Men-at-the-Bar/Names G
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- Gaches, Louis
- Gadsden, Roger
- Gael, Samuel Higgs
- Gainsford, William Dunn
- Galea, Henri
- Le Gallais, Theodore
- Galland, Thomas Spicer
- Gallet, Joseph Victor Edgard
- Gallett, Felix Charles Frederick
- Gallie, James Butler
- Gallwey, Augustus William Lionel
- Galton, Howard Douglas Leonard
- Gamlen, William Blagdon
- Gane, John Lawrence
- Gant, Tetley
- Gantz, William Sydenham
- Garcia, George Lewis
- Gardiner, James (Robert)
- Gardiner, William Dundas
- Dunn-Gardner, Arthur Andrew Cecil
- Gardner, Francis William
- Agg-Gardner, James Tynte
- Gardner, John
- Richardson-Gardner, Robert
- Gardyne, David Greenhill Bruce
- Garnett, Charles
- Garnett, Wade Shenton
- Garratt, John
- Garraway, Robert John
- Garrett, Edmund William
- Garrick, James Francis
- Garrod, Herbert Baring
- Garth, Richard
- Garth, William
- Gartside, John Gibson
- Gaselee, Henry
- Gaskell, Alexander Barclay Penn
- Gaskell, Charles George Milnes
- Gaskell, Francis
- Penn-Gaskell, George Edward
- Gaskell, Roger
- Gasper, Arra Kiel Peter
- Gasper, Arthur Edwin
- Gasper, Malcolm
- Gasper, Malcolm Peter
- Gates, Philip Chasemore
- Gatey, Joseph
- Gatty, Stephen Herbert
- Gausden, Richard Rufus
- Gautier, Leonidas
- Gawler, Henry
- Gayer, Edmund Richard
- Gayner, William Charles
- Jamshedji Jivanji Gazdar
- Geale, Hamilton
- Geare, Edward Arundel
- Geary, Sir Francis
- Geary, Thomas
- Geary, William Nevill Montgomerie
- Geldard, John
- Geldart, Henry Charles
- Gent, John
- Gent, Leonard Hill
- Geoghegan, Gerald
- Geoghegan, Jacob Thomas
- George, Francis Seymour
- George, Rev. Hereford Brooke
- Gerard, Alexander
- Germaine, Robert Arthur
- German, James
- Gethin, Richard Charles Percy
- De Gex, Sir John Peter
- Ghose, Dhiraj Krishna
- Ghose, Lalmohan
- Ghose, Manmohun
- Ghose, Nagendro Nath
- Ghose, Woomesh Chandra
- Ghosh, Nanda Lai
- Ghosh, Rádhiká Prasád
- Gibb, William Henry
- Gibbins, Benjamin
- Gibbons, Edward James
- Gibbons, Francis
- Gibbons, Frederick Brian de Malbisse
- Gibbons, Henry Frederic
- Gibbs, Frederick Waymouth
- Gibbs, James
- Gibbs, Napoleon
- Gibbs, Vicary
- Gibson, Henry William
- Gibson, John Frederick
- Gibson, Thomas Maitland
- Giddy, Richard William Shepstone
- Giffard, Sir Hardinge Stanley, Knt
- Giffard, Henry Alexander
- Giffard, Henry Stanley
- Giffard, John Walter de Longueville
- Gifford, Charles
- Gilbert, William Schwenck
- Giles, Charles Tyrell
- Giles, John Edward
- Giles, Richard William
- Giles, Thomas O'Halloran
- Gill, Charles Frederick
- Gill, Robert Thomas
- Gillan, William Campbell
- Gillbanks, Jonathan Cremer
- Gillespie, Hugh James
- Gillespie, Robert Alexander
- Gillett, George
- Gillies, William Codgbrooke
- Gillman, Herbert Webb
- Gillow, George William
- Gillson, Henry Thomas
- Gilmore, George Crosby
- Gilmore, Randolph Orme
- Gilmour, Allan
- Ginsburg, Benedict William
- Gladstone, Edward
- Glanville, Reginald Carew
- Glasse, William Bulkley
- Gleadowe, Thomas Smith
- Glen, Alexander
- Glen, Reginald Cunningham
- Glen, William Cunningham
- Glenn, Robert George
- Glennie, John Stuart
- Glossop, Francis Henry Newland
- Glyn, Clayton Louis
- Glyn, Clayton William Feake
- Glyn, Lewis Edmund
- Glynn, John Henry Oglander
- Goddard, John Leybourn
- Goddard, Robert
- Goddard, William Shallcross
- Godefroi, Henry
- Godfrey, Arthur Thomas
- Godfrey, Rev. Ernest William
- Godfrey, John Bradshaw
- Godfrey, Joseph Silvester
- Godlee, Joseph Lister
- Godley, John Arthur
- Godson, Augustus Frederick
- Godson, Edmund Probyn
- Goldfinch, Henry Robert
- Goldie, John Haviland Dashwood
- Goldney, Gabriel Prior
- Hone-Goldney, George Hone
- Goldney, (Hon.) John Tankerville
- Goldsmid, Sir Julian, Bart.
- Goldwyer, Henry
- Goluknath, Charles
- Carr-Gomm, Francis Culling
- Good, William
- Goodall, Henry Blake
- Goode, John
- Goodeve, Louis Arthur
- Goodeve, Thomas Minchin
- Goodfellow, William Scott
- Goodford, Arthur John
- Goodlake, Thomas Surman
- Goodman, William Meigh
- Goodrich, Lionel
- Goodricke, George Duncan
- Goodridge, Henry Alfred Hardinge
- Goodson, James
- Goold, Frederick Forester
- Gordon, Alexander (b.1815)
- Gordon, Alexander (b.1850)
- Wolrige-Gordon, Henry Perkins
- Gordon, John
- Gordon, John Digby
- Gordon, John William
- Gordon, Robert
- Gordon, William Edward
- Gordon, William Henry Lockhart
- Gore, Francis Charles
- Goren, James Newton
- Gormully, Joseph James
- Gorst, John Eldon
- Gorst, John Lowndes
- Gorst, Thomas William
- Gosling, Frederick Percy
- Goss, Charles Frederick
- Gosset, Arthur Henry
- Gottlieb, Felix Henry
- Gottlieb, George Spencer Harris
- Gough, Henry
- Gough, John Hill
- Gould, Charles
- Gould, Francis
- Gould, Robert Freke
- Gould, William George
- Gouldsbury, James Ruthven Elphinstone
- Gouldsbury, John Mountstuart Elphinstone
- Gouldthorp, William
- Gover, Alfred Greatbatch
- Gover, William Henry
- Govett, Clement William
- Gow, James
- Leveson-Gower, Hon. Edward Frederick
- Grady, Standish Grove
- Græme, Robert Seton
- Grafton, Charles Hardman
- Graham, David
- Graham, George John
- Graham, Henry John Lowndes
- Graham, James
- Graham, John Cameron
- Graham, Joseph
- Graham, Reginald John
- Graham, Robert Chellas
- Graham, Thomas Henry Boileau
- Graham, Thomas Lynedoch
- Graham, William
- Graham, William Coryton
- Graham, William Woodward
- Grain, John Peter
- Grain, Richard Comey
- Grainger, Charles Edward
- Granger, Thomas Colpitts
- Grant, Colin Campbell
- Grant, Corrie Brighton
- Grant, George Hector
- Grant, John Glasgow
- Grant, John Peter
- Grant, Thomas Wentworth
- Grant, Willie
- Grantham, William
- Grapel, William
- Grasett, John
- Graves, Samuel Haughton
- Gray, Albert
- Gray, Benjamin
- Gray, Charles
- Stuart-Gray, Edmund Archibald
- Gray, George Godfrey
- Gray, Henry Lee
- Gray, John George
- Gray, Reginald
- Gray, Samuel Brownlow
- Gray, William Ebenezer
- Des Graz, Maurice
- Grazebrook, Henry Sydney
- Greaves, William Herbert
- Green, Arthur
- Green, Digby
- Green, Edward George
- Green, Frederick Thomas
- Green, George Sangster
- Green, James Ernest
- Lowthorpe-Green, Joseph William
- Green, Samuel
- Green, Thomas
- Green, William Hatfield
- Greene, Henry David
- Greene, Herbert Wilson
- Greene, John Baker Stafford
- Greene, Thomas Alexander
- Greene, Thomas Whitcombe
- Greenfield, Benjamin Wyatt
- Greenfield, Thomas Joseph
- Greenhalgh, Richard
- Greenhow, Henry Parkes
- Greenhow, William Thomas
- Greening, Edmund Philip
- Greenly, Edward Howorth
- Greenwell, Francis John
- Greenwell, William John
- Greenwood, Charles William
- Greenwood, Granville George
- Greenwood, Harry
- Greenwood, Henry Charles
- Greenwood, James
- Greenwood, William
- Greg, Thomas Tylston
- Gregorowski, Reinhold
- Gregory, Gasper
- Gregory, George Francis
- Gregory, John
- Gregory, Philip Spencer
- Gregson, John Harry
- Greig, James William
- Grenier, John Charles Samuel
- Grenside, Charles Knowlys
- Gresham, John Foster
- Gretton, George Le Mesurier
- Grey, Arthur Donoughmore
- Grey, Edward
- Grey, Edward Codrington William
- de Grey, Hon. John Augustus
- Gridley, Henry Gillett
- Gridley, Reginald Claude Moore Gillett
- Griffin, Alfred
- Griffin, Edmund Fuller
- Griffin, Marten Harcourt
- Griffin, Ralph Hare
- Griffith, Arthur Foster
- Griffith, Charles Marshall
- Griffith, Gualter Craddock
- Griffith, Henry
- Dearden-Griffith, James
- Griffith, James Drummond
- Griffith, William
- Griffith, William Brandford
- Griffith, William Downes
- Griffiths, Charles Robertson
- Griffiths, Evan Evans Francis
- Griffiths, George Summers
- Griffiths, John Harward
- Griffiths, Richard Foulkes
- Griffiths, Richard John
- Griffiths, Robert Jones
- Griffiths, William
- Griffiths, William Russell
- Griffits, James Olliff
- Grigg, John Williams
- Grigsby, William Ebenezer
- Grimshaw, Joseph Stanfield
- Grinfield, Thomas Goddard
- Groom, Samuel Robert
- Groot, Rudolph James Van Ryck de
- Grosvenor, Richard Cecil
- Grove, Florence Craufurd
- Grove, William Robert
- Groves, Frederick William
- Grubbe, John Eustace
- Grubbe, Walter John
- De Gruchy, William Lawrence
- Grueber, Herbert Appold
- Grundy, Edward Estlin
- Grundy, Sydney
- Guerin, Thomas Austin
- Guest, Benjamin
- Guibert, George Jacques Marie
- Guinness, Robert Darley
- Guiry, Michael Grace
- Guise, Francis Edward
- Gully, John
- Gully, William Court
- Gulson, John Reynolds
- Gumbleton, George
- Gunning, Henry Bertram
- Guppy, Robert
- Gupta, Bihari Lai
- Gupta, Krishna Govindá
- Gupta, Matilal
- Gurdon, Charles
- Gurdon, Robert Thornhagh
- Gurner, Henry Edward
- Gurner, John Augustus
- Gurney, Rev. Archer Thompson
- Gurney, Arthur Frederick
- Guthrie, Francis
- Guthrie, Thomas Anstey
- Gwyther, Alfred
- Gye, Percy