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Index:The World's Famous Orations Volume 1.djvu

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Title The World's Famous Orations, Volume 1: Greece
Editor William Jennings Bryan
Year 1906
Publisher Funk and Wagnall
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded

Vol. I—Greece (432 B.C.—324 B.C.)
Preface v
Introduction x
AchillesHis Reply to the Envoys (Legendary) 3
Pericles—I In Favor of the Peloponnesian War (432 B.C.) 9
     II On Those Who Died in the War (430 B.C.) 16
    III In Defense of Himself (430 B.C.) 27
CleonOn the Punishment of the Mytileneans (427 B.C.) 34
Alcibiades—I In Support of the Athenian Expedition to Sicily (414 B.C.) 41
  II To the Spartans (413 B.C.) 47
NiciasAgainst the Sicilian Expedition (414 B.C.) 49
HermocratesOn the Union of Sicily Against Invaders (416 B.C.) 55
LysiasAgainst Eratosthenes (403 B.C.) 61
Socrates—I In His Own Defense (399 B.C.) 65
   II On Being Declared Guilty (399 B.C.) 77
  III On Being Condemned to Death (399 B.C.) 82
IsocratesOn the Union of Greece to Resist Persia (380 B.C.) 89
IsaeusIn the Suit Against Dicæogenes and Leochares 101
Demosthenes—I The Second Oration Against Philip (344 B.C.) 110
    II On the State of the Chersonesus (342 B.C.) 120
   III On the Crown (330 B.C.) 143
AeschinesAgainst Ctesiphon; or, On the Crown (330 B.C.) 186
DinarchusAgainst Demosthenes (324 B.C.) 233

Volume I
William Jennings Bryan Frontispiece
The Acropolis at Athens x
Achilles 4
Pericles 20
Alcibiades 44
Nicias 52
Lysias 62
Socrates 68
Isocrates 96
Demosthenes 110
Æschines 186