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Works entitled

This is a disambiguation page. It lists works that share the same title. If an article link referred you here, please consider editing it to point directly to the intended page.

Song may refer to:
Table of contents


  • "Song" (The girl sat under the beetling cliff)


  • "Song" (Lady, let me woo you with song)


  • "Song I" (Come here fond youth, whoe'er thou be)
  • "Song II" (If ever thou didst joy to bind)
  • "Song III" (Leave me, simple shepherd, leave me)
  • "Song IV" (When gentle Celia first I knew)
  • "Song V" (As near a weeping spring reclin'd)
  • "Song VI" (When first upon your tender cheek)
  • "Song" (If words were not so weak)
  • "Song" (Come to the banquet—triumph in your songs!)
  • "Song" (We know where deepest lies the snow)
  • "Song" (Geraldine, the moon is shining)
  • "Song" (King Julius left the south country)
  • "Song" (Lord of Elbe, on Elbe hill)
  • "Song" (O between distress and pleasure)
  • "Song" (The linnet in the rocky dells)
  • "Song" (This shall be thy lullaby)
  • "Song" (What rider up Gobeloin's glen)
  • "Song" (All suddenly the wind comes soft)
  • "Song" ('Oh! Love,' they said, 'is King of Kings)
  • "Song" (The way of love was thus)
  • "Song" (For her gait, if she be walking)
  • "Song" (Nay but you, who do not love her)
  • "Song" (Soon as the glaz'd and gleaming snow)
  • "Song" (Ae fond kiss, and then we sever)
  • "Song" (It was upon a Lammas night)
  • "Song" (O whistle, and I'll come to ye, my lad)
  • "Song" (Breeze of the night in gentler sighs)


  • "Song" (With thee my thoughts are calm and sweet)
  • "Song" (For me the jasmine buds unfold)
  • "Song" (Friendship from its moorings strays)
  • "Song" (Her cheek is like a tinted rose)
  • "Song" (If love were but a little thing)
  • "Song" (If love were not, the wilding rose)
  • "Song" (Love never is too late) see "Love never is Too Late"
  • "Song" (My love is fairer than the tasseled corn)
  • "Song" (The new-born leaves unfolding fast)
  • "Song" (Sweet is the birth of love, and the awaking)
  • "Song" (Tho' veiled in spires of myrtle-wreath)
  • "Song" (Here's a health to thee, Mary)
  • Song (Love is like a wind that passes)
  • Song (I like to see the pebbles creep)


  • "A Song" (Tell me not of joys departed)
  • "A Song" (Life is but a troubled ocean)
  • "Song" (Go and catch a falling star)
  • "Song" (My heart to thy heart)
  • "Song" (My soul, lost in the music's mist)
  • "Song" (Wintah, summah, snow er shine)
  • "Song" (At true Luve's bidding, wilt thou gae)
  • "Song" (O here's to the year that's awa')
  • "Song" (Ye're no sae vera kind, my lad)


  • "Song" (Sweet be their rest! no ghastly things)
  • "Song" (There's many a magic spell)
  • "Song" ('Tis strange, this heart within my breast)
  • "Song" (Would we attain the happiest state)
  • "Song" (What can it mean?—that glance so tender)


  • "Song" (In April earth is white and rose)
  • "Song" (Lark, in the glow of eve)
  • "Song" (A little longer still in summer suns)
  • "Song" (I awoke in the morning not knowing)
  • "Song" (I love her gentle forehead)
  • "Song" (If, lest thy heart betray thee)
  • "Song" (Love, Love, my love)
  • "Song" (Maria Mia)
  • "Song" (My love grew)
  • "Song" (Not from the whole wide world)
  • "Song" (O purer far than ever I!)
  • "Song" (O whither has she fled from out the dawning and the day?)
  • "Song" (The birds were singing)
  • "Song" (Years have flown)


  • "Song" (Why should we with fancied cares), as Felicia Dorothea Browne (1808)
  • "Song" (Say, does calm Contentment dwell), as Felicia Dorothea Browne (1808)
  • "Song" (Oh! bear me to the groves of palm), as Felicia Dorothea Browne (1812)
  • "Song" (Success to the heroes of gallant Castile), as Felicia Dorothea Browne (1812)
  • "Poem V.–Song" (On our cottage roof lies snow)
  • "Song X" (Calm have grown now our hearts)
  • "Song XX" (You ask how I would like to die?)
  • "Song" (O crimson rose, O crimson rose)
  • "Song" (There are shadows in the sunshine)
  • "Song" (My merry maid in the maple shade)


  • Song (Where is thy home in thy promised land)
  • Song (When you mournfully rivet your tear-laden eyes)
  • Song (The moment must come, when the hands that unite)
  • Song (Pass thy hand through my hair, love)
  • Song (Never, oh never more! shall I behold)
  • Song (I sing the yellow leaf)
  • "Song" (O clouds, ye boisterous flock of birds)


  • "Song" (She's somewhere in the sunlight strong)
  • "Song" (Nothing but sweet music wakes)
  • "Song" (The winds are scented with woods after rain)
  • "Song" (There's a smile on thy lips, Mary)
  • "Song" (I remember, I remember, though it seems to me a dream)
  • "Song" (Come back! cried Cupid; 'tis not too late)
  • "Song" (Bring me roses, red roses, to fling o'er my wine)
  • "Song" (Ah! Wisdom may speak from his bright open page)


  • "Song" (Oh, come to me, come to me, bringing)
  • "Song" ("O cherry-tree, let slip your petals bright")
  • "Song" ("Your kiss, beloved, was to me")
  • "Song" ("He courted me in parlour, and he courted me in ha'")
  • "Song" ("How I envy the ring that encircles thy finger!")
  • "Song" ("If to thy heart I were as near")
  • "Song" ("I look on thee once more")
  • "Song" ("O licht, licht was maid Ellen's fit")


  • "Song" (Where is the beamy smile, love)
  • "Song" (Faintly from yonder mountain dim)
  • "Song"
  • "Song" (Now the Spring is waking)


  • "Song" (She goes all so softly)


  • "Song" ("'Tis true our life is but a long disease,")
  • "Song" (I saw thee on thy bridal day)


  • "Song" (Oh roses for the flush of youth)
  • "Song" (She sat and sang alway)
  • "Song" (Two doves upon the selfsame branch)
  • "Song" (When I am dead, my dearest)
  • "Song" (Oh what comes over the sea)


  • "Song" (Rarely, rarely, comest thou)
  • "Song" (I bring my weariness to thee)
  • "Song" (On the Eastern Way at the city of Lo-yang)
  • "Song" (My hands embraced the violin)
  • "Song" (Light foot and tight foot)
  • "Song" (Why so pale and wan, fond lover?)
  • "Song" (Thy feelings must reach o'er all thy soul)


  • "Song" (Night comes creeping slowly o'er me)
  • "Song" (Airs of Summer that softly blow)
  • "Song" (We sail toward evening's lonely star)
  • "Song" (The clover blossoms kiss her feet)
  • "Song" (Sorrow, like a mighty bird)
  • "Song" (The Owl) (When cats run home and light is come)
  • "Song" (Second Song) (Thy tuwhits are lulled I wot)
  • "Song" (I' the glooming light)
  • "Song" (A spirit haunts the year's last hours)
  • "Song" (The lintwhite and the throstlecock)
  • "Song" (Every day hath its night)
  • "Song" (Who can say)
  • "Song" (A spirit haunts the year's last hours)
  • "Song" (The winds as at their hour of birth)
  • "Song" (When I bade thee adieu, thou rememb'rest the time)
  • "Song" (Rose! thou art the fairest flower)
  • "Song" (Oh, lady! sing that song again)
  • "Song" (Oh! tell me, beloved one, dost thou think of me)
  • "Song" (By every stream, by every way)


  • "Song" (When fields were green and skies were clear)
  • "Song" (Lordly gallants! tell me this)
  • "Song" (Shall I, wasting in despair)
  • "Song" (She dwelt among th' untrodden ways)

See also
