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Index:Waring Ice Cream Parlor (012992).pdf

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Title Waring Ice Cream Parlor manual
Author Waring Corporation
Year 1978
Publisher Waring Corporation
Location New Hartford, Connecticut
Source pdf
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed


  1. Caring for Your Waring Ice Cream Parlor™1
  3. Making Frozen Desserts the Waring Way2
  5. Special Tips4
  7. Recipes
  8. Ice Cream7
  9. French Ice Cream (Uncooked)16
  10. French Ice Cream (Cooked)18
  11. Fruit Ice Cream21
  12. Ice Milk27
  13. Fruit Ice29
  14. Sherbet30
  15. Frozen Yogurt32
  16. Frozen Confections37