratus, 203
Lepus cuniculus, 101, 307; europæus, 101; hispidus, 22; timidus, 101, 307
Ligurinus chloris, 190, 507
Limacodidæ, 294
Limnæa stagnalis, 147
Limnodrilus udekemianus, 120; wordsworthianus, 120
Linnet, Mountain, 431
Linota cannabina, 507; flavirostris, 360, 431; rufescens, 507
L'Intermédiaire des Biologistes, 40
Lithodes maia, 181
Lizard, Tuatara, development of, 488
Lobster, Common Spiny, limit of northern distribution, 142
Locustella nævia, 351
London, birds of, 91, 189, 216, 272, 273
Lophius piscatorius, 365
Löss, 398
Loxia curvirostra, 124, 363, 505
Lumbricus terrestris, 119
Lusciniola schwarzi, 520
Lutra lutra, 100; vulgaris, 262, 304
Lycæna adonis, 455; corydon, 455
Macrophthalmus setosus, 205
Macrotoma palmata, 259
Mallard and Pintail interbreeding in captivity, 361
Mammalia of Great Yarmouth and immediate neighbourhood, 299; of Hampshire, 429
Mammals, British, technical names of, 97
Man, Isle of, notes from (1897), 321
Mantis attacking Cicada, 275
Marine Biological Stations—Liverpool, 333; Port Erin, Isle of Man, 333; Millport, 334; St. Andrews, 335; Jersey, 335
Marlborough College Nat. Hist. Soc, 375
Martin, House, date of arrival, 267, 317, 433
Megascops asio, 402
Melanippe procellata, 456
Melanargia galatea, 455
Melelonthidæ, 31
Meles meles, 263; taxus, 213, 263, 304
Melierax niger, 259
Mergus merganser, 364; serrator, 364
Meristic variation in Edible Crab, 220
Mexico, New, insect visitors of flowers, 78, 311
Microtus agrestis, 101, 264, 306; amphibius, 100, 122, 306; glareolus, 477, 503; gregarius, 264
Migrants in Aberdeenshire (1898), 275
Migration at Spurn Lighthouse (1897–98), 345
Micropterygidæ, 291
Millipedes, mode of progression, 365
Mimicry, 283
Miomantis fenestrata, 275
Molua molva, 463
Monkeys, decrease, on Gold Coast, 45
Montifringilla nivalis, 475
Moor-hen, nesting habits, 506
Motacilla alba, 245; lugubris, 82, 216; raii, 82; yarrellii, 245
Moths and their classification, 289
Mullus surmulatus, 365
Mus agrestis, 264; alexandrinus, 306; decumanus, 100, 306; gregarius, 264; minutus, 100, 305; musculus, 100, 264, 305; rattus, 100, 305; sylvaticus, 100, 264, 305
Muscardinus avellanarius, 100, 304
Muscicapa grisola, 190, 275, 358, 359, 429
Museum Reports:—
- Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 95
- Field Columbian Museum, Chicago, 138
- Newcastle Museum, 240
- Taxidermy for Museums, 330
- Appointment of new Director for Nat. Hist. Dep., S. Kensington, 373
- South African Museum, Report for 1897, 446
- Mus. Compar. Zool., Cambr., Mass., resignation of Prof. Alec Agassiz, 451
- British Museum, recent acquisitions, 487; Ocean exploration off the coasts of Cork and Kerry, 518
- Temporary Museums, 490
- Australian Museum, 1897, 516
Mustela erminea, 122, 187, 213, 261, 304; martes, 100, 303; putorius, 22, 122, 304, 503; vulgaris, 303
Mycteris longicarpus, 207; platycheles, 207
Mygale, 14, 16, 29, 251; avicularia, 251
Mygalidæ, 14
Mylabridæ, 31
Myotis bechsteini, 100; daubentoni, 100, 317, 368; mystacinus, 100; nattereri, 100
Myoxus nanus, 421
Mysis chamæleon, 186; vulgaris, 186
Mythology, ornithological, 46
Natica, 131
Natural History literature of Great Britain and Ireland, 519
Nectocarcinus integrifrons, 204
Neomys fodiens, 100
Nephile, 30
Nephrops norvegicus, 184
Neptunus pelagicus, 203; sanguinolentus, 204
Nerocila sp.?, 211
Nest of Common Sandpiper with four eggs, 110; of Social Spider, figured, 253; of Anthodiæta collaris, 418; of Cinnyris gutturalis and C. chalybæus, 418; of Heron made of wire, 484
Nesting of Hobby in Hants, 24, 83, 125; site, abnormal, of Kestrel, 110; early, of House Sparrow, 123; of Nightingale at Wells, Somerset, 317; of Greater Spotted Woodpecker near Bath, 318,—at Wells, Somerset, 319; notes from Yorkshire, 349; of Spotted Flycatcher, 358; site, peculiar, of Swallow v. Flycatcher, 429; of Nuthatch, 480; sites, irregular, 480; late, of Corn Bunting, 485; habits of Moor-hen, 506
Nestor notabilis of New Zealand, 216
Nightjar nesting at Wells, Somerset, 317
Nika couchii, 185; edulis, 185
Noctua glareosa, 456
Nomenclature, zoological, remarks on proposed international code, 423
Norfolk, ornithological notes from (1897), 106
Notodontina, 296
Notornis mantelli, 492
Nucifraga caryocatactes, 474
Numenius phæopus, 321
Nuthatch, nesting of, 480
- Allman, Prof. George J., M.D., F.R.S., 519
- Dennis, George Christopher, 240
- Frenzel, Dr. Johannes, 47
- Horn, Dr. George H., 47
- Hurst, C. Herbert, 287
- I'Anson, James, 240
- Kleinenberg, Dr. Nicolaus, 144
- Marks, Henry Stacy, B.A., 48
- Salvin, Osbert, 315
- Van Voorst, John, 452
Oceanodroma castro, 320; cryptoleucura, 320
Ocypoda cordimana, 205
Odobœnus rosmarus, 100
Œdemia nigra, 505
Œdipodea germanica, 457
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, 140
Orca gladiator, 309, 447
Ornithological millinery, 286
Orthagoriscus mola, 509
Otis tetrax, 125
Otters in S.W. Hampshire, 262
Owl, Barn, food of, 215
Owls, morphology of, 231
Owls and Kestrels, a plea for, 449, 505
Oxalis stricta, 406
Oysters, food of, 233
Ozius truncatus, 202
Pachygrapsus transversus, 206
Paguridæ, 131
Paguristes barbatus, 208
Pagurus bernhardus, 183
Palæmon serratus, 186; squilla, 186; varians, 186
Palinurus hügeli, 208; vulgaris, 142, 183
Pandalus annulicornis, 185
Pandion haliaëtus, 362
Papilio aristolochiæ, 283; ophidicephalus, 254; polites, 283
Papilionina, 297
Parasites in birds, 415
Parastacus, Dr. E. Löonberg on, 373
Parrot, Kea, of New Zealand, 216
Partridge, variety, 114
Partridges rearing chickens, 189; rare, in Leadenhall Market, 215
Parus ater, 190, 507; borealis, 116; cæruleus, 190, 507; cristatus, 363; major, 190, 507; palustris, 507; palustris dresseri, 117; salicarius, a British bird, 116
Passer domesticus, 123, 190, 507
Penæus canaliculatus, 209; esculentus, 209
Perdix barbata, 215; cinerea, 508; daurica, 215; montana, 114; sibirica, 215
Petrel, Fork-tailed, on Yorkshire coast, 362
Petromyzon marinus, 365
Phalaropus fulicarius, 26, 84; hyperboreus, 26, 84
Phasianus colchicus, 505, 508
Philippine Islands, ornithology of, 236
Phoca grœnlandica, 100; hispida, 100; vitulina, 100, 307
Phocæna communis, 310; phocæna, 504
Phoneyusa, sp. stridulating organ, figured, 18
Phylloscopus rufus, 214; trochilus, 214
Physeter macrocephalus, 309
Pica rustica, 216, 508
Pilumnopeus serratifrons, 203
Pilumnus fissifrons, 203; hirtellus, 181
Pinnotheres veterum, 183
Pintail and Mallard interbreeding in captivity, 361
Pipistrellus leisleri, 100; noctula, 100; pipistrellus, 100
Pipit, Meadow, perching on trees, 214, 266,—and Cuckoo, 430; Tree, in January, 122; Water, in Carnarvonshire, 187
Pirimela denticulata, 181
Plagusia chabrus, 206; glabra, 207
Planorbis complanatus, 191; vortex var. compressa, 191
Platyonychus bipunctulatus, 204
Plecotus auritus, 100, 261, 302
Plectrophenax nivalis, 508
Pleuronectes flesus, 454
Plocepasser mahali, 258
Plover, Green, variety, 482; Kentish, alleged, in Bedfordshire, 320
Plutellidæ, 292
Podicipes fluviatilis, 191
Pogonorhynchus leucomelas, 256
Polecat in Suffolk, 22, 122, 503
Polycanthus sp., 455
Porcellana dispar, 208; longicornis, 183
Porpoises at Great Yarmouth, 504
Portumnus depurator, 182; variegatus, 182
Porzana maruetta, 479
Pratincola rubetra, 356
Preservation of zoological specimens, 366
Protogoniomorpha anacardii, 254
Protopterus annectans, 379
Psammoryctes, 120
Pseudocarcinus gigas, 203
Psychina, 294
Purpura, 131
Putorius ermineus, 100; hibernicus, 100; nivalis, 100; putorius, 100
Pyralidina, 294
Pyrrhocorax alpinus, 474
Pyrrhula europæa, 507
Python molurus, habits in confinement, 436
Querquedula crecca, 508
Rabbit, conduct of a, when pursued by a Dog, 413
Raia miraletus, 220; pastinaca, 364
Rail, flightless, of New Zealand, 492
Rambles, zoological, in the Transvaal, 249
Rana adspersa, 323; temporaria, 365
Raniceps trifurcus, 28
Ranunculus calthæfolia, 406; ficaria, 406
Raoulia, 217
Rattlesnakes, habits, 93
Redwing, food of, 504
Regulus cristatus, 507
Rhinoceros, artificial removal of horn, 142; indicus, 172; lasiotis, 142, 175; sondaicus, 174; sumatrensis, 174; unicornis, 171
Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum, 100; hipposideros, 100
Rhombus maximus, 365
Rhynchocinetes typus, 209
Riffelalp, Canton Valais, Switzerland, birds of, 474, 506
Rinderpest among wild animals at the Cape, 47,—South African game, 143
Rodentia of Northumberland, 264
Roller, Common, in Sussex, 24
Rooks and buttercup bulbs, 124; feeding on Elvers, 270
Ruticilla tythis, 475
Sale of birds belonging to the late Mr. R. Ashby, 45; of Moa skeleton, 45; of Lepidoptera belonging to the late Rev. A. Matthews, 45
Salix jacquiniana, 386; retusa, 386; retusoides, 386
Salmo, 463; fario, 140; salar, 364
Salmon in Natal, 235; life-history, 284
Sanderling in Australia, 83
Sandpiper, Common, nest and four eggs, in Norfolk, 110; in St. James's Park, 240; Pectoral, in Norfolk, 25,—in Kent, 480
Sark, ornithological notes from, 274
Saxby, Dr., and the breeding of the Turnstone, 435
Saxicola œnanthe, 321
Scalariformity, abnormal, in shells, 191
Scarborough, notes from, 28, 219
Schizœrhis concolor, 258
Sciurus vulgaris, 100, 264, 304
Scolopax rusticula, 508
Scomber scomber, 364; scriptus, 364
Scorpæna dactyloptera, 88
Scoter in Notts, 482
Scoters in summer, 414; in Hants and Isle of Wight, 505
Scotland—Corncrake, 25; Wagtails eating Trout, 82; Cuckoo, 270 Migrants in Aberdeenshire, 275; Cuckoos in Aberdeen, 359, 431; Scaup-Duck, 361; Bird-notes from Northern Cairngorms, 362; Scoters, 414; Ivorv Gull on Solway, 414; Birds of Moffat, 507
Scutigera coleoptrata, 489
Scylla serrata, 204
Seal and Whale Fishery (1897), 69
Seleucides nigricans, 379
Sesamopteris pentaphylla, 256
Sesarma erythrodactyla, 206
Shark, remarkable, 41
Sharks on the Cornish coast, 451
Shells, abnormal scalariformity in, 191
Shrike, Red-backed, "Horse-match" a name for, 188, 266; Woodchat, in Sussex, 267
Singing of birds during thunderstorm, 322
Sitta caesia, 480
Skua, Great, in Notts, 485
Smelts in the Upper Thames, 449
Societies, Natural History—Scarborough Field Naturalists' Society, 140; Marlborough College Natural History Society, 375
Socotra, scientific expedition to, 491
Solea vulgaris, 219
Song of Chaffinch, 195, 269, 270; autumn, of birds, 410
Sorex araneus, 100; minutus, 100 pyginaeus, 264; vulgaris, 264, 303
Sparrow, House, early nesting, 123; wing, figured, 243; variety, 482
Spatula clypeata, 219
Spharageomon, 457
Sphenodon punctatus, 488
Spider versus Wasp, 29, 44
Spiders. African, stridulation in some, 14; South African Social, notes on, 417; Social, nest figured, 253
Spiders' webs manufactured into balloon net, 45
Sprats, extraordinary catch at Shoreham, 517
Spurn lighthouse, migration at (1897–98), 345
Squilla lævis, 211
Starling, variety, 482
Starlings, brood of young, in mid-November, 24; breeding in Buckingham Palace, 287
Stegodyphus, 417; gregarius, 251, 252, 253, 417
Stegostoma tigrinum, 467
Stenorhynchus rostratus, 181; tenuirostris, 181
Sterna dougalli, 83
Stoats turning white in winter, 122, 187, 193, 213, 261
Strepsilas interpres, 321, 435
Stridulation in some African Spiders, 14
Strix flammea, 215
Sturgeon, Royal, in Ireland, 144
Sturnus vulgaris, 24, 190, 508
Sula bassana, 319
Sunfish, Short, near Scarborough, 439
Sus africanus, 250; salvanius, 176
Swallow versus Flycatcher's peculiar nesting site, 429
Swift, late stay, 436, 485
Swordfish, monster, 45
Sylvia cinerea, 190; nisoria, 504
Syrnium aluco, 508
Tadorna cornuta, 321
Talorchestia quadrimana, 212
Talpa europæa, 100, 264, 303
Tapirus bairdi, 463; indicus, 176
Taraxacum dens leonis, 406; palustre, 407
Taxidermy for museums, 330; correct attitudes for birds, 331
Technical names of British mammals, 97
Teracolus, 259; achine, 259; agoye, 259; auxo, 259; celimene, 255; eris, 259; evenina, 259; phlegetonia, 259; subfasciatus, 259
Tern, Roseate, eggs of, 83
Tetrao tetrix, 508
Thalamita admete, 204; sima, 204
Theraphosidæ, 14
Thrush, Song, immigration of, 264
Thymallus, 463
Tibicen carinatus, 275
Tineidæ, 292
Toad attacked by Frog, 323, 365
Tortoise, giant, 44
Tortricina, 292
Totanus calidris, 321; canescens, 363; hypoleucus, 321, 363
Trachyphonus caffer, 256
Transvaal, zoological rambles in, 249
Trichechus rosmarus, 308
Trigla lineata, 219
Trimerorhinus tritæniatus, 259
Tringa alpina, 321; maculata, 25, 480
Troglodytes hirtensis, 482; parvulus, 190, 507
Trout in Natal, 235
Trypanidæ, 293
Tsine, 1
Tubifex, distribution, 119; rivulorum, 119
Turdus iliacus, 95, 504, 507; merula, 507; musicus, 190, 264, 507; pilaris, 95, 507; viscivorus, 507
Turner, William, father of British Zoology, 337
Turnstone, Dr. Saxby and the breeding of, 435
Turtle, Leathery (Plate V.), 500
Ulvaceae, 396
Uraeginthus cyanogaster, 258
Uria troile, 25
Urolestes melanoleucus, 256
Ursus euryspilus, 166; labiatus, 163, 164; malayanus, 165; meles, 263; tibetanus, 163
Vanellus vulgaris, 272, 508
Varieties of Red Grouse, 125
Variety of Common Guillemot, 25; Partridge, 114; Water Vole, 122; Green Plover, 482; Starling, 482; House Sparrow, 482
Vespertilio murinus, 100; nattereri, 493; serotinus, 100
Vespertilionidæ of North America, 45, 46
Vesperugo noctula, 302; pipistrellus, 302
Vivaria and aquaria, 40
Voice-registers of birds, 11
Vole, Bank, large, in Kent, 477,—notes on, 503; Black Water, in Suffolk, 122; Common, scientific name of, 263
Vulpes vulgaris, 303; vulpes, 100
Wagtail, White, in Ireland, 245 Wagtails eating Trout, 82
Wales.—Water Pipit in Carnarvonshire, 187; ornithological notes, 198; Meadow Pipit, 266; Kite, 271; Daubenton's Bat in the Conway Valley, 317; Cuckoo, 430; Cirl Bunting in Breconshire 478, 505; Natterer's Bat, 493
Warbler, Barred, in Lincolnshire, 504; Marsh, in Oxfordshire, 356; Melodious, in South-east Devon, 265; Willow, breeding sites, 214; new to Britain, 520
Wasp versus Spider, 29, 44
Water supply, chemical and vegetable life in, 489
Waterton, Charles, reminiscences of, 144
Whale and Seal Fishery, 69
Whales attacking vessels, 42
Whinchat in Co. Dublin, 356
White, Gilbert, 'Garden Kalendar,' 235
Wild animals, price of, 234; beasts, Indian, a chat about, 154; birds and their eggs, protection of, 322, 449; Cattle, Indian, 1
Wing of Sky Lark, sexual differences in feathering, 104; of Sparrow, figured, 243
Wolf, American, versus Irish Wolfhounds, 94
Wood, Rev. J.G., and his publications, 42
Woodpecker, Greater Spotted, nesting near Bath, 318; at Wells, Somerset, 319
Wren, St. Kilda, the so-called, 413, 482
Wretham Meres, 145
Xipholena pompadora, 392
Yarmouth, Great, Fishes of, 88; some notes on the Stalk-eyed Crustacea of, 178; notes from, 219, 364, 508; Mammalia of, 299
Yorkshire, rough notes from, 349
Zebra-Horse Hybrids (Plates I., II., III.), 49
'Zoological Record' for 1896, 39
Zoological Park, New York, 139; Gardens, how animals are provided, 141,—in Edinburgh, 449, 518—proposed, in Australia, 518; Society of London, 237,—of Ireland, 331; rambles in Transvaal, 249; specimens, preservation of, 366
Zoology, International Congress of, 42
New Species of British Animals described in this Volume.
Vermes.—Limnodrilus wordsworthianus, Friend (Cumberland), p. 120.
page | |
Plates I., II., III. Zebra-Horse Hybrids | to face 49 |
Plate IV. Natterer's Bat (Vespertilio nattereri) | to face„ 493 |
Plate„ V. Leathery Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) | to face„ 500 |
Stridulating organ of Harpactira chrysogaster | 17 |
Stridulating„ organ of„ Phoneyusa sp. | 18 |
Malformed Codfish (Gadus morrhua) | 130 |
Varietal coloration in Sand Shrimp (Crangon vulgaris) | 184 |
Wing of Sparrow (Passer domesticus) | 243 |
Nest of Social Spider (Stegodyphus gregarius) | 253 |