- Shakers
- Shaw, Albert
- Shaw, Byam
- Shaw, George Bernard
- Shaw, Henry Wheeler
- Shaw, Lemuel
- Shaw, Leslie Mortimer
- Shaw, Robert Gould
- Shaw, William Napier
- Shea, John Dawson Gilmary
- Shepard, Charles Upham
- Shepard, Edward Morse
- Shiites
- Ship, Armored
- Shipton, Mother
- Ship-worm
- Shirlaw, Walter
- Shirley
- Shirley, Anthony
- Shirley, James
- Shirley, Selina Hastings
- Shirley, Walter
- Shirley, William
- Shorey, Paul
- Shovell, Clowdisley
- Showbread
- Shrapnel
- Shrapnel, Henry
- Shreve, Henry Miller
- Shreve, Samuel Henry
- Shreveport
- Siebengebirge
- Siebold, Karl Theodor Ernst von
- Siebold, Philipp Franz von
- Siedlce (government)
- Siedlce (capital)
- Siegburg
- Siegen
- Siegen, Ludwig von
- Sieglind
- Siemens, Ernst Werner von
- Siemens, William
- Siemering, Rudolf
- Siemiradzki, Henryk
- Sierra Morena
- Sierra Nevada (Spain)
- Sierra Nevada (California)
- Sievers, Eduard
- Sievers, Jakob Johann
- Sievers, Wilhelm
- Sigel, Franz
- Sigismund
- Simrock, Karl Joseph
- Sincere Brethren
- Sinjirli
- Sinking Fund
- Sinnett, Alfred Percy
- Sinope
- Sintram and His Companions
- Sinub
- Sinus
- Sion
- Siouan Stock
- Sioux City
- Sioux Falls
- Sistine Madonna
- Sistova
- Śiśupāla
- Sisyphus
- Sītā
- Sitatunga
- Sitka (tribe)
- Sitka (Alaska)
- Skunk
- Slade, Felix
- Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton
- Slags
- Slander
- Slander of Title
- Slang
- Slate
- Slater, John Fox
- Slater, Samuel
- Slavery
- Slidell, John
- Slide rule
- Sligo (county)
- Sligo (capital)
- Slimehead
- Sloane, William Milligan
- Sloat, John Drake
- Slocum, Henry Warner
- Sloe
- Slonim
- Smalley, George Washburn
- Smetana, Friedrich
- Smethwick
- Smew
- Smichow
- Smike
- Smilaceæ
- Smilax
- Smiles, Samuel
- Smith, Edgar Fahs
- Smith, Joseph
- Socialism
- Socrates
- Sophocles
- Sophron of Syracuse
- South Bend
- South Bethlehem
- Southbridge
- South Carolina
- South Carolina College
- South Carolina . . . Exposition
- Southcott, Joanna
- South Dakota
- South Dakota, University of
- Southdown
- South Downs
- Southend-on-Sea
- Southern Cross
- Southern Cross, Order of the
- Southerne, Thomas
- Sow-bug
- Sower, Christopher
- Spartanburg
- Sparteine
- Spartium
- Spasm
- Spavin, Bog
- Spavin, Bone
- Spawn-eater
- Speaker
- Speaking Trumpet
- Spearfish
- Spearmint
- Spears, John Randolph
- Special Assessment
- Special Proceeding
- Special Sessions
- Specialty
- Special Verdict
- Specie Payments, . . .
- Species
- Specification
- Spiegel, Friedrich von
- Spielhagen, Friedrich
- Spinet
- Spinnaker
- Spinner, Francis Elias
- Spinning
- Spinoza, Baruch
- Spiræa
- Spitta, Karl Johann Philipp
- Spitzbergen
- Spitzka, Edward Charles
- Spitzweg, Karl
- Splint (surgery)
- Splint (horse)
- Splügen
- Spodumene
- Spofford, Ainsworth Rand
- Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott)
- Spohr, Louis
- Spoils System
- Spokan
- Sprague, Charles
- Sprague, William
- Spring, Samuel
- Spring Balance
- Springbok
- Spring Eel
- Springer, Alfred
- Springer, Anton
- Springer, William McKendree
- Springfield (Illinois)
- Springfield (Massachusetts)
- Stagnelius, Erik Johan
- Stahl, Ernst
- Stahl, Friedrich Julius
- Stahl, Georg Ernest
- Stahr, Adolf
- Stalwarts
- Star Route Frauds
- State, Department of
- Staten Island
- State Public School
- States, Popular Names of
- State's Evidence
- Steamer Duck
- Steam Hammer
- Steam Heating
- Steam Navigation
- Steam Pump
- Steamship
- Stein, Charlotte von
- Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl, Baron vom
- Stein, Lorenz von
- Stein, Mark Aurel
- Steinamanger
- Steinbock
- Steiner, Jakob
- Steinheil, Karl August
- Stohmann, Friedrich Karl Adolf
- Stone, Harlan Fiske[1916]
- Stone, John Timothy[1916]
- Stone, Lucy[1916]
- Stone, William Leete
- Storey, Moorfield
- Storm
- Storm, Gustav
- Straus, Oscar Solomon
- Strauss, David Friedrich
- Strauss, Johann, the Elder
- Strauss, Johann, the Younger
- Strauss, Richard
- Street, Alfred Billings
- Street, George Edmund
- Street Railway
- St. Rwy. Emps., Amalg. Assoc. of
- Streitberg, Wilhelm
- Strelitz
- Streltsi
- Stremayr, Karl von
- Strict Constructionists
- Strodtmann, Adolf
- Struensee, Johann Friedrich von
- Strümpell, Ludwig
- Sturdza, Alexander
- Sturdza, Demeter
- Sture
- Sturgeon
- Sturm, Jacques Charles François
- Sturm, Johannes
- Sturm, Julius
- Sudermann, Hermann
- Suffolk, Earls and Dukes of
- Suffragan
- Suffrage
- Suffren de Saint-Tropez, Pierre André de
- Sumner, Charles
- Sunday
- Sunday-Schools
- Sunken Bell, The
- Sunn
- Sunna
- Sunnites
- Sun Yat-sen[1916]
- Supreme Court
- Supreme Court of the United States, The
- Surabaya (residency)
- Surabaya (city)
- Surakarta (residency)
- Surakarta (city)
- Surat
- Surbiton
- Surds
- Suresnes
- Surette, Thomas Whitney
- Svendsen, Johan
- Sverdrup, Johan
- Sverdrup, Otto
- Swabia
- Swadlincote
- Swahili
- Swain, Charles
- Swain, George Fillmore
- Swain, Joseph
- Swainson, William
- Swallow
- Swallowtail
- Swallowthorn
- Swammerdam, Jan
- Swamp
- Swamp Deer
- Swamp Hare
- Swampscott
- Swamp Warbler
- Swan
- Swan, Knight of the
- Swan, Order of the
- Swan, John Macallan
- Swan, Joseph Wilson
- Sweating System
- Sweden
- Swedenborg, Emanuel
- Swedenborgians
- Swedish Language and Literature
- Swiss Family Robinson
- Sybel, Heinrich von
- Synagogue
- Synagogue, The Great
- Taborites
- Tackleton, Mr.
- Tacloban
- Tacna (province)
- Tacna (capital)
- Tacoma
- Tacoma, Mount
- Taft, Lorado
- Taft, William Howard