United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/Lists and Tables/27th Congress

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4055090United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5, Lists and Tables — Acts of the Twenty-seventh Congress of the United StatesUnited States Congress

Acts of the Twenty-Sixth Congress of the United States.

STATUTE Ⅰ.—1841.



Appropriations for expenses of Congress. An act making appropriations for the present session of Congress. (Obsolete.)June 25, 1841.
Mrs. Harrison, Widow of the late President of the United States. An act for the relief of Mrs. Harrison, widow of the late President of the United States.June 30, 1841.
Loan of twelve millions. An act authorizing a loan not exceeding the sum of twelve millions of dollars.July 21, 1841.
Home Squadron. An act making appropriation for the pay, subsistence, &c., of a Home Squadron. (Obsolete.)Aug. 1, 1841.
Maintenance of Pauper Lunatics in the District of Columbia. An act making further provision for the maintenance of pauper lunatics in the District of Columbia.Aug. 3, 1841.
Repeal of the Act establishing the Sub-Treasury. An act to repeal the act entitled “An act to provide for the collection, safe-keeping, transfer and disbursement of the public revenue,” and to provide for the punishment of embezzlers of public money, and for other purposes.Aug. 13, 1841.
Navy Pensions. An act to provide for the payment of navy pensions.Aug. 16, 1841.
Bankrupt Act. An act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States. (Repealed.)Aug. 19, 1841.
Virginia Military Land-Warrants. An act further to extend the time for locating Virginia military land-warrants, and returning surveys thereon to the General Land Office.Aug. 19, 1841.
Recovering of Fines and Forfeitures under the Charter of Georgetown, &c. An act to authorize the recovering of fines and forfeitures incurred under the charter, laws, and ordinances of Georgetown, before justices of the peace.Aug. 19, 1841.
Banks in the District of Columbia. An act to revive and extend the charters of certain Banks in the District of Columbia.Aug. 25, 1841.
Funeral of William Henry Harrison. An act making an appropriation for the funeral expenses of William Henry Harrison, deceased, late President of the United States.Sept. 1, 1841.
Convention with the Mexican Republic. An act in addition to an act entitled an act to carry into effect a Convention between the United States and the Mexican Republic.Sept. 1, 1841.
Sixth Census. An act to amend the act entitled “An act for taking the sixth census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States,” approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and the acts amending the same.Sept. 1, 1841.
Proceeds of the Public Lands and Pre-emption Rights. An act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, and to grant pre-emption rights.Sept. 4, 1841.
Fortifications. Ordnance. Indian Hostilities. An act making appropriations for various fortifications, for ordnance, and for preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities.Sept. 9, 1841.
Greenough’s Statue of Washington. An act to provide for placing Greenough’s statue of Washington in the Rotundo of the Capitol, and for expenses therein mentioned.Sept. 9, 1841.
Franking privilege granted to Mrs. Harrison. An act authorizing the transmission of letters to and from Mrs. Harrison free of postage.Sept. 9, 1841.
Appropriations for the Post-Office Department. An act to make appropriations for the Post-Office Department. (Obsolete.)Sept. 9, 1841.
Naval Ordnance and Ordnance Stores. An act making an appropriation for the purchase of naval ordnance and ordnance stores, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)Sept. 11, 1841.
Outfits and Salaries of Diplomatic Agents. An act making appropriations for outfits and salaries of diplomatic agents, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)Sept. 11, 1841.
Repairing the Potomac Bridge. An act to provide for repairing the Potomac Bridge.Sept. 11, 1841.
Duties and Drawbacks. An act relating to duties and drawbacks.Sept. 11, 1841.
Military Academy at West Point. An act to repeal a part of the sixth section of the act entitled “An act to provide for the support of the Military Academy of the United States, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and for other purposes.”Sept. 11, 1841.


No. 1. Respect for the memory of William Henry Harrison, late President of the United States. A resolution manifesting the sensibility of Congress upon the event of the death of William Henry Harrison, late President of the United States.June 14, 1841.
No. 2. Light-Boats at Sandy Hook and Bartlett’s Reef. A resolution relating to the light-boats now stationed at Sandy Hook and Bartlett’s Reef.Aug. 25, 1841.
No. 3. Distribution of the Digest of Patents. A resolution for the distribution of seven hundred copies of the Digest of Patents.Sept. 1, 1841.
No. 4. Distribution of the Returns of the Sixth Census. A resolution to provide for the distribution of the printed returns of the sixth census.Sept. 1, 1841.
No. 5. Domestic water-rotted hemp. A resolution in relation to the purchase of domestic water-rotted hemp for the use of the United States Navy.Sept. 11, 1841.
No. 6. Examination by the Attorney General of the Titles to Lands, &c. A resolution making it the duty of the Attorney General to examine into the titles of the lands or sites for the purpose of erecting thereon armories and other public works and buildings, and for other purposes.Sept. 11, 1841.

STATUTE II.—1841, 1842.

Appropriations for the support of Government. An act making appropriations, in part, for the civil department, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. (Obsolete.)Dec. 22, 1841.
Treasury Notes. An act to authorize an issue of Treasury notes. (Obsolete.)Jan. 31, 1842.
Relief and Protection of American Seamen. An act making an appropriation for the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries. (Obsolete.)Feb. 12, 1842.
Pensions. An act making appropriations for pensions in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. (Obsolete.)Feb. 12, 1842.
Disposition of Lands in Alabama acquired by the Treaty with the Cherokees. An act to provide for the early disposition o the lands lying in the State of Alabama acquired from the Cherokee Indians by the treaty of twenty-ninth of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-five.March 4, 1842.
Special Session of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. An act to authorize the Judge of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania to hold a special session of the said Court.March 19, 1842.
Commissioners to select Jurors for the Courts of the United States in Pennsylvania. An act supplementary to an act entitled “An act to amend the act approved May thirteenth, one thousand eight hundred, entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act to establish the judicial courts of the United States.”March 19, 1842.
Lands to be selected for Internal Improvements in Illinois, Arkansas and Missouri. An act to authorize the Governors of the States of Illinois, Arkansas and Missouri, to cause to be selected the lands therein mentioned.March 19, 1842.
District Court of the United States in West Tennessee. An act to amend the several acts establishing a District Court of the United States at Jackson, in the District of West Tennessee.April 14, 1842.
Lands in Louisiana. An act to confirm certain entries of lands in the State of Louisiana, and to authorize the issuing of patents for the same.April 14, 1842.
Construction of a War-Steamer for Harbor Defence. An act authorizing the construction of a war-steamer for harbor defence.April 14, 1842.
Post-Roads. An act to establish certain post-roads.April 14, 1842.
Invalid Pensions to certain Cherokee Warriors. An act to provide for the allowance of invalid Pensions to certain Cherokee warriors, under the provisions of the fourteenth article of the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty-five.April 14, 1842.
Lands granted to Exiles from Poland. An act relative to the act entitled “An act granting lands to certain exiles from Poland,” approved thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and thirty-four.April 14, 1842.
Loans and Treasury Notes. An act for the extension of the loan of eighteen hundred and forty-one, and for an addition of five millions of dollars thereto; and for allowing interest on Treasury Notes due.April 15, 1842.
Appropriations for the support of Government. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government, for the year eighteen hundred and forty-two. (Obsolete.)May 18, 1842.
Circuit and District Courts of East and West Tennessee. An act changing the time of holding the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the Districts of East and West Tennessee.May 18, 1842.
Circuit and District Courts in Ohio. An act to amend the act of the tenth of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, entitled “An act to change the time of holding the Circuit and District Courts in the District of Ohio.June 1, 1842.
Commercial Intercourse with Cayenne and Guiana. An act regulating commercial intercourse with the port of Cayenne, in the colony of French Guiana, and to remit certain duties.June 1, 1842.
Collection District of Fairfield. An act to authorize the Collector of the district of Fairfield to reside in either of the towns of Fairfield or Bridgeport.June 4, 1842.
Claims of the State of Maine. An act to provide for the settlement of the claims of the State of Maine for the services of her militia.June 13, 1842.
Compact between Alabama and Mississippi relating to the Five Per Cent. Fund. An act to amend an act entitled “An act to carry into effect in the States of Alabama and Mississippi, the existing compacts with those States with regard to the five per cent. fund and the school reservations.”June 13, 1842.
Apportionment of Representatives among the several States. An act for the apportionment of Representatives among the several States according to the sixth census.June 25, 1842.
Land Claims in Louisiana. An act confirming certain land claims in Louisiana.July 6, 1842.
Appropriations for the Indian Department. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. (Obsolete.)July 17, 1842.
Value of the Pound Sterling at the Treasury. An act to regulate the value to be affixed to the pound sterling by the Treasury Department.July 27, 1842.
Repair of the Custom-House in Providence. An act making an appropriation for repair of the custom-house in Providence.(Obsolete.)July 27, 1842.

District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. An act to amend “An act for altering the time of holding the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania at Williamsport,” approved May eighth, eighteen hundred and forty.July 27, 1842.
Bounty Lands. An act to provide for satisfying claims for bounty lands for military services in the late war with Great Britain, and for other purposes.July 27, 1842.
Corporation of Georgetown. An act to extend the jurisdiction of the corporation of Georgetown.July 27, 1842.
Lighting Pennsylvania Avenue. An act to provide for erecting and lighting lamps on Pennsylvania Avenue.July 27, 1842.
Marriages in the District of Columbia. An act in relation to marriages within the District of Columbia.July 27, 1842.
Clerks in the Post-Office Department. An act to provide for the permanent employment in the Post-Office Department of certain clerks heretofore for several years temporarily employed in that Department.July 27, 1842.
Arrests on Mesne Process in the District of Columbia. An act to regulate arrests on mesne process in the District of Columbia.Aug. 1, 1842.
Process Act applicable to States since admitted into the Union. An act to extend the provisions of an act entitled “An act to regulate processes in the Courts of the United States,” passed the nineteenth May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight.Aug. 1, 1842.
Collection District. An act to constitute the ports of Stonington, Mystic River, and Pawcatuck River, a collection district.Aug. 3, 1842.
Appropriations for the Naval Service for 1842. An act making appropriations for the naval service, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. (Obsolete.)Aug. 4, 1842.
Armed Occupation and Settlement of Florida. An act to provide for the armed occupation and settlement of the unsettled part of the peninsula of East Florida.Aug. 4, 1842.
District Court of the Northern District of Alabama. An act to regulate appeals and writs of error from the District Court of the Northern District of Alabama.Aug. 4, 1842.
Collection District of Tiverton, Rhode Island. An act to annex a part of the town of Tiverton, in the State of Rhode Island, to the collection district of Fall River, in the State of Massachusetts.Aug. 9, 1842.
Claims of the State of Georgia. An act to provide for the settlement of the claims of the State of Georgia for the services of her militia.Aug. 11, 1842.
Land Titles in Arkansas. An act to settle the title to certain tracts of land in the State of Arkansas.Aug. 11, 1842.
Services of the Judges of Iowa. An act regulating the services of the several Judges in the Territory of Iowa.Aug. 11, 1842.
District Court for the Northern District of New York. An act in relation to the District Court for the Northern District of New York.Aug. 11, 1842.
Collection Districts of Stonington, Mystic River, and Pawcatuck River. An act explanatory of an act entitled “An act to constitute the ports of Stonington, Mystic River, and Pawcatuck River a collection district.”Aug. 16, 1842.
Claims of the State of Alabama. An act authorizing the settlement and payment of certain claims of the State of Alabama.Aug. 16, 1842.
Name of Portland changed to Sandusky, on Lake Erie. An act to change the name of the port of entry on Lake Erie, known as Portland, to that of Sandusky.Aug. 16, 1842.
Circuit and District Courts―Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Circuits. An act to amend the act entitled “An act supplementary to the act entitled ‘An act to amend the judicial system of the United States.’”Aug. 16, 1842.
Changes in the Commercial Systems of Other Nations to be laid before Congress. An act requiring foreign regulations of commerce to be laid annually before Congress.Aug. 16, 1842.
Dubuque Claim, Iowa Territory. An act to grant pre-emption rights to the settlers on the “Dubuque Claim” so called, in the territory of Iowa.Aug. 16, 1842.
Appropriations for the Support of the Army, &c. for 1842. An act making appropriations for the support of the army, and the military academy, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. (Obsolete.)Aug. 23, 1842.
Auxiliary Watch in the City of Washington. An act to establish an auxiliary watch for the protection of public and private property in the City of Washington.Aug. 23, 1842.
Payment for Horses and other Property lost or destroyed in the Military Service of the United States. An act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the payment of horses or other property lost or destroyed in the military service of the United States,” approved the eighteenth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven.Aug. 23, 1842.
Reduction of Dragoons, and of the Army, &c. An act respecting the organization of the army, and for other purposes.Aug. 23, 1842.
Claims under the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek. An act to provide for the satisfaction of claims arising under the fourteenth and nineteenth articles of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, concluded in September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty.Aug. 23, 1842.
Supreme, Circuit and District Courts. An act further supplementary to an act entitled “An act to establish the judicial courts of the United States,” passed the twenty-fourth of September, seventeen hundred and eighty-nine.Aug. 23, 1842.
Navy Pension Fund. An act making an appropriation to supply a deficiency in the navy pension fund. (Oboslete.)Aug. 23, 1842.
Relief of settlers in Wisconsin. An act for the relief of certain settlers in the territory of Wisconsin.Aug. 23, 1842.
Pensions. An act to amend the acts of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, allowing pensions to certain widows.Aug. 23, 1842.
Payment of the Florida Militia. An act for the payment of Florida militia called into service in the years eighteen hundred and thirty-nine and eighteen hundred and forty. (Obsolete.)Aug. 23, 1842.
Selection of School Lands granted to Sac and Fox Indians. An act to authorize the selection of school lands in lieu of those granted to half-breeds of the Sac and Fox Indians.Aug. 23, 1842.
Appropriations for objects not specially included in the former Appropriation Acts. An act legalizing and making appropriations for such necessary objects as have been usually included in the general appropriation bills without authority of law, and to fix and provide for certain incidental expenses of the departments and offices of the government, and for other purposes.Aug. 26, 1842.
District Court in Western Virginia. An act to establish a District Court of the United States in the city of Wheeling, in the State of Virginia.Aug. 26, 1842.
Publication of the Discoveries made by the Exploring Expedition. An act to provide for publishing an account of the discoveries made by the Exploring Expedition, under the command of Lieutenant Wilkes, of the United States Navy.Aug. 26, 1842.
Patents for Lands entered under Pre-emption Rigths. An act to confirm the sale of public lands in certain cases.Aug. 26, 1842.
Pay of Pursers and other Officers in the Navy. An act to regulate the pay of pursers and other officers of the navy.Aug. 26, 1842.
Definition and establishment of the Fiscal Year at the Treasury. An act to define and establish the fiscal year of the Treasury of the United States.Aug. 26, 1842.
Penitentiary in Iowa. An act to make an appropriation for certain expenses in the erection of a penitentiary in the territory of Iowa.Aug. 29, 1842.
Insane Hospital in the District of Columbia. An act to provide an insane hospital for the District of Columbia.Aug. 29, 1842.
An Edition of the Laws of the United States and Regulations of the Post-Office Department. An act to provide for the publication of a new edition of the laws and regulations of the Post-Office Department, and a perfect list of the post-offices in the United States.Aug. 29, 1842.
Land District in Missouri, &c. An act for creating a new land district in the State of Missouri, and for changing the boundaries of the south-western and western land districts in said State.Aug. 29, 1842.
The Justices of the Supreme Court, &c. empowered to grant Writs of Habeas Corpus when Subjects of Foreign Countries are in custody. An act to provide further remedial justice in the Courts of the United States.Aug. 29, 1842.
Lands in Louisiana. An act in relation to lands sold in the Greensburgh, late St. Helena, land district, in the State of Louisiana, and authorizing the re-survey of certain lands in said district.Aug. 29, 1842.
Accounts for the support of Government in the Territory of Wisconsin. An act to provide for the settlement of certain accounts for the support of Government in the territory of Wisconsin, and for other purposes.Aug. 29, 1842.
Land Claims in Detroit, &c. An act supplementary to “An act to provide for the adjustment of titles to land in the town of Detroit, and territory of Michigan, and for other purposes,” passed April twenty-one, eighteen hundred and six.Aug. 29, 1842.
Payment to the State of Louisiana for Expenses of Volunteer Militia. An act to provide for the payment to the State of Louisiana of the balance due said State for expenditures incurred in raising, equipping and paying off a regiment of volunteer militia, mustered into the service of the United States, and employed in the Florida war in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.Aug. 29, 1842.
Lands granted for the Wabash and Erie Canal, &c. An act to authorize the States of Indiana and Illinois to select certain quantities of land, in lieu of like quantities heretofore granted to the said States, for the construction of the Wabash and Erie, and the Illinois and Michigan canals.Aug. 29, 1842.
Promotion of the useful Arts. An act in addition to an act to promote the progress of the useful arts, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts heretofore made for that purpose.Aug. 29, 1842.
Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. An act to provide for the reports of decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States.Aug. 29, 1842.
Marine Hospital in North Carolina. An act making an appropriation for the erection of a marine hospital at or near Ocracoke in North Carolina. (Obsolete.)Aug. 29, 1842.
Marine Hospitals. An act making appropriations for certain sites for marine hospitals therein mentioned. (Obsolete.)Aug. 29, 1842.
Navy Ration. An act to establish and regulate the navy ration.Aug. 29, 1842.
Purchase of the right to use Babbit’s anti-attrition Metal. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to contract for the purchase, for the United States, of the right to use Babbit’s anti-attrition metal.Aug. 29, 1842.
District Court of Western Virginia. An act establishing a court at Charleston, in the Commonwealth of Virginia.Aug. 29, 1842.
Duties on Imports. An act to provide revenue from imports, and to change and modify existing laws imposing duties on imports, and for other purposes.Aug. 30, 1842.
Land Office in Florida. An act to establish an additional land office in Florida.Aug. 30, 1842.
Relief of the Assistants of the United States’ Marshal for Kentucky. An act for the relief of the assistants of the Marshal of the United States for the district of Kentucky.Aug. 30, 1842.
Post-Roads. An act establishing certain post-roads.Aug. 31, 1842.
Treaty with the Wyandott Indians. An act making appropriations to carry into effect a treaty with the Wyandott Indians, and for other purposes.Aug. 31, 1842.
Professors of Mathematics in the Navy. An act concerning professors of mathematics in the navy of the United States.Aug. 31, 1842.
Construction of a Depôt of Charts. An act to authorize the construction of a depôt for charts and instruments of the navy of the United States.Aug. 31, 1842.
Engineers in the Navy. An act to regulate the appointment and pay of engineers in the navy of the United States.Aug. 31, 1842.
Payment of the Florida Militia. An act concerning the payment of Florida militia.Aug. 31, 1842.
Collection District of Wiscasset. An act to extend the collection district of Wiscasset.Aug. 31, 1842.
Sales of Lottery Tickets prohibited in the District of Columbia after January 1843. An act to suppress the vending of lottery tickets in the District of Columbia.Aug. 31, 1842.
Penitentiary in the District of Columbia. An act to provide for purchasing materials and for the support of the penitentiary in the District of Columbia.Aug. 31, 1842.
Re-organization of the Navy Department. An act to re-organize the Navy Department of the United States.Aug. 31, 1842.
Sales of Public Stock. Treasury Notes. An act to limit the sale of public stock to par, and to authorize the issue of Treasury Notes, in lieu thereof, to a certain amount. (Obsolete.)Aug. 31, 1842.
Appropriations for Fortifications. An act making appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. (Obsolete.)Aug. 31, 1842.


No. 2. Printing of Tables of the Sixth Census. Joint resolution on the subject of printing the tables of the sixth census.April 14, 1842.
No. 3. Distribution of the Returns of the Sixth Census. A resolution further to provide for the distribution of the printed returns of the sixth census, and other documents connected with the same, the printing of which has been heretofore directed by law.April 15, 1842.
No. 4. Clerks in the business of Indian Reservations, &c. Joint resolution to continue two clerks in the business of reservations and grants under Indian treaties.May 18, 1842.
No. 5. Mail of the United States from Mobile to New Orleans. A resolution to authorize the extension of the contract for carrying the mail on the route between Mobile and New Orleans.June 1, 1842.
No. 7. Rules and Regulations for the Naval Service. Joint resolution to authorize the commission appointed to prepaer rules and regulations for the naval service to appoint a clerk.Aug. 11, 1842.
No. 8. Benefits of the Pension Acts of July 7, 1838, not to be withheld from certain Widows. A resolution declarative of the pension act of July seventh, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.Aug. 16, 1842.
No. 10. Title to Rush Island. Joint resolution to institute proceedings to ascertain the title to Rush Island, ceded in the Caddo Treaty.Aug. 30, 1842.
No. 12. Colt’s Sumarine Battery. Joint resolution authorizing experiments to be made for the purpose of testing Samuel Colt’s submarine battery, and for other purposes.Aug. 31, 1842.
No. 13. Expenses of the Legation to Mexico. A resolution to provide for the payment of the expenses incurred by the Legation at Mexico.Aug. 31, 1842.
No. 14. Mail of the United States on the Potomac. A resolution to authorize an extension of a contract for carrying the mail.Aug. 31, 1842.

STATUTE III.—1842, 1843.

Appropriations for the support of Government. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the half calendar year ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-three. (Obsolete.)Dec. 24, 1842.
District Court of Western Virginia. An act to amend the act establishing the District Court of the United States at Wheeling, Virginia.Jan. 20, 1843.
Continuance of the Office of Commissioner of Pensions. An act to continue the office of Commissioner of Pensions.Jan. 20, 1843.
Relief of Insolvent Debtors. An act to re-enact and continue in operation the several acts now in force for the relief of insolvent debtors of the United States.Jan. 28, 1843.
Payment of Georgia Militia. An act for the payment of seven companies of Georgia militia, for services rendered in the years eighteen hundred and forty and eighteen hundred and forty-one.Feb. 4, 1843.
Pensions. An act making appropriations for pensions for the half calendar year beginning the first day of January and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three; and for the fiscal year beginning the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four.Feb. 14, 1843.
Charter of the Town of Alexandria. An act to amend the charter of the town of Alexandria.Feb. 15, 1843.
Chief Clerk in the Office of the Secretary of State empowered to frank Letters. An act to authorize the chief clerk in the office of the Secretary of State to frank public and official documents sent from that office. (Obsolete.)Feb. 15, 1843.
Circuit and District Courts of the District of Maine. An act to change the time of holding the Circuit and District Courts in the District of Maine.Feb. 15, 1843.
Sale of Lands in the States of Illinois, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Tennessee, appropriated for the use of Schools in those States. An act to authorize the Legislatures of the States of Illinois, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Tennessee, to sell lands heretofore appropriated for the use of schools in those States.Feb. 15, 1843.
Funds received from the British Government as an Indemnity for Slaves lost on board the Comet and Encomium. An act for the relief of the owners of the fund received from the British Government as an indemnity for loss of slaves lost on board the Comet and Encomium, at Nassau, Bahamas. (Obsolete.)Feb. 18, 1843.
Circuit Court for the District of Connecticut. An act altering the times of holding the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of Connecticut.Feb. 24, 1843.
Act of the State of Maryland relative to Tonnage in the Port of Baltimore. An act to continue in force an act therein mentioned, relating to the port of Baltimore.Feb. 24, 1843.
Branch Mint at Dahlonega, Georgia. An act amendatory of an act establishing the branch mint at Dahlonega, Georgia, and defining the duties assayer and coiner.Feb. 27, 1843.
Marine Hospital in North Carolina. An act to amend an act entitled “An act making an appropriation for the erection of a marine hospital at or near Ocracoke, North Carolina.”Feb. 27, 1843.
Relief of sick and disabled seamen. An act amendatory of an “Act for the relief of sick and disabled seamen.”March 1, 1843.
Titles under New Madrid Locations and Pre-emptions. An act to perfect the titles to land south of the Arkansas river, held under New Madrid locations, and pre-emption rights under the act of one thousand eight hundred and fourteen [fifteen].March 1, 1843.
Two Per Cent. Fund in the State of Mississippi. An act in relation to the two per cent. fund of the State of Mississippi. (Obsolete.)March 1, 1843.
Appropriations for the Military Academy, Armories, Arsenals, Munitions of War, and Surveys. An act making appropriations for the support of the army and of the military academy, and for armories, arsenals, arms and munitions of war, and surveys, for the half calendar year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and for the fiscal year beginning the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. (Obsolete.)March 1, 1843.
Two Per Cent. Fund in the State of Alabama. An act regulating the mode of paying over to the State of Alabama the two per cent. fund relinquished to said Stae by the act approved on the fourth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one. (Obsolete.)March 1, 1843.
Currency of Foreign Gold and Silver Coins in the United States. An act regulating the currency of foreign gold and silver coins in the United States.March 3, 1843.
Appropriations for Fortifications. An act making appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States for the half calendar year beginning on the first day of January end ending on the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three; and for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and ending on the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1843.
Port of Delivery, Robbinston in Maine. An act declaring Robbinston, in the State of Maine, to be a port of delivery.March 3, 1843.
Entry of Merchandise recovered from Wrecks free from Duty. An act to permit the entry of merchandise recovered from shipwreck, in certain cases, free from duty.March 3, 1843.
Surveyor of the Port of Camden, New Jersey. An act to reduce the salary of the surveyor of the port of Camden, New Jersey.March 3, 1843.
Circuit and District Courts in East Tennessee. An act to change the times of holding the Circuit and District Courts for the district of East Tennessee.March 3, 1843.
Commissioner of the Public Buildings. An act to fix the compensation of the Commissioner of Public Buildings.March 3, 1843.
Appropriations for the Payment of Navy Pensions. An act making appropriations for the payment of navy pensions, due on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1843.
Reservations of Timber for the Navy in Louisiana. An act to set aside certain reservations of lands, on account of live-oak, in the south-eastern district of Louisiana.March 3, 1843.
Sale by the United States of Lands and Improvements, erected for Agents, Teachers, Farmers, &c., employed amongst the Indians. An act authorizing the sale of lands, with the improvements thereon erected by the United States, for the use of their agents, teachers, farmers, mechanics, and other persons employed amongst the Indians.March 3, 1843.
Collection District of Wiscasset. An act to repeal an act entitled “An act to extend the collection district of Wiscasset.”March 3, 1843.
Appropriations for Indian Treaties and for the Indian Department. An act making appropriations for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, and for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, for the half calendar year beginning the first day of January and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three; and for the fiscal year beginning the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1843.
Treasury Notes. An act authorizing the re-issue of Treasury Notes, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1843.
Repeal of the Bankrupt Act. An act to repeal the Bankrupt Act.March 3, 1843.
Appropriations for the Naval Service. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the half calendar year beginning the first day of January and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and for the fiscal year beginning the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1843.
Electro-Magnetic Telegraphs. An act to test the practicability of establishing a system of electro-magnetic telegraphs by the United States.March 3, 1843.
Protection of commerce on Lake Michigan. An act for the protection of commerce on Lake Michigan.March 3, 1843.
Investigation of Frauds under the Pre-emtion Laws. An act to authorize the investigation of alleged frauds under the pre-emption laws, and for other purposes.March 3, 1843.
Sale of the Real Estate of Infants in the District of Columbia. An act to provide in certain cases, for the sale of the real estate of infants within the District of Columbia.March 3, 1843.
Survey of the Northern Line of the Reservations for the Half-breeds of the Sac and Fox Indians. An act directing the survey of the northern line of the reservation for the half-breeds of the Sac and Fox tribes of Indians by the treaty of August, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four.March 3, 1843.
The Treaty with Great Britain of August 1842. An act to provide for carrying into effect the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded at Washington on the ninth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. March 3, 1843.
Intercourse with the Government of China. An act providing the means of future intercourse between the United States and the Government of China.March 3, 1843.
Sale of Lands in Ohio and Michigan, ceded by the Wyandot Indians. An act providing for the sale of certain lands in the States of Ohio and Michigan, ceded by the Wyandot tribe of Indians, and for other purposes.March 3, 1843.
Value of Foreign Money in Computations at the Custom-Houses. An act to fix the value of certain foreign moneys of account, in computations at custom-houses.March 3, 1843.
Examination and Survey of the Harbor of Memphis, Tennessee. An act authorizing an examination and survey of the harbor of Memphis, Tennessee.March 3, 1843.
Security of the Lives of Passengers in Steamboats. An act to modify the act entitled “An act to provide for the better security of the lives of passengers on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam,” approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.March 3, 1843.
Exemplifications of Records of Patents, &c., in the several Land Offices. An act in relation to the exemplifications of the records of land patents, and other evidences of title, and amendatory of the act entitled “An act to re-organize the General Land Office.”March 3, 1843.
Supplies to the Florida Militia. An act providing for the settlement of claims for supplies furnished the Florida militia.March 3, 1843.
Circuit Courts in the Western District of Pennsylvania. An act to provide for holding Circuit Courts at Williamsport, in the western district of Pennsylvania.March 3, 1843.
Imprisonment for Debt in the District of Columbia. An act to amend the laws regulating imprisonment for debt within the District of Columbia.March 3, 1843.
Election or Appointment of Officers in the Territory of Wisconsin. An act to authorize the election or appointment of officers in the territory of Wisconsin.March 3, 1843.
Appropriations for the Support of Government. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and forty-four. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1843.
Relief of the Stockbridge Indians. An act for the relief of the Stockbridge tribe of Indians, in the territory of Wisconsin.March 3, 1843.
Pensions. An act granting a pension to certain revolutionary soldiers.March 3, 1843.
Payment for Horses and Property lost in the Military Service. An act further to continue in force the act for the payment of horses and other property, lost in the military service of the United States.March 3, 1843.


No. 1. Distribution of the Catalogue of the Library of Congress. Joint resolution for the distribution of catalogues of the Library of Congress.Jan. 26, 1843.
No. 2. Agencies for water-rotted hemp. Joint resolution to establish agencies for water-rotted hemp.Feb. 18, 1843.
No. 3. Distribution of the Census Returns. A resolution for the distribution of certain copies of the census returns and of the compendium of the sixth census.Feb. 24, 1843.
No. 4. Certain Papers relating to Titles to Land in Louisiana to be returned to the Land Office. Joint resolution directing certain papers relating to titles to land in Louisiana to be returned to the General Land Office.March 3, 1843.
No. 5. Purchase of Property in Detroit for the United States. Joint resolution in relation to certain property purchased for the United States in the city of Detroit.March 3, 1843.
No. 6. An additional Clerk in the Second Auditor’s Office. Joint resolution for continuing an additional clerk in the Second Auditor’s Office.March 3, 1843.
No. 7. Patents for Bounty Lands. Joint resolution relating to patents for bounty lands.March 3, 1843.