- Respiration
- Respirator
- Respondent
- Rest Harrow
- Restigouche
- ...
- Rhinitis
- Rhinoceros
- Rhinoplastic operations
- Rhio
- Rhizopoda
- Rhode Island
- Rhode, Paul Peter
- ...
- Richepin, Jean
- Richmond (California)
- Richmond (Indiana)
- Richmond (Kentucky)
- Richmond (Virginia)
- ...
- Ricketts, James Brewerton
- Ridder, Herman
- Rideout, Henry Miller
- Riders
- Ridge, William Pett
- Riddles
- Rideau
- Rideing, William Henry
- Ridge, William Fett
- Ridgeway, Sir William
- Ridgewood
- Ridgway
- Ridgway, Robert
- Riding
- Ridley, Nicholas
- Ridpath, John Clark
- Riel, Louis
- Rienzi, Nicola Gabrini
- Riesa
- Riesengebirge
- Riff
- Rifle
- ...
- Robertson, Sir William
- Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidore
- Robin, American
- Robin Goodfellow
- Robin Hood
- Robins, Elizabeth
- Robins, Raymond
- Robinson, Edward
- Robinson, Edwin Arlington
- Robinson, James Harvey
- Robinson, Joseph Taylor
- Robinson, William Josephus
- Robinson Crusoe
- Rob Roy
- Robson, May
- ...
- Rolfe, John Carew
- Rolfe, William James
- Rolland, Romain
- Roller
- Rolling mill
- Rollins, Walter Huntington
- Rolph, James, Jr.
- Roman Architecture
- Roman Catholic Church
- Romance
- ...
- Ronnard, Pierre de
- Rood
- Rood, Henry
- Roof
- Roof of the World
- Rook
- Rooney, John Jerome
- Roosevelt
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Roosevelt, Kermit
- Roosevelt, Quentin
- Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell
- Roosevelt, Theodore (elder)
- Roosevelt, Theodore (younger)
- Root
- Root, Elihu
- Root, George Frederick
- Rope
- Roper, Daniel Calhoun
- ...
- Rotterdam
- Rotti
- Rottlera
- Rotumah
- Roubaix
- Rouble
- Rouen
- Rouge
- Rouge et Noir
- Rouget de Lisle, Claude Joseph
- Rough Riders
- Roulers
- Roulette
- ...
- Ruskin, John
- Russell, Annie
- Russell, Bertrand Arthur William
- Russell, Charles Edward
- Russell, Countess
- Russell, George W.
- Russell, George William Erskine
- Russell, Howard Hyde
- Russell, Isaac Franklin
- Russell, John, Earl Russell, K.G.
- Russell, Lillian
- Russell of Killowen, Chas., Baron
- Russell, William, Lord Russell
- Russell, William Clark
- Russell, William Eustis
- Russell, Sir William Howard
- Russell Sage Foundation
- Russia
- Russia Leather
- Russniaks
- Russo-Japanese War
- Rust
- Rustchuk
- Rustic Work
- Rutaceæ
- Rutgers College
- Ruth
- Ruthenians
- Ruthenium
- Rutherford
- Rutherford, Sir Ernest
- Rutherford, Samuel
- Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris
- Rutherglen
- Rutile
- Rutland
- Rutledge, Edward
- Rutledge, John
- Ruvo di Puglia
- ...
- Sacrament
- Sacramental
- Sacramentarians
- Sacramento (city)
- Sacramento (river)
- Sacred Heart
- Sacred Heart, League of the
- Sacred War
- Sacrifice
- ...
- Saint Arnaud, Jacques Leroy de
- St. Asaph
- St. Augustine
- St. Bartholomew
- St. Bartholomew, Massacre of
- ...
- St. Croix (island)
- St. Cuthbert
- St. Cyril of Alexandria
- St. Cyril of Jerusalem
- St. David
- St. David, Fort
- St. Davids
- ...
- St. Louis (Missouri)
- Saint Marys (Ohio)
- Saint Marys (Pennsylvania)
- St. Mary's Canal
- St. Mary's River
- ...
- St. Mihiel
- St. Nazaire
- St. Nicholas
- St. Nicolas
- St. Olaf College
- St. Omer
- St. Patrick
- Saint Paul
- ...
- St. Thomas (Virgin Islands)
- ...
- Saldanha Bay
- Sale
- Sale, Sir Robert Henry
- Salem (Mass.)
- Salem (N. J.)
- Salem (Ohio)
- Salem (Oregon)
- Salem Witchcraft
- Saleratus
- Salerno
- Salerno, Gulf of
- Saleyer
- Salic
- ...
- Salt
- Salta
- Salt cake
- Saltillo
- Saltire
- Salt Lake City
- Salt lick
- Salt marsh
- Salton Sea
- ...
- Salwin
- Salzbrunn
- Salzburg
- Salzkammergut
- Samar
- Samara
- Samarang
- Samarcand
- Samaria
- Samaritans
- Sambre
- Samnites
- Samoan Islands
- Samolus
- Samos
- ...
- Sanaa
- San Angelo
- San Antonio (city)
- San Antonio (capes)
- San Antonio (river)
- ...
- Sandemanians
- Sanderling
- Sanders, Liman von
- Sanderson, Julia
- Sand flies
- Sand grouse
- Sand hopper
- San Diego
- Sand lizard
- Sand martin
- Sand mole
- Sandpaper
- Sandpiper
- Sand pipe
- Sandringham
- Sandstone
- Sandusky
- ...
- Sanford, Edmund Clark
- San Francisco
- San Francisco Bay
- San Francisco Cape
- San Francisco Mountains
- Sangamon River
- Sanger, William Cary
- ...
- Sanjak
- San Joaquin
- San José (California)
- ...
- San Juan del Norte
- San Juan de Porto Rico
- ...
- San Sebastian
- Sanskrit
- San Stefano, Treaty of
- Santa Ana
- Santa Ana, Antonio Lopez de
- Santayana, George
- Santa Barbara
- Santa Barbara Channel
- Santa Barbara Islands
- Santa Catharina
- ...
- Santa Cruz (Cal.)
- Santa Cruz (Canary Islands)
- Santa Cruz Islands
- Santa Fé
- Santa Monica
- Santander
- Santa Rosa
- Santa Tecla
- Santiago (province of Chile)
- Santiago (capital of Chile)
- Santiago (Santo Domingo)
- Santiago de Compostela
- Santiago de Cuba
- Santis
- Santley, Charles, Sir
- Santo Domingo
- Santonin
- ...
- Sault Sainte Marie (Ontario)
- Sault Sainte Marie (Michigan)
- Sault Sainte Marie Falls
- Saumur
- Sauria
- Sauridæ
- Sauropoda
- Sauropsida
- Saury
- Sausage
- Sauterne
- Savage, Minot Judson
- Savage Island
- Savanna (plain)
- Savanna (city)
- Savannah (city)
- Savannah (river)
- Savary, Anne Jean Marie René, Duc de Rovigo
- Save
- Savings Banks
- Savonarola, Girolamo
- Savoy
- Savoy, House of
- Savu
- Saw
- ...
- Schaumburg-Lippe
- Scheelite
- Scheff, Fritzi
- Scheffel, Joseph Victor von
- Scheffer, Ary
- Scheldt
- Schellenberg
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von
- Schenectady
- Scherer, James Augustin Brown
- Scheveningen
- Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio
- Schiedam
- Schiff, Jacob Henry
- Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von
- Schinner, Augustin Francis
- Schlangenbad
- Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
- Schlegel, Friedrich von
- Schleswig (duchy)
- Schleswig (seaport)
- Schlettstadt
- ...
- Schnitzer, Edward
- Schnitzler, Arthur
- ...
- School
- Schools, Medical inspection of
- Schooner
- Schopenhauer, Arthur
- Schouler, James
- Schreiner, Olive
- Schrembs, Joseph
- Schroeder, Seaton
- Schubert, Franz Peter
- Schuler, Anthony J.
- Schumann-Heink, Ernestine
- Schumann, Robert
- Schurmann, Jacob Gould
- Schurz, Carl
- Schuster, Arthur
- Schuster, Sir Felix
- Schütt
- Schuyler, Montgomery
- Schuyler, Philip
- Schuyler Lake
- Schuylkill
- Schuylkill Haven
- Schwab, Charles M.
- Schwan, Theodore
- Schwartz, Berthold
- Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
- ...
- Seasons
- Sea spider
- Sea surgeon
- Seattle
- Sea unicorn
- Sea urchin
- ...
- Sejanus, Ælius
- Sel d'Or
- Selective Draft Law
- Selenite
- Selenium
- Seleucia
- Seleucidæ
- Self-Denying Ordinance
- ...
- Sellar, William Young
- Sells, Cato
- Selma
- Selous, Frederick Courtenay
- Seltzer water
- ...
- Sewage
- Sewage disposal
- Seward, Frederick William
- Seward, William Henry
- Seward, Mount
- Seward Peninsula
- Sewellel
- Sewing machine
- Sexagesima Sunday
- Sextans
- Sextant
- Sexton
- Sexual selection
- ...
- Sheathing
- Sheave
- Sheba
- Sheboygan
- Sheehan, Patrick Augustine
- Sheehan, Perley Poore
- Sheep
- Sheep tick
- Sheerness
- ...
- Sherman
- Sherman, Frank Dempster
- Sherman, James Schoolcraft
- Sherman, John
- Sherman, Lawrence Yates
- Sherman, Roger
- Sherman, Thomas West
- Sherman, William Tecumseh
- Sherman Act
- Sherrill, Charles Hitchcock
- Sherry
- ...
- Shirley, James
- Shirwa
- Shishak
- Shitepoke
- ...
- Shrapnel, Henry
- Shrapnel
- Shreveport
- Shrew
- Shrew mole
- Shrewsbury
- Shrike
- Shrimp
- Shrine
- ...
- Siesta
- Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph
- Sifton, Sir Clifford
- Sigel, Franz
- ...
- Sinope
- Sioux City
- Sioux Falls
- Sioux Indians
- Siphon
- Siren
- Sirius
- Sirocco
- Sismondi, Jean Charles Leonard de
- Sisson, Edward Octavius
- Sistan
- Sisterhood
- Sistova
- Sisyphus
- Sitka
- Sitting Bull
- Sivas
- Six Companies
- Sixtus
- ...
- Slavs
- Slavonia
- Sleep
- Sleeping sickness
- Slezak, Leo
- Slidell, John
- Sligo
- Sloan, John
- Sloane, William Milligan
- Slocum, Henry Warner
- Slosson, Edwin Emery
- Slovaks
- Small, Albion Woodbury
- Smalley, George Washburn
- Smallpox
- Smart, Christopher
- Smelt
- Smelting
- Smelting furnace
- Smew
- Smilaceæ
- Smilax
- Smiles, Samuel
- Smiley, Albert Keith
- Smillie, Robert
- Smith, Adam
- Smith, Alfred Emanuel
- Smith, Alfred H.
- Smith, Charles Alphonso
- Smith, Charles Emory
- Smith, Charles Henry
- Smith, Charles Spencer
- Smith, Daniel Appleton White
- Smith, Edgar Fahs
- Smith, Ellison du Rant
- Smith, Francis Hopkinson
- Smith, Frederick Edwin
- Smith, Frederick Madison
- Smith, George
- Smith, Sir George Adam
- Smith, George Otis
- Smith, Gerrit
- Smith, Goldwin
- Smith, Harlan Ingersoll
- Smith, Henry Louis
- Smith, Hoke
- Smith, Herbert Knox
- Smith, James and Horace
- Smith, James Allen
- Smith, James Francis
- Smith, Jessie Wilcox
- Smith, John
- Smith, John Walter
- Smith, Joseph
- Smith, Joseph Fielding
- Smith (Edmund) Monroe
- Smith, Nora Archibald
- Smith, Samuel Francis
- Smith, Sydney
- Smith, William
- Smith, William Alden
- Smith, William Austin
- Smith, Winchell
- Smith College
- Smith-Dorrien, Sir Horace Lockwood
- Smith's Island
- Smithson, James
- Smithsonian Institution
- Smith Sound
- Smokeless powder
- Smoke nuisance
- Smoky Hill River
- ...
- Sophia, Church of St.
- Sophists
- Sophocles
- Sopwith, Thomas Octave Murdoch
- Soracte
- Sorbonne
- Sordello
- Sorel
- Sousa, John Philip
- South Africa, Union of
- South African War
- South Amboy
- South America
- Southampton
- Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, 1st Earl of
- Southampton Water
- South Australia
- South Bend
- South Bethlehem
- Southbridge
- South Britain
- South Carolina
- South Carolina, University of
- South Dakota
- South Dakota, University of
- Southend
- Southern Alps
- Southern Baptists
- Southern California, University of
- Southern Cross
- Southey, Robert
- South Georgia
- South Hadley
- Southington
- South Island
- South Kingston
- South Milwaukee
- South Mountain
- South Norwalk
- South Orange
- South Pasadena
- Southport
- South Portland
- South River
- South Sea Bubble
- South Saint Paul
- South Shetlands
- South Victoria Land
- Southwark
- Southwell
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Southwestern University
- Southworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte
- Souvestre, Émile
- Sovereign
- Sovereignty of the sea
- Soviet