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Index:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu

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Title A Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet
Author Sarat Chandra Das
Editor William Woodville Rockhill
Year 1902
Publisher E. P. Dutton and Co.
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
OCLC 1047456425


I. Journey from Darjiling to Tashilhunpo 1
II. Residence at Tashilhunpo 45
III. Journey to Dongtse 69
IV. Residence at Tashilhunpo, and preparations for Journey to Lhasa 104
V. From Tashilhunpo to Yamdo Samding, and thence to Lhasa 122
VI. Residence at Lhasa 148
VII. Government of Lhasa—Customs, Festivals, etc. 171
VIII. Return to Tashilhunpo and Ugyen-gyatso's visit to the Bonbo Sanctuary of Rigyal Sendar 195
IX. Funeral of the Panchen Rinpoche—Visit to the Great Lamasery of Samye and to Yarlung 213
X. Visit to Sakya and Return to India 237
XI. Social Divisions—Marriage—Funerals—Medicine—Festivals 246